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Update : 2009-02-18 Size : 75.9kb Publisher : heitai

这是TI DSP开发软件CCS开发工具中特有的内部操作系统的使用说明,这是使用CCS的关键-This is the TI DSP software development tools CCS unique internal system usage, This is the key to the use of CCS
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.29mb Publisher : 白冰

在TI公司TMS320F28XX系列DSP上应用BIOS的编程例子,实现多任务的处理,以及任务之间消息的传送-in TI DSP TMS320F28XX series BIOS application programming examples, multi-task processing, and the task of the transmission of information between
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 119kb Publisher : 杨光

This application note describes a method for developing block-oriented I/O device drivers for applications that use the DSP/BIOS real-time kernel and includes examples that run with Code Composer Studio v2.1 on the Texas Instruments TMS320C5402 and TMS320C6711 DSP Starter Kits (DSKs). The device driver model presented here has now been superceded with an updated version that supports not only block oriented devices, but also devices such as UARTs, PCI and USB buses and Multimedia cards. Documentation on the updated driver model as well as example drivers and source code can be found in the Device Driver Developer s Kit product now available for download from the TI Developer s Village.-This application note describes a method f or developing block-oriented I/O device drive rs for applications that use the DSP/BIOS real- time kernel and includes examples that run with Code Composer Studio v2.1 on the Texas Instrume nts TMS320C5402 and TMS320C6711 DSP Starter Ki ts (DSKs). The device driver model he presented 're has now been superceded with an updated version of on that supports not only block oriented device 's, but also devices such as UARTs, PCI and USB buses and Multimedia cards. Documen CVIM driver on the updated model as well as exa mple drivers and source code can be found in the D. evice Driver Developer's Kit product now availa ble for download from the TI Developer's Village .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 396kb Publisher : 陈军辉

支持类型TI DSP TMS320DM642,测试dsp bios中的时钟函数 -types of support TI DSP TMS320DM642, testing dsp bios of the clock function
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 113kb Publisher : lw

ti dsp dm642下PCI源代码,DSP/BIOS操作-ti dsp dm642 PCI source code, DSP/BIOS operating
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 102kb Publisher : feng

TI DM642 驱动CCD的视频解码与显示编码源代码(D1分辨率),非DSP/BIOS方法,让开发人员能更了解底层CCD视频解码与显示编码驱动基本原理.具体芯片与环境配置请参考驱动文件说明,本程序本人已测试过.-TI DM642-driven CCD video decoding and encoding source code shows (D1 resolution). Non-DSP/BIOS, allows developers will have a better understanding of the bottom CCD video decoding and encoding- driven shows the basic tenets. Chip specific configuration and the environment Drivers reference document shows that the procedures I have tested.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 42kb Publisher : John NI

实时多任务系统的调试有很多困难,TI公司提供的DSP/BIOS-Ⅱ是运行于高性能DSP上的一款嵌入式实时操作系统. 这是基于6000系列的音频处理BIOS说明文档-multi-task real-time system debugging many difficulties, TI offered DSP/BIOS- II is running on high-performance DSP paragraph RTOS . This is based on the 6000 series of audio processing BIOS documentation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 114kb Publisher : dasfadsi

TI公司提供的DSP/BIOS是运行于高性能DSP上的一款嵌入式实时操作系统。本文档介绍了如何在TMS320F2812系列dsp上应用DSP/BIOS 。属于基础性的文档,要开发dsp/bios必须学习它。-provided by TI DSP/BIOS is running on high-performance DSP paragraph embedded real-time operating system. This document describes how the series dsp on TMS320F2812 DSP/BIOS. Is based on the document, to develop dsp/bios must learn it.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.67mb Publisher : dasfadsi

基于TI DSP/BIOS的usb网卡的实现,源代码内部包含了usb chap9以及rndis相关协议的代码。-Based on TI DSP/BIOS realize the usb network card, the source code contains internal usb chap9 as well as the relevant agreement rndis code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25kb Publisher : woodburn

TI DSP/BIOS Reference Guide TI DSP/BIOS 资料汇总 一直在学习这个。 希望大家能用上。-DSP/BIOS User’s Guide DSP/BIOS Technical Overview ....
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.41mb Publisher : yanglei

如何开始学习DSP BIOS?TI给了你详细的资料,英文版。-How to start learning DSP BIOS? TI gives you detailed information and English.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 216kb Publisher : jslallen

TI DSP BIOS One day Workshop PT File and Source
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.79mb Publisher :

DSP/BIOS II One-Day Workshop,就是TI推出的关于DSP/BIOS一整天的培训课程。这是其上课的幻灯和相应的例程材料。内部培训才搞到的,贡献给大家来共同学习DSP/BIOS.-DSP/BIOS II One-Day Workshop, was released on TI DSP/BIOS a full day of training courses. This is the class of the slide and the corresponding routine material. Only got internal training, and contribute to the common people to learn DSP/BIOS.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : 田野

DSP/BIOS II One-Day Workshop,就是TI推出的关于DSP/BIOS一整天的培训课程。这是其上课的幻灯和相应的例程材料。内部培训才搞到的,贡献给大家来共同学习DSP/BIOS. 这是附带例子的源程序代码.-DSP/BIOS II One-Day Workshop, was released on TI DSP/BIOS a full day of training courses. This is the class of the slide and the corresponding routine material. Only got house training, and contribute to the common people to learn DSP/BIOS. This is the case with the source code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.27mb Publisher : 田野

Ti DSP/BIos编程,多线程调用代码,包括flashburn工程,基于C64-Ti DSP/BIos programming, multithreading calling code, including flashburn project, based on C6455
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 356kb Publisher : fantblue

DL : 0
CCS的开发系统主要由以下组件构成: ① TMS320C54x集成代码产生工具; ② CCS集成开发环境; ③DSP/BIOS实时内核插件及其应用程序接口API; ④ 实时数据交换的RTDX插件以及相应的程序接口API; ⑤ 由TI公司以外的第三方提供的各种应用模块插件。 -df saha sd fh da fjh adfj had fjafjafj
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 307kb Publisher : laixingjun

TI DSP/bios配置脚本语言标准,具有很好的使用价值!-TI DSP/bios configuration script language standards, with good use of value!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 57kb Publisher : 汪红

TI的实时操作系统DSP BIOS介绍,基于dsp的系统开发过程,闪存及其在DSP仿真环境下的编程。-TI DSP BIOS real-time operating system introduced dsp-based system development process, flash memory and its programming DSP simulation environment.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.26mb Publisher : 解德鹏

TI DSP Bios使用手册和驱动帮助,实现DSP BIOS配置的规范文本-TI dsp Bios user manual and driver development
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.13mb Publisher : 梁辉枫
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