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[Other resourceTIDM642forVideo

Description: TI DM642 驱动CCD的视频解码与显示编码源代码(D1分辨率),非DSP/BIOS方法,让开发人员能更了解底层CCD视频解码与显示编码驱动基本原理.具体芯片与环境配置请参考驱动文件说明,本程序本人已测试过.-TI DM642-driven CCD video decoding and encoding source code shows (D1 resolution). Non-DSP / BIOS, allows developers will have a better understanding of the bottom CCD video decoding and encoding - driven shows the basic tenets. Chip specific configuration and the environment Drivers reference document shows that the procedures I have tested.
Platform: | Size: 43171 | Author: John NI | Hits:

[DSP programTIDM642forVideo

Description: TI DM642 驱动CCD的视频解码与显示编码源代码(D1分辨率),非DSP/BIOS方法,让开发人员能更了解底层CCD视频解码与显示编码驱动基本原理.具体芯片与环境配置请参考驱动文件说明,本程序本人已测试过.-TI DM642-driven CCD video decoding and encoding source code shows (D1 resolution). Non-DSP/BIOS, allows developers will have a better understanding of the bottom CCD video decoding and encoding- driven shows the basic tenets. Chip specific configuration and the environment Drivers reference document shows that the procedures I have tested.
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: John NI | Hits:

[DSP programSEEDVPM642_loop2

Description: 合众达开发板的视频通道源码,没有使用DSP/BIOS,可以看到详细的配置和工作流程-Tatsu united development board video channel source, do not use DSP/BIOS, can be seen in detail the configuration and workflow
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: 欧阳峰 | Hits:

[DSP programTIDM642forVideo

Description: 适用于初学者的DM642视频开发例子程序 -DM642forVideo,it is helpful to the beginners
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: mela | Hits:

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