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[OS programWindowsNetAndConmunicationDesign

Description: 讲述Windows网络程序设计的入门教程,展示了各种Windows I/O的方法,详细说明了高性能可伸缩性服务器的开发过程,并给出详细的实现代码。将编程方法、网络协议和应用实例有机组合起来,详细介绍了Internet广播和IP多播、原始套接字、SPI、LAN和WAN上的扫描和侦测技术、网络数据的窃取和保护、ARP欺骗、IP欺骗等。详细演示了协议驱动的开发过程,介绍了NDIS编程接口。在编程实践中学习P2P程序设计、讨论了穿透防火墙、NAT等直接建立UDP和TCP连接的各种方案。包含了Windows个人防火墙的完整实例代码,防火墙采用应用层(SPI)核心层(IMD驱动)双重过滤机制,能够有效地抵挡网络入侵和攻击。提供了大量的完整的实例,许多例子稍做修改即可应用到实际项目中。-on Windows network programming tutorial for beginners, Windows display a variety of I / O methods, a detailed description of high-performance, scalable server development process, and gives detailed codes. Will be programming, network protocol and application examples of organic composition, Details on the Internet radio and IP Multicasting, the original socket, SPI, LAN and WAN on the scanning and detection technology, network and data theft protection, to deceive the ARP, IP deception. Details of the agreement demo-driven development process, NDIS Programming Interface. Programming in practice learning P2P program design, discussed the penetration of firewalls, NAT establish direct UDP and TCP connections to the various programs. Windows includes a complete personal firewall code example
Platform: | Size: 486513 | Author: 王勇 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4videocommunicationbyRF

Description: 采用VC编写的视频通信程序,可供准备编写视频传输的工程师参考,主要采用了DirectShow技术和TCP,Socket等实现代码。-VC prepared using video communications procedures for the preparation of video transmission engineers reference, mainly uses the DirectShow technology and TCP, Socket such codes.
Platform: | Size: 251503 | Author: 任芳 | Hits:


Description: windows平台下的libnids,最新版本libnids 1.19 for win32,内有VC++工程.可以根据需要修改源码,也可以利用库文件方便地重组TCP等,进行协议还原,构造自己的网络入侵检测系统.-windows platform under the libnids. libnids latest version 1.19 for win32, VC works there. may need to modify the source codes, it can also be used to facilitate the reorganization of documents such as TCP, conduct an agreement reduction, construction of network intrusion detection system.
Platform: | Size: 289638 | Author: yubai | Hits:


Description: 用 TCP/IP协议里的套接字(Socket)编程接口来实现一个聊天室.-using TCP/IP protocol's socket (Socket) programming interfaces to achieve a chat room.
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: hj | Hits:

[Sniffer Package captureWindowsNetAndConmunicationDesign

Description: 讲述Windows网络程序设计的入门教程,展示了各种Windows I/O的方法,详细说明了高性能可伸缩性服务器的开发过程,并给出详细的实现代码。将编程方法、网络协议和应用实例有机组合起来,详细介绍了Internet广播和IP多播、原始套接字、SPI、LAN和WAN上的扫描和侦测技术、网络数据的窃取和保护、ARP欺骗、IP欺骗等。详细演示了协议驱动的开发过程,介绍了NDIS编程接口。在编程实践中学习P2P程序设计、讨论了穿透防火墙、NAT等直接建立UDP和TCP连接的各种方案。包含了Windows个人防火墙的完整实例代码,防火墙采用应用层(SPI)核心层(IMD驱动)双重过滤机制,能够有效地抵挡网络入侵和攻击。提供了大量的完整的实例,许多例子稍做修改即可应用到实际项目中。-on Windows network programming tutorial for beginners, Windows display a variety of I/O methods, a detailed description of high-performance, scalable server development process, and gives detailed codes. Will be programming, network protocol and application examples of organic composition, Details on the Internet radio and IP Multicasting, the original socket, SPI, LAN and WAN on the scanning and detection technology, network and data theft protection, to deceive the ARP, IP deception. Details of the agreement demo-driven development process, NDIS Programming Interface. Programming in practice learning P2P program design, discussed the penetration of firewalls, NAT establish direct UDP and TCP connections to the various programs. Windows includes a complete personal firewall code example
Platform: | Size: 2154496 | Author: 王勇 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4videocommunicationbyRF

Description: 采用VC编写的视频通信程序,可供准备编写视频传输的工程师参考,主要采用了DirectShow技术和TCP,Socket等实现代码。-VC prepared using video communications procedures for the preparation of video transmission engineers reference, mainly uses the DirectShow technology and TCP, Socket such codes.
Platform: | Size: 250880 | Author: QHLee | Hits:


Description: windows平台下的libnids,最新版本libnids 1.19 for win32,内有VC++工程.可以根据需要修改源码,也可以利用库文件方便地重组TCP等,进行协议还原,构造自己的网络入侵检测系统.-windows platform under the libnids. libnids latest version 1.19 for win32, VC works there. may need to modify the source codes, it can also be used to facilitate the reorganization of documents such as TCP, conduct an agreement reduction, construction of network intrusion detection system.
Platform: | Size: 289792 | Author: yubai | Hits:

[TCP/IP stacknet_socket_example

Description: TCP和UDP两种方式的网络通信示例程序,适合初学者。分别包含服务器和客户端两个代码。-the TCP and UDP socket example codes, including the server.c and client.c respectively, which are adaptable for beginners
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 钟伟 | Hits:


Description: linux网络程序设计的例子源代码,有关进程,管道,CS结构,UDP,TCP,原始套接字-unix linux network programming codes
Platform: | Size: 744448 | Author: 李云 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackcodes

Description: SEEDVPM642上实现了TCP/IP的实例-SEEDVPM642 on implementation of the TCP/IP examples
Platform: | Size: 1936384 | Author: itcj | Hits:


Description: 用简短的代码演示了socket底层编码基本原理 明了,清晰,充分-present the bottom process of socket with few codes
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 刘钦 | Hits:


Description: Microchip s TCP/IP Stack Version 5.20. Includes source codes and demos for different hardwares
Platform: | Size: 3421184 | Author: Ben | Hits:


Description: NS (Version 2) is an open source network simulation tool. It is an object oriented, discrete event driven simulator written in C++ and Otcl. The primary use of NS is in network researches to simulate various types of wired/wireless local and wide area networks to implement network protocols such as TCP and UPD, traffic source behavior such as FTP, Telnet, Web, CBR and VBR, router queue management mechanism such as Drop Tail, RED and CBQ, routing algorithms such as Dijkstra, and many more. -NS (Version 2) is an open source network simulation tool. It is an object oriented, discrete event driven simulator written in C++ and Otcl. The primary use of NS is in network researches to simulate various types of wired/wireless local and wide area networks to implement network protocols such as TCP and UPD, traffic source behavior such as FTP, Telnet, Web, CBR and VBR, router queue management mechanism such as Drop Tail, RED and CBQ, routing algorithms such as Dijkstra, and many more.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: mahadev gawas | Hits:


Description: 熟悉TCP/IP协议的要点和编程的具体步骤。-try my best to write new codes!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 袁军 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stacktcp-in-manet

Description: Tcp In Manet Simulation codes In NS2-Tcp In Manet Simulation codes In NS2
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: nima | Hits:


Description: 工业机械臂末端TCP标定代码 含有位置和姿态的标定 matlab版本 方便易用 精度较高-Facilitate industrial arm end TCP calibration codes including the position and orientation of the calibration matlab version of high precision and easy to use
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: gh | Hits:


Description: 用java实现的基于tcp的文件传输程序,是计网课用到的,欢迎下载~-tcp file transmission codes
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 李媛儿 | Hits:


Description: ESP8266任务.改文件为源码,请结合Eclipse使用。不能在NOODLE上用。(The file is include codes,and it belongs the project of task,please use it with eclipse.)
Platform: | Size: 2723840 | Author: piao-bht | Hits:


Description: TCP/IP source codes Network
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zino15 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackTPC_IP_ch3

Description: TCP/IP source codes Network server
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zino15 | Hits:
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