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Transport format combination selection for compressed mode in a W-CDMA system-Transport format combination selection f or compressed mode in a W-CDMA system
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 22.58kb Publisher : mxy

Transport Stream Analyser 1.73 破解的 Transport Stream Analyser 1.73 安装时的KEY: 137-164-168-150 安装完后,把压缩包内破解过的TransportStreamAnalyser.exe文件,覆盖安装目录下的原始文件即可。 执行时,会弹出一个要求输入KEY的对话框,直接点OK就可以进入了。
Update : 2009-12-08 Size : 2.62mb Publisher :

传输流 RTP的源代码-RTP transport stream source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 李文水

MPEG2文件解TS流程序。可以将transport stream流中的内容解析出来。-MPEG2 files TS procedures. It will transport stream flow analysis of the contents out.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : 张彤

We propose and analyze several timestamping of an MPEG-2 Transport Stream transmitted strategies for performing over a packet-switched network using the PCR-unaware encapsulation scheme, and analyze their effect on the quality of the recovered clock at the MPEG-2 Systems decoder.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 356kb Publisher : lucy

DL : 0
可以从数字电视系统的TS(Transport Stream)流文件中找出到指定包(由用户设置PID、TableID等参数)数量及在流中的位置,对开发数字电视用户很有用-from digital TV system TS (Transport Stream) flow document to identify specific packages (PID set by the user, TableID parameters) volume and flow in the location of the development of digital TV subscribers useful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 王国印

MPEG2 video+AC3 transport stream files to ATSC (US HDTV) transport stream converter or remux, has source, bin and manual file.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 59kb Publisher : chinomango

DL : 0
用matlab解决一些实际的问题,如交通,销售,动物繁殖等-using Matlab solve some practical problems, such as the transport, sale, breeding, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 163kb Publisher : 高红乐

PB实现的交通运输管理 系统 1.运输企业系统管理人员通过该系统来管理用户资料,备份,恢复数据库。 2.运输企业系统应用人员通过该系统来管理车辆,司机,运营信息,事故信息,完成日常应用。 有设计文档-PB transport management system 1. Transport enterprise systems management through the system to manage user data, backup and restore the database. 2. Transport systems through the application of the system to manage the vehicles, drivers and operational information, accident information, the completion of daily use. A design document
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.35mb Publisher : 张文博

MPEG2的TS(transport stream)源代码:可以将多个视频打包成一个节目流在网络或相关信道上传输,是数字电视的传输的基础。-MPEG2 TS (transport stream) source code : Video can be packaged into a number of the program flow in a network or channel associated transmission is digital TV transmission infrastructure.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38.47mb Publisher : Alex

MPEG2TS decoder的源代码。TS的全称则是Transport Stream,它的特点就是要求从视频流的任一片段开始都是可以独立解码的。-MPEG2TS decoder source code. TS is the full name of the Transport Stream, it is characterized by the requirements of streaming video from the beginning of a fragment can be independent of the codec.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.81mb Publisher : Alex

DVBstream is based on the ts-rtp package available at It broadcasts a (subset of a) DVB transport stream over a LAN using the rtp protocol. There were a couple of small bugs in the original ts-rtp application, which I have fixed here.-DVBstream is based on the ts- rtp package av ailable at http :// It broadcasts a (subset of a) DVB transport stream over a LAN using the rtp p rotocol. There were a couple of small bugs in the original ts- rtp application, which I have fixed here.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 61kb Publisher : LINHEZHI

DL : 0
transport stream mapping
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 40kb Publisher : liwen

LibMPEG3 decodes several MPEG standards into uncompressed data suitable for editing and playback. libmpeg3 currently decodes: MPEG-2 video MPEG-1 video mp3 audio mp2 audio ac3 audio MPEG-2 transport streams MPEG-2 program streams MPEG-1 program streams IFO files The video output can be in many different color models and frame sizes. The audio output can be in twos compliment or floating point. Frame accurate seeking, normally impossible in transport streams, is possible in libmpeg3 through the use of a table of contents. MPEG-2 video in YUV-422 colorspace is decodable. Digital TV broadcasts and DVD s can be edited using libmpeg3. Libmpeg3 takes what is normally a last mile distribution format and makes it editable. Because of these and other features libmpeg3 is not intended for consumer applications but serves users who are interested in high quality editing and footage acquisition. -several LibMPEG3 decodes MPEG standards i nto uncompressed data suitable for editing and playback. libmpeg3 currently decodes : MPEG-2 video in MPEG-1 video mp3 audio mp2 audio ac 3 audio MPEG-2 transport streams MPEG-2 progr m streams MPEG-1 program streams IFO files The v ideo output can be in many different color model 's and frame sizes. The audio output can be in twos compliment or floating point. Frame's accurate eeking. normally impossible in transport streams. in libmpeg3 is possible through the use of a tabl e of contents. MPEG-2 video in YUV-422 colorspa ce is decodable. Digital TV broadcasts and DVD's can be edited using libmpeg3. Libmpeg3 takes wh at is normally a last mile a distribution format nd makes it editable. Because of these and other libmpeg3 features is n
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 696kb Publisher : robo

the file get_PAT_PMT_PCR_add_NULL.rar can get MPEG2 ,PCR,same_PID_pcaket,PMT,PAT,add NULL packet,the file can help MPEG2(transport stream) user clean understand.-the file c get_PAT_PMT_PCR_add_NULL.rar get an MPEG2, PCR, same_PID_pcaket, PMT, PAT, add NULL packet, the file can help MPEG2 (transport stream) user clean understand.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 黃彥柏

Transport format combination selection for compressed mode in a W-CDMA system-Transport format combination selection f or compressed mode in a W-CDMA system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : mxy

DL : 0
另一款MEPG2 TS流分析软件,可以和“tsa173.rar”即Transport Stream Analyser 1.73结合使用。-Another MEPG2 TS flow analysis software, can be
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43kb Publisher : sean

DL : 0
网络报文转发, 任何网络包发往程序监听的报文,都会转发给目标地址(a program to transport packet)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : fphoenix

DL : 0
transport layer in C
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 98kb Publisher : fares

transport cost studying
Update : 2017-12-12 Size : 102.5kb Publisher :
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