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[Compress-Decompress algrithmsTColor到RGB色的渐变.rar

Platform: | Size: 178677 | Author: | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsTColor到RGB色的渐变

Description: TColor到RGB色的渐变-TColor RGB color to the gradual change
Platform: | Size: 178944 | Author: 刘林科 | Hits:

[Other resourceRaster_vb

Description: For i = 0 To PicMain.Height MaskLine = False 初始化MaskLine变量 For j = 0 To PicMain.Width CurrentColor = GetPixel(PicMain.hdc, j, i) 取得当前所在点的颜色值 If j < PicMain.Width Then TwoColor = GetPixel(PicMain.hdc, j + 1, i) 取得当前所在点前面一点的值, 用途是当是一条很宽的线条把图象围起来时不会误判 End If If CurrentColor = RGB(A, B, C) And TwoColor <> CurrentColor Then 当遇到一条线条时 MaskLine = True MaskLine变量赋值为True LineCounts = 0 LineCounts作用是计算剩余线条的数量 For k = j + 1 To PicMain.Width 开始向后循环, 计算线条的数量 OtherColor = GetPixel(PicMain.hdc, k, i) 取得颜色值 If k < PicMain.Width Then OtherTwoColor = GetPixel(PicMain.hdc, k + 1, i) 取得前面一点的值, 用途是当是一条很宽的线条把图象围起来时不会误判-For i = 0 To PicMain.Height MaskLine = False For variable initialization MaskLine j = 0 To PicMain.Width NR98117 tColor = GetPixel (PicMain.hdc, j, i) made the current locations of the color value If j
Platform: | Size: 3204 | Author: z | Hits:

[Button control模拟QQ小键盘的一款Delphi控件源码

Description: 内容索引:Delphi源码,控件组件,小键盘   模拟QQ小键盘的一款Delphi控件源码,控件关键字:低级键盘钩子、按键状态 正常 鼠标进入 鼠标点击、数字数组、字母数组、所有按键的区域结构、忽略键盘的Shift消息、如果此值为真,则取Shift状态的时候按照下面的字段拳…   FAutoFitSize: Boolean; //是否自动调整大小    FAtOnceRePaint: Boolean; //字段改变后是否立即刷新    FUsePicture: Boolean; //使用图片做为按键背景吗    FShiftFont: TFont; //一个按键有可能代表2种字符    //如果FUsePicture为真,则以下字段将被忽略    FKeyRounded: Boolean; //是否使按键圆角化    FRoundSize: Integer; //圆角大小    FBorderWidth: Integer; //边框大小    FBorderColor: TColor; //边框颜色    FBackgroundColor: TColor; //背景颜色    FNormalKeyColor: TColor; //按键平常背景颜色    FMoveKeyColor: TColor; //鼠标移动到按键上的时候的背景颜色    FClickKeyColor: TColor; //鼠标点击的时候按键的背景颜色
Platform: | Size: 67027 | Author: 309789548@qq.com | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsTColor到RGB色的渐变

Description: TColor到RGB色的渐变-TColor RGB color to the gradual change
Platform: | Size: 178176 | Author: 刘林科 | Hits:

[Graph DrawingRaster_vb

Description: For i = 0 To PicMain.Height MaskLine = False 初始化MaskLine变量 For j = 0 To PicMain.Width CurrentColor = GetPixel(PicMain.hdc, j, i) 取得当前所在点的颜色值 If j < PicMain.Width Then TwoColor = GetPixel(PicMain.hdc, j + 1, i) 取得当前所在点前面一点的值, 用途是当是一条很宽的线条把图象围起来时不会误判 End If If CurrentColor = RGB(A, B, C) And TwoColor <> CurrentColor Then 当遇到一条线条时 MaskLine = True MaskLine变量赋值为True LineCounts = 0 LineCounts作用是计算剩余线条的数量 For k = j + 1 To PicMain.Width 开始向后循环, 计算线条的数量 OtherColor = GetPixel(PicMain.hdc, k, i) 取得颜色值 If k < PicMain.Width Then OtherTwoColor = GetPixel(PicMain.hdc, k + 1, i) 取得前面一点的值, 用途是当是一条很宽的线条把图象围起来时不会误判-For i = 0 To PicMain.Height MaskLine = False For variable initialization MaskLine j = 0 To PicMain.Width NR98117 tColor = GetPixel (PicMain.hdc, j, i) made the current locations of the color value If j
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: z | Hits:

[Delphi VCLliuding235DFPropInsp

Description: 主要增加/修改 以下功能 1、TColor属性添加颜色显示 2、增加几个事件,可以实现属性值(枚举、集合等)多语言化 3、属性定位功能,如现在修改Name属性,当切换到另一个对象实例时,会将Name属性处在编辑状态(如果有Name属性)-The main increase/modify the following features 1, TColor color add 2 attributes to increase the number of incidents, property values can be achieved (enumeration, collection, etc.) of more than 3 languages, attribute positioning function, such as the Name attribute is modified, when switching to another When an object instance, the Name property in the edit state (if any Name attribute)
Platform: | Size: 842752 | Author: 老夫子 | Hits:

[Graph programDelphi6_bcds_txtx

Description: TCOLOR值与RGB值的互相转换 获取任意一点颜色值 将JPEG格式文件转化为WINDOWS墙纸 将图像从BMP格式转换为JPG格式 实现图像的淡入淡出 实现图像的翻转-TCOLOR value and RGB value of each converted to obtain the color value at any point into a JPEG format file WINDOWS wallpaper images from BMP format to JPG format images fade to achieve implementation of the rollover image
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: fengchefei | Hits:


Description: int N TColor curcolor POINT Points[40] float berstein(int n,int k,float t) { float c int j if((k==0)||(k==n)) c=1 else { c=1 for(j=1,j<k j++) c=(c*(n+1-j))/j } if(((t==0)&&(k==0)))||(((t==1)&&(k==n))) return c else { for(j=1 j<=k j++) c=c*t for(j=1 j<n-k j++) c=c*(1-t) return c } }
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: lu | Hits:

[Delphi VCLTColor-To-RGB

Description: Get TColor from RGB asigning the green red blue value
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: juanter | Hits:


Description: 超爽的图象处理单元... ... ... Function ConvertColor(Value: Integer): TColor Function Set255(Clr: integer): integer Procedure CopyMe(tobmp: TBitmap frbmp: TGraphic) Procedure MaskOval(src: TBitmap acolor: TColor) -Super cool image processing unit .................. Function ConvertColor (Value: Integer): TColor Function Set255 (Clr: integer): integer Procedure CopyMe (tobmp: TBitmap frbmp: TGraphic) Procedure MaskOval (src: TBitmap acolor: TColor) ....
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: liu | Hits:

[Delphi VCLTColor

Description: Delphi写的TColor与RGB颜色转换,源码-TColor RGB Convert
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 林冲 | Hits:

[Graph programTColor

Description: 颜色吸管,可以拾取你所取得颜色的十六位值-Straw color, you can pick the color you get sixteen values
Platform: | Size: 215040 | Author: 吕新桥 | Hits:

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