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一个用COM或USB接口连接gsm/gprs手机进行短信收发的程序,用到的是simense的通讯模块-A use COM or USB interface to connect gsm/gprs mobile phone text messages to send and receive procedures used in the communication module is simense
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 97kb Publisher :

USB GSM/GPRS MODEM的上网设置-USB GSM/GPRS modem installed the Internet
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 95kb Publisher : 韦鹏

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 125kb Publisher : 韦鹏

基于USB接口的GPS应用程序,大家参考一下-USB-based GPS applications, your reference
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 62kb Publisher : 段鹏伟

开发工具EmbeddedVC++4.0,GPRS网络接入源代码,WinCE环境-development tools EmbeddedVC 4.0, GPRS network access source code, WinCE
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 114kb Publisher : xie

了实现采用GPRS(通用分组无线电业务)网进行远距离数据传输,采用Cygnal公司的带有USB(通用串行总线)接口的8051F320单片机和西门子公司的GPRS模-achieve using GPRS (General Packet Radio business) network for remote data transmission, Cygnal used with the USB (Universal Serial Bus) interface to the 8051 F320 microcontroller and the West Gate affiliates GPRS module
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 337kb Publisher : lkw

压缩包里包含有JX44B0教学实验系统用户手册及该系统的全套试验例程,用c编写,在ADT环境下编译后下载到 实验板即可执行,是学习arm开发的有用例程 源文件说明 Leddemo LED显示实验 Led LED 显示实验 Serial 串口实验 Interrupt 外部中断实验 Dma DMA实验 Pwm PWM实验 Rtc 实时时钟实验 Watchdog 看门狗实验 Ad AD 采样实验 Stepper 步进电机驱动实验实验 Key 键盘驱动实验 Dispchar 汉字字符显示实验 Dispgraph 图形显示实验 Iic IIC 总线实验 Tftp TFTP 文件传输实验 Usb USB 数据传输实验 Iis 立体声录放音实验 Touch 触摸屏驱动实验 cf CF卡实验 ide IDE硬盘接口驱动实验 parallel 并行打印机接口通讯实验 Ucos-ii UCOS-II实验:Eg1, Eg2, Eg3, Eg4 gprs GPRS相关实验(主叫实验,被叫实验,收短信实验和发短信实验) gps GPS实验-compressed bundle includes JX44B0 experimental teaching system and the user manual system is the set of test routines. c prepared with the ADT environment compiled plate downloaded to experiment can be executed, Learning is the development arm of useful routines source document shows Leddemo experimental Led LED Display LED Display Serial Experimental Serial Experimental Interrupt external interrupt experimental Dma DMA experimental Pwm PW M Experiment Rtc real time clock experiments Watchdog experimental Ad watchdog AD sampling experiments Stepper Stepper motor drive Experimental Experimental Experimental Key Keyboard Driver Dispchar Chinese characters experimental Dispg raph graphics experimental Iic IIC bus experiment Tftp TFTP file transfer experiments Usb USB Experimental data transmi
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.83mb Publisher : kl.ud

运行在s3c2410开发实验源代码,内容非常丰富 有gprs,usb,can bus,http-running s3c2410 experimentation in the source code, and the content is very rich with gprs, usb. can bus, http, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 520kb Publisher : 于海涛

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基于USB连接GSM/GPRS手机模块的短信收发程序设计-Based on USB connectivity GSM/GPRS mobile phone transceiver module message program design
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 635kb Publisher : fangcne

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一个用COM或USB接口连接gsm/gprs手机进行短信收发的程序,用到的是simense的通讯模块-Using COM or a USB interface to connect gsm/gprs cell phone to send and receive message to the procedures used in the communication module are simense
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 146kb Publisher : wuzh

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MT6225 GSM/GPRS Baseband Processor Data Sheet The MT6225 is a highly integrated single chip solution for GSM/GPRS phone. Based on 32-bit ARM7EJ-STM RISC processor, MT6225 features not only high performance GPRS Class 12 MODEM but is also designed with support for the wireless multi-media applications, such as advanced display engine, synthesis audio with 64-tone polyphony, digital audio playback, Java acceleration, MMS and etc. Additionally, MT6225 provides varieties of advanced interfaces for functionality extensions, like 3-port external memory interface, 3-port 8/16-bit parallel interface, NAND Flash, IrDA, USB and MMC/SD/MS/MS Pro.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.55mb Publisher : HardWareMan

The MT6225 is a highly integrated single chip solution for GSM/GPRS phone. Based on 32-bit ARM7EJ-STM RISC processor, MT6225 features not only high performance GPRS Class 12 MODEM but is also designed with support for the wireless multi-media applications, such as advanced display engine, synthesis audio with 64-tone polyphony, digital audio playback, Java acceleration, MMS and etc. Additionally, MT6225 provides varieties of advanced interfaces for functionality extensions, like 3-port external memory interface, 3-port 8/16-bit parallel interface, NAND Flash, IrDA, USB and MMC/SD/MS/MS Pro.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.47mb Publisher : majsi

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WINCE usbSER, 把USB 虚拟成COM, 可用于开发USB modem, GPRS, CDMA, 3G 上网等。-wince usbser, conver usb port to COM port, canbe used when develope usb modem, GPS, CDMA,3G modem.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 42kb Publisher : kong

MTK系列手机GPRS Modem功能USB驱动程序-MTK Series USB phone features GPRS Modem Driver
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : bai

TA S3C2410底板 内含LCD、EXT、Audio、Uart、Ethernet、JTAG、USB和GPRS protel DXP原理图,带封装库-TA S3C2410 floor contains LCD, EXT, Audio, Uart, Ethernet, JTAG, USB, and GPRS protel DXP schematic diagram, with package library
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.87mb Publisher : xuyp188

下面是目录介绍 ADC---------ADC模数转换实验 ASM---------汇编程序实验 ASM_c-------汇编和C语言混合实验 CF----------CF读写实验 DcMotor-----直流电机实验 DMA——-----DMA数据传输实验 GPRS--------GPRS/GSM通讯实验 GPS---------GPS全球定位实验 IDE---------IDE测试实验 IIC---------IIC读写实验 IIS---------IIS音频实验 KeyScan-----行列式键盘扫描实验 Lcd---------TFT lcd显示实验 LED8X8------8x8 LED点阵实验 NandFlash---NandFlash读写实验 NorFlash----NorFlash读写实验 Pwm---------Pwm脉宽调制实验 RS485-------RS485通讯实验 Rtc---------Rtc实时时钟实验 StepMotor---步进电机控制实验 TFTP--------TFTP网络通讯实验 Timer_Interrupt---定时器中断实验 TouchPanel----触摸屏实验 UART--------串口通讯实验 uCOSII------uCOSII移植实验 USB_Device----USB deivce通讯实验 WatchDog-----看门狗实验-The following is a directory description ADC--------- ADC ADC test ASM--------- assembler experiment ASM_c------- assembly and C language mixing experiment CF---------- CF literacy test DcMotor----- DC motor experiment DMA------- DMA data transfer experiment GPRS--------GPRS/GSM communication experiment GPS--------- GPS Global Positioning Experiment IDE--------- IDE Testing Laboratory IIC--------- IIC literacy test IIS--------- IIS audio test KeyScan----- determinant keyboard scan experiment Lcd--------- TFT lcd display experiments LED8X8------ 8x8 LED dot matrix experiment NandFlash--- NandFlash literacy test NorFlash---- NorFlash literacy test Pwm--------- Pwm PWM test RS485------- RS485 communication experiment Rtc--------- Rtc Real Time Clock Experiment StepMotor--- stepper motor control experiment TFTP-------- TFTP network communication experiment Timer_Interrupt--- timer interrupt test TouchPanel---- touch screen test UART--------
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.98mb Publisher : asdfasdf

基于平台基础上S3C6410,USB相机应用程序时,我已经调试成功。-Based on the platform S3C6410, USB gps application, I have been successful commissioning
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 张力

GPRS 3G LONGSUNG模块的PC驱动程序(USB驱动程序),支持目前市场上主流的3G无线座机。-GPRS 3G LONGSUNG module PC driver (USB driver), to support the market on mainstream 3G wireless landline.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 783kb Publisher :

本书描述的是基于USB接口的GPRS无线网卡的研究-Described in this book is based on the USB interface GPRS wireless network card
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.08mb Publisher : Chopin

PIC 18F4550 Application Demo for usage of HID USB Bootloader, source code demo for application GSM use module M95 quectel - PIC 18F4550 Application Demo for usage of HID USB Bootloader, source code demo for application GSM use module M95 quectel
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 72kb Publisher : hai
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