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[File Operateguhang0100

Description: 1支持JUBB(类似UBB) 2留言数据的合法性检测,如EMAIL,主页地址 3支持繁体字符的输入 4出错页面美化 初始管理密码为:redhat -a support JUBB (similar UBB) two messages testing the legality of data, such as e-mail, home address three characters in the traditional support of the importation of four pages landscaping mistakes initial management of passwords : redhat
Platform: | Size: 75810 | Author: 一个 | Hits:


Description: 时空留言本 v1.0 主要功能: ·支持UBB; ·屏蔽HTML; ·加入表情; ·发言,回复,修改,删除,搜索; ·管理留言本;-time voice of the v1.0 main functions : to support UBB; Shielding HTML; Joining expression; Speaking back, modify, delete, search; The management messages;
Platform: | Size: 356980 | Author: xxy | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSaint留言本_支持UBB(C#源代码)

Description: 一个C#写的留言本,支持UBB,数据库采用Access 运行时将Web.config中 <add key=\"data\" value=\"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Data Source=D:\\WebSatrt\\SaintGBook\\DataBase\\data.mdb \"/> 数据库所在目录改为本机实际目录 暂时未提供会员系统 起始页面:http://localhost/SaintGBook/Default.aspx 联系方式: saintqiqi@163.com
Platform: | Size: 384261 | Author: 刘原奇 | Hits:

[GUI Developbbscs

Description: 使用了几个自定义控件:在线控件、分页控件、UBB控件,大家来看看这几个控件为我们带来了什么好处。-use several OCX : online controls, tab controls, UBB control, we look at these controls brought us any good.
Platform: | Size: 939008 | Author: 蔡刚 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSaint留言本_支持UBB(C#源代码)

Description: 一个C#写的留言本,支持UBB,数据库采用Access 运行时将Web.config中 <add key="data" value="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Data Source=D:\WebSatrt\SaintGBook\DataBase\data.mdb "/> 数据库所在目录改为本机实际目录 暂时未提供会员系统 起始页面:http://localhost/SaintGBook/Default.aspx 联系方式: saintqiqi@163.com -A C
Platform: | Size: 384000 | Author: 刘原奇 | Hits:


Description: 一个体积超小的在线编辑器,UBB里经常用到-an ultra-small size of the online editor, frequently used UBB
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 王其胜 | Hits:


Description: ubb标签转换的程序 用于jsp开发中.-ubb label conversion process for jsp development.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 李国新 | Hits:

[WEB Codeubb

Description: Discuz的编辑器代码 包含了镶嵌到asp程序中的asp代码 -Discuz editorial code contains a mosaic of the procedures asp code asp
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: 0000 | Hits:


Description: 程序基于 JSP + JavaBean 开发,数据库可以使用Access,MySql,MSSQL数据库。 功能简介: 一、可以后台删除留言(也可以删除所有留言)、编辑留言、回复留言。 二、可以后台封IP和解IP以及审核留言(也可以审核所有留言,以及查看被封IP地址列表)。 三、可以设置留言本标题、留言本公告、网站首页、每页显示的留言数、留言最大字符数以及版权信息。 四、可以设置是否开启保密功能(即悄悄话功能)、后台审核功能(即所有留言需经过管理员审核方能显示)、UBB以及表情符号功能。 五、可以设置编辑留言时的提示信息、回复留言时的提示信息、无回复时的提示信息以及悄悄话时提示的信息。 六、可以设置留言本的风格。(支持八种不同的风格) 七、可以后台更改管理员用户名和密码。 八、可以设置版主的资料(访客可以浏览版主的基本信息)。 九、支持Access、MYSQL、MSSQL数据库。( 数据库需要更改 inc/conndb.jsp 文件) 十、支持UBB留言。 -procedures based on JSP JavaBean development, the database can use Access, MySql, MSSQL database. Functional Description : one can delete messages background (can also delete all messages), edit voice mail, reply to messages. 2, background closure reconciliation IP and IP audit messages (also examine all voicemail, View closure and the IP address list). 3, can set the voice of the title, the voice of this announcement, the website homepage, the page shows the number of messages, Message maximum number of characters and the copyright information. 4, whether or not it can open a security function (ie template function), background audit functions (that is, all messages subject to audit managers can be displayed), UBB and emoticons function. 5, set the editorial voice of a message, the reply
Platform: | Size: 413696 | Author: wj | Hits:

[WEB CodeUBB_ASP_Discuz

Description: 仿Discuz!论坛的UBB编辑器(ASP)-Imitation Discuz! Forum UBB Editor (ASP)
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: | Hits:


Description: ubb编程软件源代码,参照ubb编程,ubb软件-UBB programming software source code, with reference programming UBB, ubb software
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: xizhao | Hits:


Description: JSP+JavaBean+Access开发,直接放到Tomcat下就能运行,不用配置数据源。 含有UBB代码和UBB头像,采用正则表达式制作。 管理登陆加入验证码,数据库管理密码采用MD5加密。-JSP+ JavaBean+ Access development, directly into the Tomcat will be able to run under, do not configure the data source. Contain UBB code and UBB portrait, using regular expression production. Verification Code landing to join the management, database administration password using MD5 encryption.
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: lynn | Hits:

[WEB CodeAnUbbEditor

Description: 1、UBB代码的解析程序必须使用inc/文件夹下的ubb.inc, 本解析程序较其他解析程序有所改动,摈弃font标签而使用span标签,无序列表使用独立的ulist标签 2、本编辑器附带上传功能,因此本文件夹下的upload.asp和inc文件夹下的UpLoad_Class.inc必须保留,且upload.asp不能重命名 如果您不使用上传功能,可以删除他们,但不建议删除 -1, UBB code, the use of analytical procedures must be inc/folder ubb.inc, the analytic process than other analytical procedures is subject to change, to abandon the use of font tags and span tags, unordered list ulist the use of an independent label 2, the editing From device attached, so this folder upload.asp and under inc folder UpLoad_Class.inc must be preserved and can not be renamed upload.asp If you do not use the upload feature, you can delete them, but does not propose to delete
Platform: | Size: 108544 | Author: ︶ㄣ碎灬風ヾ | Hits:


Description: C# UBB处理类,自定义标签可以自己增加。对接上前台的js就可以了。-C# UBB class, custom labels can increase. Js butt on the front of it.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: SeasonSu | Hits:


Description: 易点内容管理系统(DianCMS)UBB编辑器 本编辑器采用用户控件开发,用户只需要把ubb.ascx拖动到页面即可使用,自动识别虚拟目录。-Content Management System easy to point (DianCMS) UBB Editor Editor of the development of user controls, users need only to drag ubb.ascx page can be used to automatically identify the virtual directory.
Platform: | Size: 369664 | Author: leo | Hits:


Description: xhEditor是一个基于jQuery开发的简单迷你并且高效的可视化XHTML编辑器,基于网络访问并且兼容IE 6.0-8.0,Firefox 3.0,Opera 9.6,Chrome 1.0,Safari 3.22。 Features(特点): Small:初始加载5个文件,包括:1个js(36k)+2个css(6k)+2个图片(4k),总共46k。若js和css文件进行gzip压缩,可以进一步缩减为18k左右。 Fast:基于jQuery引擎开发,提供高效的代码执行效率 Simple:简单的调用方式,加一个class属性就能将您的textarea立马变成一个功能丰富的可视化编辑器。 Word:实现Word代码自动检测并清理,提供高效完美的Word代码过滤方案,生成代码最优化精简,但是却不丢失任何细节效果。 UBB: 提供完美的UBB可视化编辑解决方案,在您获得安全高效代码存储的同时,又能享受可视化编辑的便捷 ver 0.9.3 Change(ver 0.9.3更新) 添加:UBB可视化编辑插件(添加beforeSetSource和beforeGetSource接口) 添加:强制p标签功能(可选择关闭) 修改:class属性初始化模式增加两个值:xheditor-mini和xheditor-simple,分别调用迷你版和简单版编辑器界面 修改:一些图片和接口上的细小调整-xhEditor is a jQuery-based development of a simple and efficient mini-visual XHTML editor, based on network access and is compatible with IE 6.0-8.0, Firefox 3.0, Opera 9.6, Chrome 1.0, Safari 3.22. Features (features): Small: Initial load five documents, including: a js (36k)+2 a css (6k)+2 a picture (4k), a total of 46k. If the js and css files gzip compression, can be further reduced to 18k or so. Fast: jQuery-based engine development, providing effective and efficient code execution Simple: a simple method call, plus a class attribute will be able to quickly look up your textarea into a rich visual editor. Word: Word code to achieve automatic detection and clean-up, the perfect Word to provide efficient filtering program code to generate code optimized to streamline, but not losing any details of the results. UBB: UBB provides the perfect visual editing solution, you have access to safe and efficient storage of the same code, but also enjoy the conveni
Platform: | Size: 702464 | Author: 王宇 | Hits:

[WEB CodeUBB_PHP_code_to_develop_their_own

Description: PHP中开发自己的 UBB代码UBB PHP code to develop their own-PHP code to develop their own UBB UBB PHP code to develop their own
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: eia | Hits:

[Windows DevelopUBB.grammar.box.design

Description: UBB grammar simple VB source code text box design VB语法简易UBB文本框设计源码-UBB grammar simple VB source code text box design
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: s89 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesUBB

Description: 修改了象棋桥中UBB格式输出的一些bug,使初始棋步的导入成为可能。-Modify the output of CCBbridge UBB format bug, so that the import of the initial moves made possible.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 牛虻 | Hits:


Description: 很好的编辑器,希望对大家有所帮助,这是目前最好的ubb编辑器-A good editor, and we want to help, this is the best ubb editor
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: esd | Hits:
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