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这是个纹理导入的例子。导入纹理的函数封装在Texture.cpp和Texture.h中,使三维图形更具真实感。-This is a texture into the case. Introduction Texture Function Packaging and the Texture.cpp Texture.h, so 3D graphics more realistic.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 778.88kb Publisher : 张安真

ROAM Simplistic Implementation By Bryan Turner January, 2000 Project file for MS Visual C++ 6.0. Requires GLUT DLL ( Adjust program constants in Landscape.h and Utility.cpp. MAPS: Default map is read from HeghtXXX.raw where XXX is the MAP_SIZE (as defined in Landscape.h). If this map is not found, the program attempts to open \"Map.ved\", a Tread Marks map file. Tread Marks maps will only work for MAP_SIZE == 1024. Also, the MULT_SCALE to view Tread Marks maps correctly is \"0.25f\". ( CONTROLS: MOUSE - Hold Left Mouse Button to Rotate View Angle Q - Change Rendering Mode (Wireframe, Lit, Fill, Texture) O - Change View Mode (Observe, Follow, Drive, Fly) W/S - Move forward/back A/D - Rotate left/right (in Observe Mode only) F - Stop Animation R - Toggle Frustum Drawing 0/9 - More/Less Triangles per frame 1/2 - Adjust FOV
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 372.25kb Publisher : lifeng

这是个纹理导入的例子。导入纹理的函数封装在Texture.cpp和Texture.h中,使三维图形更具真实感。-This is a texture into the case. Introduction Texture Function Packaging and the Texture.cpp Texture.h, so 3D graphics more realistic.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 779kb Publisher : 张安真

我常用的图象处理工具。就一个.h文件所以用起来很简明。-frequently used image-processing tools. On the one. H Therefore, the use of paper up quite succinctly.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7.58mb Publisher : 张磊

ROAM Simplistic Implementation By Bryan Turner January, 2000 Project file for MS Visual C++ 6.0. Requires GLUT DLL ( Adjust program constants in Landscape.h and Utility.cpp. MAPS: Default map is read from HeghtXXX.raw where XXX is the MAP_SIZE (as defined in Landscape.h). If this map is not found, the program attempts to open "Map.ved", a Tread Marks map file. Tread Marks maps will only work for MAP_SIZE == 1024. Also, the MULT_SCALE to view Tread Marks maps correctly is "0.25f". ( CONTROLS: MOUSE - Hold Left Mouse Button to Rotate View Angle Q - Change Rendering Mode (Wireframe, Lit, Fill, Texture) O - Change View Mode (Observe, Follow, Drive, Fly) W/S - Move forward/back A/D - Rotate left/right (in Observe Mode only) F - Stop Animation R - Toggle Frustum Drawing 0/9 - More/Less Triangles per frame 1/2 - Adjust FOV-ROAM Simplistic Implementation By Bryan Turner January, 2000 Project file for MS Visual C++ 6.0. Requires GLUT DLL ( Adjust program constants in Landscape.h and Utility.cpp. MAPS: Default map is read from HeghtXXX.raw where XXX is the MAP_SIZE (as defined in Landscape.h). If this map is not found, the program attempts to open "Map.ved", a Tread Marks map file. Tread Marks maps will only work for MAP_SIZE == 1024. Also, the MULT_SCALE to view Tread Marks maps correctly is "0.25f". ( CONTROLS: MOUSE- Hold Left Mouse Button to Rotate View Angle Q- Change Rendering Mode (Wireframe, Lit, Fill, Texture) O- Change View Mode (Observe, Follow, Drive, Fly) W/S- Move forward/back A/D- Rotate left/right (in Observe Mode only) F- Stop Animation R- Toggle Frustum Drawing 0/9- More/Less Triangles per frame 1/2- Adjust FOV
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 372kb Publisher : lifeng

local binary pattern特征是一种光照鲁棒的纹理算子,这是计算该特征的VC程序 -local binary pattern feature is a light texture robust operator, which is to calculate the characteristics of the VC program
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 439kb Publisher : bobo

一个在DirectX下开发游戏的游戏引擎,包括视角系统,输入系统,字体系统,材质系统,光效系统,纹理系统,音效系统,顶点渲染都有相应的章节,是个人初写3D游戏的一个好工具。-It s a DirectX game engine, including the perspective system, input system, font system, material system, light system efficiency, texture systems, audio systems, the corresponding vertex shader.It s a good game tool for the beginning to code an individual 3D programe.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 26kb Publisher : psychic

利用OpenGL根据.raw作为高度图文件绘制地形,按键f为GL_FILL模式,按键l为GL_LINE模式,m为纹理贴图的地形,c为自己设置颜色的地形,h和t切换不同的地形.-The use of OpenGL in accordance with. Raw height map as a document mapping the topography, key f for GL_FILL mode l for GL_LINE mode button, m for the texture mapping of the terrain, c the color settings for their own terrain, h and t switch different terrain.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7.92mb Publisher : 程代宗

D3纹理教程,附带PPT文档和几个源代码程序.VS2005可编译,代码比较易懂-D3 texture tutorials, with PPT documents, and a few source code program. VS2005 can compile the code more understandable
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.55mb Publisher : xuyongcong

为了快速精确地对一个实体进行的三维重建, 提出了一种新的混合建模方法. 该方法利用同一实体在不同视 点下的多幅深度图像, 根据它们之间颜色和纹理的相关性, 通过逆投影变换, 可将图像中象素点映射到三维空间中的正 确位置. 然后再经模型重建和重投影, 可获取实体在任意视点下的图像. 实验结果表明, 这种建模方法具有复杂度恒定、 获取图像真实感强等优点, 适用于形状、 结构复杂的物体的重建.-: In o rder to reconst ruct th ree di mensi on model of an object, a new method of hybr id modeling is p resented . Th is method use mut i p le range i mage of different viewpo int, acco rding to the co lo r and texture, the p ixel po int can be mapped to co r rect po sit i on in th ree di mensi on space by the backp ro ject t ransfo rmat i on. Then the i mage can be go t in any viewpo int by modeling reconst ruct i on and rep ro ject i on. Exper i ments has p roved that th is method can acquire h igh realist ic i mage and has stat ic comp lexit i on. It can be used to reconst ruct some objects w ith comp licated shape and topo logies
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 126kb Publisher : christine

OpenGL 程序指导红皮书,Color Plates Glossary (not included in this version) -OpenGL Programming Guide or The Red Book About This Guide Chapter 1: Introduction to OpenGL Chapter 2: Drawing Geometric Objects Chapter 3: Viewing Chapter 4: Display Lists Chapter 5: Color Chapter 6: Lighting Chapter 7: Blending, Antialiasing, and Fog Chapter 8: Drawing Pixels, Bitmaps, Fonts, and Images Chapter 9: Texture Mapping Chapter 10: The Framebuffer Chapter 11: Evaluators and NURBS Chapter 12: Selection and Feedback Chapter 13: Now That You Know Appendix A: Order of Operations Appendix B: OpenGL State Variables Appendix C: The OpenGL Utility Library Appendix D: The OpenGL Extension to the X Window System Appendix E: The OpenGL Programming Guide Auxiliary Library Appendix F: Calculating Normal Vectors Appendix G: Homogeneous Coordinates and Transformation Matrices Appendix H: Programming Tips Appendix I: OpenGL Invariance Appendix J: Color Plates Glossary (not included in this version)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6.46mb Publisher : yangfu

类似cs的场景漫游及读3ds代码的程序,包括Texture.cpp、Texture.h、Load3DSDemo、Frustum.h等-Cs scene similar to roam and read 3ds source programs, including Texture.cpp, Texture.h, Load3DSDemo, Frustum.h etc.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.3mb Publisher : sxd

模拟太阳系。 /* 说明: 1.运行环境: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 2.包含文件:图片六张(*.bmp),两个外部文件Texture.h和Texture.cpp 3.照明GL_LIGHT1 4.运用glTranslatef和glRotatef设置星球位置、公转和自转 5.运用Texturing覆盖星球表面 6.运用glBlendFunc设置太阳的半透明光晕 7.键盘‘a/A’,‘d/D’,‘s/S’分别控制:环境光、漫反射、镜面反射 */-Simulated solar system
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.89mb Publisher : dongli

OpenGL 做的一个桌球游戏,实现了3D纹理贴图,逼真的碰撞效果,采用VS2012实现,如果不能打开,新建一个工程重新导入cpp文件和h文件就可以调试了,如果还出现其他问题,度娘可以帮你解决!-OpenGL do a table tennis game, realize the 3 d texture mapping, lifelike collision effect, use VS2012 realization, if you can t open, a new engineering to import CPP files and h file can debug, if have other questions, degree niang can help you solve!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.13mb Publisher : dequanking

新增的第一行是#include <stdio.h> 。它允许我们对文件进行操作,为了在后面的代码中使用fopen(),我们增加了这一行。然后我们增加了三个新的浮点变量...xrot、 yrot、zrot。这些变量用来使立方体绕X、Y、Z轴旋转。最后一行GLuint texture[1]为一个纹理分配存储空间。如果您需要不止一个的纹理,应该将数字1改成您所需要的数字。 -The first line is the new# include <stdio.h>. It allows us to manipulate files, in order to use the code behind fopen (), we added this line. Then we added three new floating-point variables ... xrot, yrot, zrot. These variables are used to rotate the cube X, Y, Z axis. The last line GLuint texture [1] as a texture memory allocation. If you need more than one texture, number 1 should be changed to the number you need.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : 谢东慧

将会增加5行新的代码在我们程序的前面.第一行"stdio.h"允许我们读文件中的数据.它和我们以前用在纹理映射当中是一样的.第二行定义了一些我们要在屏幕上显示的粒子的数目.告诉程序MAX_PARTICLES在这里的数值为1000.第三条行将不断分离的彩色的粒子栓牢在一起,并设置为默认情况.sp和rp用来确定空格键和返回键是否有按住. -Will increase by 5 lines of code in front of our new program. First line of "stdio.h" allows us to read the file data it and we ve used them in the texture mapping is the same second line defines us the number to be displayed on the screen of the particles. tells the program where the value MAX_PARTICLES 1000. colored particles constantly tied securely separated from the third line together, and set to default. sp and rp is used to determine the spacebar and whether the return key and hold.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : 谢东慧

OpenGL 资源头文件,glext.h。是纹理操作的必备文件。将此文件放入C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\GL即可-OpenGL resource header file, glext.h. Texture is an essential file operations. Place this file in C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 8 \ VC \ include \ GL can
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 30kb Publisher : 李冬冬

\file texstate.h Texture state management.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : suewibeng

(1)计算图像中每个像素点的LBP模式(等价模式,或者旋转不变+等价模式)。 (2)然后计算每个cell的LBP特征值直方图,然后对该直方图进行归一化处理(每个cell中,对于每个bin,h[i]/=sum,sum就是一副图像中所有等价类的个数)。 (3)最后将得到的每个cell的统计直方图进行连接成为一个特征向量,也就是整幅图的LBP纹理特征向量; 然后便可利用SVM或者其他机器学习算法进行分类识别了。((1) calculate the LBP pattern of each pixel in the image (equivalent mode, or rotation invariant + equivalent mode). (2) then the LBP eigenvalue histogram of each cell is calculated, and then the histogram is normalized (for each cell, for each bin, h[i]/=sum, sum is the number of all the equivalent classes in a pair of images). (3) finally, the statistical histogram of each cell is connected into a feature vector, that is, the LBP texture feature vector of the whole picture. Then, SVM or other machine learning algorithms can be used for classification and recognition.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 67kb Publisher : 刘宇123
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