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词法分析器的一种编程方法,用多种方法实现对词法分析器的实现-lexical analyzer in a programming methods, and use a variety of methods to achieve the realization of a lexical analyzer
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.2kb Publisher : 杨蔺又

dhtml is html development and api query manul book-dhtml is html development and api query man ul book
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.69mb Publisher : dou

THIS is really two books in one: a tutorial and a reference manual for JDBC, the application programming interface that makes it possible for programmers to access databases from Java. The goal is to be useful to a wide range of readers, from database novices to database experts. Therefore, we have arranged the book so that information needed only by experts is separated out from the basic material. We hope that driver developers as well as application programmers and MIS administrators will find what they need. Because different sections are aimed at different audiences, we expect that few people will read every page. We have sometimes duplicated explanations in an effort to make reading easier for those who do not read all sections. This book will be most helpful to those who have some knowledge of the Java programming language and SQL (Structured Query Language), but one doesn t need to be an expert in either to understand the basic concepts presented here. -THIS is really two books in one : a tutorial and a reference manual for JDBC. the application programming interface that ma ram it possible for programmers to access datab ases from Java. The goal is to be useful to a wide r ange of readers. novices from database to database experts. The refore, we have arranged the book so that information ne eded only by experts is separated out from the ba sic material. We hope that driver developers as well as application programmers and MIS admini strators will find what they need. Because diff erent sections are aimed at different audience s, we expect that few people will read every page. W e have sometimes duplicated explanations in an effort to make reading easier for those who do no t read all sections. This book will be most helpf ul to those wh
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 335.08kb Publisher : dddd

One is not bad what time and controlling the monolithic machine communicating by phone in the light of allocate area carries out the wasteful software of plan!-One is not bad and what time controlling the monolithic machine communicating by phone in t he allocate light of the area carries out wastef ul software of plan!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 730.53kb Publisher : hanxuan

DL : 0
javascript 多级菜单效果 可以直接更换菜单内容 使用<ul><li>定义 简单易用 替换CSS就可以重新修饰-javascript multi-level menu results can be directly used as replacement menu
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.1kb Publisher :

Two pdf format ZigBee overviews. It is useful for known ZigBee technology.-Two pdf format ZigBee overviews. It is usef ul known for ZigBee technology.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 725kb Publisher : Aaron99

DL : 0
本源码的特色是大量使用ajax,动态效果显著 1.DWR实现购物车 2完成了显示功能 3用UL的方式进行显示 4.把东西装入购物车,根据物品的ID 5把购物车里的所有东西都显示出来 6.显示总共的价格
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 462.69kb Publisher : leoma

(un)DelphiX installation program (beta version)
Installation program (un)DelphiX release Oct 28, 2008
Full source code with basic demos. This section will be preferred.
Installation brings sources to destination directory and following start selected compiler install into IDE Delphi package with IDE settings.

  • Supported Delphi version 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 and 2009 .

Update : 2009-01-30 Size : 1.26mb Publisher : dgmryang

将文件拷贝到UCH安装目录(不会覆盖任何UCH文件). 其中文件需要有写权限(linux). 运行shop_install.php 打开shop.php文件。将 $_SC['GoogleAPI']='ABQIAAAAIl6BzjiDCz90JrLDCFco6xRsRMjB2wv1Y7bZb-CPY4a_zZ8tAhQljtAew1TctFXLCYxRjkaGoD8jzA';替换成您的Google KYE。如您在本地调试,可以直接用以上KEY。如您还没有google KEY 请到 免费申请! 地图显示您想要的地方的方法: 首先打开Google地图,在上面寻找一个地址,然后上下左右移动地图,让这个地址正好处于地图的正中心位置,当您想寻找坐标位置已经处于地图的中心位置的时候,拷贝并粘贴以下代码到你的浏览器地址栏:   javascript:void(prompt('',gApplication.getMap().getCenter())); 然后回车一下。这时,你将得到一个弹出式的坐标,这个坐标就是你需要找的经度和纬度。 1 在admincp.php: 第一处: $acs = array( array('index','config','privacy', 'spam', 'network', 'usergroup', 'credit', 'profilefield', 'profield', 'ad', 'sitefeed', 'userapp', 'app'), array('tag', 'mtag', 'space', 'name', 'report'), array('cache', 'task', 'censor', 'stat', 'block', 'cron'), array('blog','album', 'pic', 'comment', 'thread', 'post', 'doing', 'feed', 'share') ); 修改成(最后一行array('base','pingdao','neirong','shop','reviews','shoptags')为增加的。同时记得在上一行'share')后加个逗号 ) $acs = array( array('index','config', 'privacy', 'spam', 'network', 'usergroup', 'credit', 'profilefield', 'profield', 'ad', 'sitefeed', 'userapp', 'app'), array('tag', 'mtag', 'space', 'name', 'report'), array('cache', 'task', 'censor', 'stat', 'block', 'cron'), array('blog', 'album', 'pic', 'comment', 'thread', 'post', 'doing', 'feed', 'share'), array('base','pingdao','neirong','shop','reviews','shoptags') ); 第二处: for($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {//由原来的3改成现在的5,其他不用修改 foreach ($acs[$i] as $value) { if($isfounder || $megroup['manage'.$value]) { $menus[$i][$value] = 1; $_SGLOBAL['usergroup'][$_SGLOBAL['member']['groupid']]['manage'.$value] = 1; } } } 第三处: if(empty($_GET['ac']) || (!in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[0]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[1]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[2]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[3]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[4]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[5]))) { //加上 && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[4] && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[5]),注意修改完后$acs[5]后面应有三个 ) 符号 3 admin/tp/header.htm: <!--{eval $_TPL['menunames'] = array( 'config' => '站点设置', 后加上: 'base' => '积分与审核', 'pingdao' => '频道设置', 'shoptags' => '标签管理', 'shop' => '商铺管理', 'neirong' => '点评内容', 'reviews' => '回应内容', 4 admin/tpl/side.htm开始处加入: <!--{if $menus[3]}--> <div class="block style1"> <h2>点评系统</h2> <ul class="folder"> <!--{loop $acs[4] $value}--> <!--{if $menus[4][$value]}--> <!--{if $ac==$value}--><li class="active"><!--{else}--><li><!--{/if}--><a href="admincp.php?ac=$value">{$_TPL[menunames][$value]}</a></li> <!--{/if}--> <!--{/loop}--> </ul> </div> <!--{/if}--> 5 在侧栏增加链接。 template/default/header.htm中找到 <li><img src="image/app/share.gif"><a href="space.php?do=share">分享</a></li> 加上 <li><img src="image/icon/shop.gif"><a href="shop.php">商家点评</a><em><a href="shop.php?ac=new">发布</a></em></li> 更新缓存。 如果安装后出现白屏现象,请重新检查所安装文件是否有语法错误。然后通过删除UCH安装目录下的data/tpl_cache/目录下的文件,此功能相当于更新缓存。 运行shopinstall.php 在header.htm相应的位置加上<li><img src="image/icon/shop.gif" alt="通讯录" /><a href="shop.php">通讯录</a></li> admin/tpl/config.htm 找到<tr> <th>未认证实名权限</th> <td> <table> <tr> <td width="120">允许加好友</td> <td> <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowfriend]" value="1"<!--{if $configs[name_allowfriend] == 1}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>是 <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowfriend]" value="0"<!--{if $configs[name_allowfriend] != '1'}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>否 </td></tr> 在其下面添加 <tr> <td width="120">允许商铺点评</td> <td> <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowshop]" value="1"<!--{if $configs[name_allowshop] == 1}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>是 <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowshop]" value="0"<!--{if $configs[name_allowshop] != '1'}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>否 </td></tr>
Update : 2011-06-12 Size : 108.43kb Publisher :

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Update : 2011-11-16 Size : 8.69kb Publisher : niyang2005@126.comni

DL : 0
词法分析器的一种编程方法,用多种方法实现对词法分析器的实现-lexical analyzer in a programming methods, and use a variety of methods to achieve the realization of a lexical analyzer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 杨蔺又

DL : 0
dhtml is html development and api query manul book-dhtml is html development and api query man ul book
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.69mb Publisher : dou

THIS is really two books in one: a tutorial and a reference manual for JDBC, the application programming interface that makes it possible for programmers to access databases from Java. The goal is to be useful to a wide range of readers, from database novices to database experts. Therefore, we have arranged the book so that information needed only by experts is separated out from the basic material. We hope that driver developers as well as application programmers and MIS administrators will find what they need. Because different sections are aimed at different audiences, we expect that few people will read every page. We have sometimes duplicated explanations in an effort to make reading easier for those who do not read all sections. This book will be most helpful to those who have some knowledge of the Java programming language and SQL (Structured Query Language), but one doesn t need to be an expert in either to understand the basic concepts presented here. -THIS is really two books in one : a tutorial and a reference manual for JDBC. the application programming interface that ma ram it possible for programmers to access datab ases from Java. The goal is to be useful to a wide r ange of readers. novices from database to database experts. The refore, we have arranged the book so that information ne eded only by experts is separated out from the ba sic material. We hope that driver developers as well as application programmers and MIS admini strators will find what they need. Because diff erent sections are aimed at different audience s, we expect that few people will read every page. W e have sometimes duplicated explanations in an effort to make reading easier for those who do no t read all sections. This book will be most helpf ul to those wh
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 335kb Publisher : dddd

DL : 0
软件运行次数设定 能设定软件运行次数 对软件加密有一定意义-software operating frequency settings can set the software running on the number of encryption software is of significance
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.27mb Publisher : 王庆香

Sefty UL iec 61010 Electricity metering equipment
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.67mb Publisher : tal

UL局域网聊天软件 绿色软件 C++编写 即时通信-UL LAN chat software green software C++ the preparation of instant messaging
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.47mb Publisher : wei

This program is for generating PRU (Physical Resource Unit) index to permute UL (Uplink) data in IEEE802.16m specification.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : skyWeb

DL : 0
一个比较实用的jquery ul列表动画,自动开始,悬停等-jquery ul
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : ennic

Linux 系统下CLRC663 UL 卡 应用程序代码。(CLRC663 UL card application code under Linux system)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 非子

一个简单地一阶RC电路,观测值得测量,并通过安时积分法得到荷电状态(A simple first-order RC circuit. The observation is worth measuring and the state of charge is obtained by the time integral method.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27kb Publisher : 沫爱
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