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VB Mscomm控件应用-VB Mscomm Control Application
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 91.32kb Publisher : 王刚

计算机世界网-VB Mscomm控件应用二-computer networks world-VB application controls two Mscomm
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 25.05kb Publisher : 王刚

MSComm 控件通过串行端口(serial port)传送和接收数据,为应用程序提供了串行通讯功能。而且在可视化编程盛行的今天,可以很方便的在Visual Basic(VB)、Visual C++(VC)、Delphi等语言及开发平台中应用。-MSComm controls (serial port) to transmit and the receive data through the serial port, has provided the serial communication function for the application procedure. Moreover today which is in vogue in the visible programming, may be very convenient in Visual Basic (VB), Visual C (VC), language and so on Delphi and develops in the platform to apply.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26kb Publisher : 甘敏

关于VB中的SMCOMM控件的使用方法-on the VB SMCOMM controls on the use
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 何国洲

VB Mscomm控件应用-VB Mscomm Control Application
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 91kb Publisher : 王刚

计算机世界网-VB Mscomm控件应用二-computer networks world-VB application controls two Mscomm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25kb Publisher : 王刚

vb演示Mscomm各种通信功能-vb demonstration of various communications functions Mscomm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 58kb Publisher : 宋勇江

VB6.0环境下利用Mscomm控件实现串行通信-VB6.0 environment using Mscomm Serial Communication Control
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 米蕤

这是关于MSCOM的程序  用C语言和VB编程的希望对大家有点用-This is the procedure of EMS C language and Visual Basic programming you want to use a bit
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher :

vb 串口通讯调试方法 现有电子秤一台,使用串口与计算机进行通讯。编写VB程序来访问串口,达到读取电子秤上显示的数据。该电子秤为BE01型仪表,输出为RS-232C标准接口,波特率为300-9600、偶校验、7个数据位、2个停止位。所有字符均发送11位ASCII码,一个起始位。在VB中与串口通讯需要引入控件MSComm串口通讯控件(在Microsoft Comm Control 6.0中)-vb serial communications debugging method existing electronic weighing a Taiwan, the use of serial communication with the computer. Preparation of VB to visit serial, electronic scales to read displayed on the data. The electronic scales for BE01-type instrument, the output of RS-232C standard interface, baud rate to 300-9600. Dual-checking, seven data bits, stop at two. All characters are sending ASCII 11, a starting place. In VB serial communications needs with the introduction of MSComm control serial communication controller (in Microsoft Co. Control 6.0 mm)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 林帆

利用vb的Mscomm控件实现全站仪及GPS的数据通信程序,其源代码如下:-use vb Mscomm controls GPS Total Station and data communications procedures, its source code is as follows :
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : 马劭君

用S7-200PLC的自由口模式和VB中的MSComm控件方便地实现了计算机与S7-200(CPU224)PLC的通讯。计算机作为主站,用户通过计算机可以方便地设置房间的控制指令并向PLC发出控制或监测命令, PLC作为从站来响应计算机发送的指令并采取相应的动作并将房间的电、水、热信息发回到计算机。用户可以通过电脑屏幕实时地监视到房间的电、水、热信息并进行相应的处理。-with S7-200PLC the Free Port Mode and the VB MSComm to realize a trap Computer and S7-200 (CPU224) PLC communications. Computer as a master station, Computer users can easily set up control rooms PLC issued directives to control or monitoring orders, PLC as from the station to respond to orders sent by the computer and take corresponding action will be room for electricity, water, Heat fat information to the computer. The user can screen real-time surveillance of the room electricity, water and heat information and handled accordingly.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 103kb Publisher : qianjiyu

通常串口的开发是基于VC的,这个为以VB开发工具的来说,希望能有所借鉴。用activeX控件 mscomm32.ocx写的一个串口调试工具.-usually is based on the development of the VC, VB to the development of tools, hopes to have a reference. Use activeX control mscomm32.ocx write a serial debugging tools.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 赵河

MSComm控件资料,Visual Basic 6.0(以下简称VB) 是一种功能强大、简单易学的程序设计语言。它不但保留了原先Basic语言的全部功能,而且还增加了面向对象程序设计功能。它不仅可以方便快捷地编制适用于数据处理、多媒体等方面的程序,而且利用ActiveX控件MSComm还能十分方便地开发出使用计算机串口的计算机通信程序。本文结合计算机通信的两个例子,详细介绍如何在VB中使用MSComm控件。 处理方式 -MSComm information, Visual Basic 6.0 (VB hereinafter) is a powerful, relatively simple programming language. It not only retains the original Basic language functionality, but also an increase of object-oriented programming design functions. It will not only facilitate the efficient preparation of the application to data processing, multimedia and other aspects of the procedure, and the use of MSComm ActiveX control can be very convenient to use the computer to develop the computer serial port Communication Program. Based on computer communication, the two examples in detail how to use VB MSComm. Approach
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.89mb Publisher : wer

vb 写的测试mscomm串口控件的小程序 -vb written test mscomm small Serial Control procedures
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : qinyu

利用VB开发通信程序主要的方法有两种,一是利用VB本身提供的控件(CONTRALS),另一种方法是利用WINDOWS API应用程序接口,WINDOWS API 主要提供了三个动态连接库KERNEL.EXE、USER.EXE、GDI.EXE供开发人员调用-use VB major communication program two ways. First, the use of VB itself, the controls (CONTRALS) Another method is to use Windows API application programming interface, Windows API provides essentially three KERNEL.EXE Dynamic Link Library, USER.EXE, GDI.EXE call for developers
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.46mb Publisher : tomtan

vb mscomm vb mscomm vb mscomm vb msco-vb mscomm vb mscommvb mscomm vb msco
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 宋代海

在VB环境下利用Mscomm控件,向单片机发送数据(每按一下发送按钮即向单片机发送1个字节), 使单片机接收到该数据后,马上再将该数据发送到VB当中。-In the VB environment using Mscomm control, sending data to the MCU (each click on the Send button to send a byte immediately SCM), SCM received the data so that immediately after the data and then send them to the VB.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : welkinchan

MSComm控件提供了两种处理通信的方式:一种为事件驱动方式,该方式相当于一般程序设计中的中断方式。当串口发生事件或错误时,MSComm控件会产生OnComm事件,用户程序可以捕获该事件进行相应处理。本文的两个例子均采用该方式。另一种为查询方式,在用户程序中设计定时或不定时查询 MSComm控件的某些属性是否发生变化,从而确定相应处理。-MSComm control provides a way to communicate two treatments: one is event-driven way, the method is equivalent to interrupt normal programming mode. When the serial events or errors, MSComm control will produce OnComm event, the user program can capture the event dealt with accordingly. Two examples of this paper are used in the way. Another way for the query, the user program in the regular or irregular design MSComm control query whether the changes in some properties to determine the appropriate treatment.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26kb Publisher : 刘晓生

mscomm串口编程 适合初学者查阅 下载后可以直接打开编译-mscomm serial programming
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 54kb Publisher : suiton
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