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[Software Engineeringsurakarta

Description: 中国机器博弈项目苏拉卡尔塔 代码和博弈分析 欢迎有兴趣的朋友下载-China machine game program code and game analysis Surakarta interested friends are welcome to download
Platform: | Size: 4639744 | Author: maomao | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesSurakarta-read

Description: 棋盘棋子 1)横竖各6条边构成正方形棋盘,36个交叉点为棋位,各边由8段圆 弧连接,通常用2种不同颜色表示。 2)红黑双方各12枚棋子。 初始状态 棋子各方底线排成2排。 玩法 1)双方轮流走棋,每次走动一枚棋子; 2)除了吃子之外,每枚棋子只能沿着垂直或对角方向走动一格,只 能走向空位; 3)吃对方子时必须经过至少一个完整的弧线。 胜负 吃掉所有对方棋子一方获胜。 - A city of Indonesia in western Java southeast of Jakarta. Founded by the Dutch in1810, it is an industrial and cultural center and a resort known for its cool, healthful climate. Population,1, 462, 637.
Platform: | Size: 17390592 | Author: Trista | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesSurakarta

Description: 苏拉卡尔塔棋的源码,可实现人机对战,和搜索树的层次选择-Surakarta chess source code, enabling crew war, and the level of the search tree selection
Platform: | Size: 2099200 | Author: 朱俊生 | Hits:


Description: surakarta的深度搜索算法 ,可以实现人工智能。-surakarta sdfsdfefdasdf
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 冯健 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamessurakarta

Description: 这是一个苏拉卡尔塔的程序 包括界面设计和后台代码-This is a program of Surakarta, including interface design and code-behind
Platform: | Size: 9889792 | Author: 王丽丽 | Hits:


Description: 使用了alpha-beta搜索,实现了简单的人机博弈。由于估值函数比较简单,目前棋力不是很强。-Use the alpha-beta search to achieve a simple man-machine game. Since the valuation function is relatively simple, there is not very strong chess.
Platform: | Size: 303104 | Author: 曲华 | Hits:

[Game ProgramAlpha-Beta-Pruning-on-Surakarta-Game

Description: Alpha Beta Pruning on Surakarta Game
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: Prabu | Hits:

[Game ProgramSurakarta

Description: A Java program for Surakarta Game.
Platform: | Size: 905216 | Author: Prabu | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamessurakarta

Description: 苏拉卡尔塔棋游戏;界面 算法 实用于博弈大赛参考-surakarta game view ...
Platform: | Size: 5867520 | Author: li | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSurakarta

Description: 苏拉卡塔尔棋游戏 人机对战 人人对战 图形界面-Surakarta game
Platform: | Size: 4342784 | Author: Diangui Gao | Hits:

[Windows Developsurakarta-cpp-alphazero

Description: 计算机博弈程序,可实现人机对战,供初学者参考(Computer game program, can achieve man-machine combat, for beginners reference)
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: xiaoyu1212 | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net