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[Speech/Voice recognition/combineBackGround_Noise_Cancellation

Description: The two-step noise reduction (TSNR) technique removes the annoying reverberation effect while maintaining the benefits of the decision-directed approach. However, classic short-time noise reduction techniques, including TSNR, introduce harmonic distortion in the enhanced speech.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: SimonKap22 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinenoise_reduction_technique

Description: duction techniques proposed in the art are expressed as a spectral gain depending on the a priori SNR. In the well-known decision- directed approach, the a priori SNR depends on the speech spec- trum estimation in the previous frame. As a consequence the gain function matches the previous frame rather than the current one which degrades the noise reduction performance. We propose a new method called Two-Step Noise Reduction (TSNR) technique which solves this problem while maintaining the benefi ts of the decision-directed approach. This method is analyzed and results in voice communication and speech recognition context are given.-noise estimate
Platform: | Size: 194560 | Author: leon | Hits:

[Software EngineeringWienerNoiseReduction

Description: Wiener Noise Suppressor with TSNR & HRNR algorithms
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: ahmed eltrass | Hits:

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