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Example to support XML files using MSXML. ========================================= XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a commonly used basis for representing a huge range of structured data file formats. The specification is maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C?. This plugin is intended as an example of how XML data can be read with a DataPlugin. You can adjust it to meet the needs of your own XML file format. After installing the URI file (double click on it), you can find the VBScript file located at \"C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\Shared\\USI\\plugins\\DataPlugins\\XML Example\" You can make changes to this file to read your specific XML file.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 18.28kb Publisher : 林岚

DL : 1
请不要上传有版权争议的内容和木马病毒代码 开发环境: 请选择 Visual C++ Visual Basic DOS Unix_Linux C++ Builder Java Windows_Unix Delphi C-C++ PHP-PERL PHP Perl Python HTML Asm Pascal Borland C++ 其他 多平台 C++ VFP SQL PDF TEXT WORD VBScript JavaScript ASP CSharp CHM FlashMX matlab PowerBuilder PPT LabView Flex MathCAD VBA PalmOS IDL LISP VHDL Objective-C(重要) 详细功能: 手记民折的 请认真阅读您的文件包然后写出其具体功能(至少要20个字)。尽量不要让站长把时间都花费在为您修正说明上。压缩包解压时不能有密码。系统会自动删除debug和release目录,所以请不要将文件放在这两个目录
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 965byte Publisher :

不要上传有版权争议的内容和木马病毒代码 开发环境: 请选择 Visual C++ Visual Basic DOS Unix_Linux C++ Builder Java Windows_Unix Delphi C-C++ PHP-PERL PHP Perl Python HTML Asm Pascal Borland C++ 其他 多平台 C++ VFP SQL PDF TEXT WORD VBScript JavaScript ASP CSharp CHM FlashMX matlab PowerBuilder PPT LabView Flex MathCAD VBA PalmOS IDL LISP VHDL Objective-C(重要) 详细功能: 请认真阅读您的文件包然后写出其具体功能(至少要20个字)。尽量不要让站长把时间都花费在为您修正说明上。压缩包解压时不能有密码。系统会自动删
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.88kb Publisher :

本书是美国微软出版社授权的 Microsoft Visual Studio系列中文版图书之一,它是 Visual C++ 6.0程序员的实用参考书。 书中讨论的许多主题均以范例程序进行说明,所有范例程序的项目文件都在配套光盘上。本书是从事Visual C++ 6.0应用与开发的所有技术人员极好的工具书,同时也是大专院校相关专业的师生的自学、教学参考用书。 全书共分成六个部分: 第一部分介绍Developer Studio和AppWizard的基础知识; 第二部分介绍文本、图形和对话框编辑器; 第三部分是编程指南,展示了如何使用Classwizard和 Gallery来加速编程开发工作,创建自己的组件; 第四部分介绍 ActiveX控件及其使用,说明如何用MFC或ATL来写 ActiveX控件; 第五部分讨论调试器的各种能力,程序优化的各种选项及原因,如何定制Visual C++,如何编制宏和附加实用程序; 第六部分提供ASCll字符和ANSI字符的标准表格,并简要描述ClassWizard支持的MFC类和VBScript-the book is authorized Microsoft Microsoft Visual Studio line Chinese version of one book, which is 6.0 Visual C programmers practical reference books. Book Many of the topics discussed were examples of procedures that all procedures examples of projects supporting documents are in the CD-ROM. The book is engaging in Visual C + + 6.0 application development with all the technical staff excellent tool, as well as tertiary institutions relevant professional teacher training, teaching reference books. The book is split into six parts : the first part describes Developer Studio and the basic knowledge +5.0; The second part gives text, graphics and dialog editor; The third part of the programming guide, showing how to use Classwizard Gallery and to accelerate the development of programming buil
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10.32mb Publisher : 刘建国

C#是一种简单、现代、面向对象和类型安全的编程语言,由C和C++发展而来。C#(发音为“C霎普”)牢固地植根于C和C++语言族谱中,并且会很快被C和C++程序员所熟悉。C#的目标在于把Visual Basic的高生产力和C++本身的能力结合起来。 C#作为Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0的一部分提供给用户。除了C#以外,Visual Studio还支持Visual Basic、Visual C++和描述语言VBScript和Jscript。所有这些语言都提供对Microsoft .NET平台的访问能力,它包括一个通用的执行引擎和一个丰富的类库。Microsoft .NET平台定义了一个“通用语言子集”(CLS),是一种混合语言,它可以增强CLS兼容语言和类库间的无缝协同工作能力。对于C#开发者,这意味着既是C#是一种新的语言,它已经可以对用老牌工具如Visual Basic和Visual C++使用的丰富类库进行完全访问。C#自己并没有包含一个类库。 本章的其余部分描述这种语言的基本特性。以后的章节将会详细描述规则和例外,并且有些时候以数学的方式描述,而这章会致力于对整体的简单而清楚地介绍。这样的目的是给读者一个关于语言的介绍,这样可以使读者可以更容易地开始编写程序和继续阅读后面的章节。-C# is a simple, modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming languages, C and C from development. C# (pronounced "C Sharp & P") is firmly rooted in the C and C language genealogy, and will soon be C and C programmers are familiar with. C# aims to put the Visual Basic and C high productivity of its ability to work together. C# as Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0 part to the subscriber. In addition to C#, Visual Studio also supports Visual Basic, Visual C and scripting languages VBScript and Jscript. All these languages are available on the Microsoft.NET platform access capability, which includes the implementation of a common engine and a rich class library. Microsoft.NET platform definition of a "common language subset" (CLS), is a hybrid language, it can en
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 274.23kb Publisher : nala


Cell 组件、插件(ActiveX控件)是华表公司在长期开发实践的基础上推出的功能强大、技术成熟的报表二次开发工具,是国内技术领先拥有广泛客户群的商业报表组件,有700多个编程接口,实现报表自定义,报表显示、打印预览、打印,图表,公式,自定义函数、资源本地化等强大功能,能够完全读写Excel文件,是软件开发人员开发优秀报表软件的最佳解决方案!

Cell 组件是适用于Windows环境下各种开发工具(如VB, VC, Visual Foxpro, Delphi, C++ Builder, PowerBuilder, .NET)等,是软件开发人员开发优秀报表的好工具。

Cell 插件是用于开发B/S结构程序,使用Asp,, Jsp, VbScript, JavaScript等语言开发,可以在浏览器中直接打印报表(非IE打印),带有国际化数字签名,让用户使用更方便,更安全。

Update : 2008-11-11 Size : 16.88mb Publisher : luoqiling

vb教程 快速入门-vb Quick Start Guide
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 518kb Publisher : 马云

本书是美国微软出版社授权的 Microsoft Visual Studio系列中文版图书之一,它是 Visual C++ 6.0程序员的实用参考书。 书中讨论的许多主题均以范例程序进行说明,所有范例程序的项目文件都在配套光盘上。本书是从事Visual C++ 6.0应用与开发的所有技术人员极好的工具书,同时也是大专院校相关专业的师生的自学、教学参考用书。 全书共分成六个部分: 第一部分介绍Developer Studio和AppWizard的基础知识; 第二部分介绍文本、图形和对话框编辑器; 第三部分是编程指南,展示了如何使用Classwizard和 Gallery来加速编程开发工作,创建自己的组件; 第四部分介绍 ActiveX控件及其使用,说明如何用MFC或ATL来写 ActiveX控件; 第五部分讨论调试器的各种能力,程序优化的各种选项及原因,如何定制Visual C++,如何编制宏和附加实用程序; 第六部分提供ASCll字符和ANSI字符的标准表格,并简要描述ClassWizard支持的MFC类和VBScript-the book is authorized Microsoft Microsoft Visual Studio line Chinese version of one book, which is 6.0 Visual C programmers practical reference books. Book Many of the topics discussed were examples of procedures that all procedures examples of projects supporting documents are in the CD-ROM. The book is engaging in Visual C++ 6.0 application development with all the technical staff excellent tool, as well as tertiary institutions relevant professional teacher training, teaching reference books. The book is split into six parts : the first part describes Developer Studio and the basic knowledge+5.0; The second part gives text, graphics and dialog editor; The third part of the programming guide, showing how to use Classwizard Gallery and to accelerate the development of programming buil
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.32mb Publisher : 刘建国

C#是一种简单、现代、面向对象和类型安全的编程语言,由C和C++发展而来。C#(发音为“C霎普”)牢固地植根于C和C++语言族谱中,并且会很快被C和C++程序员所熟悉。C#的目标在于把Visual Basic的高生产力和C++本身的能力结合起来。 C#作为Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0的一部分提供给用户。除了C#以外,Visual Studio还支持Visual Basic、Visual C++和描述语言VBScript和Jscript。所有这些语言都提供对Microsoft .NET平台的访问能力,它包括一个通用的执行引擎和一个丰富的类库。Microsoft .NET平台定义了一个“通用语言子集”(CLS),是一种混合语言,它可以增强CLS兼容语言和类库间的无缝协同工作能力。对于C#开发者,这意味着既是C#是一种新的语言,它已经可以对用老牌工具如Visual Basic和Visual C++使用的丰富类库进行完全访问。C#自己并没有包含一个类库。 本章的其余部分描述这种语言的基本特性。以后的章节将会详细描述规则和例外,并且有些时候以数学的方式描述,而这章会致力于对整体的简单而清楚地介绍。这样的目的是给读者一个关于语言的介绍,这样可以使读者可以更容易地开始编写程序和继续阅读后面的章节。-C# is a simple, modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming languages, C and C from development. C# (pronounced "C Sharp & P") is firmly rooted in the C and C language genealogy, and will soon be C and C programmers are familiar with. C# aims to put the Visual Basic and C high productivity of its ability to work together. C# as Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0 part to the subscriber. In addition to C#, Visual Studio also supports Visual Basic, Visual C and scripting languages VBScript and Jscript. All these languages are available on the Microsoft.NET platform access capability, which includes the implementation of a common engine and a rich class library. Microsoft.NET platform definition of a "common language subset" (CLS), is a hybrid language, it can en
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 274kb Publisher : nala

VBScript JScript解释器源代码,想了解解释器原理的朋友可以看一下-VBScript JScript explanation for the source code and would like to know the explanation Principle friends can look at the
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 80kb Publisher : fan

windows script 5.6 的帮助文档!包括vbscript 和 jscript等部分!是个好东东!-script help documentation! Jscript, including encryption and other parts! Eastern is a good!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.73mb Publisher : hpm

脚本编译程序,可以编译vbscript代码.可以用于很多方面.-script compiler can compile code encryption. Can be used in many aspects.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : 阿文

Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition VBScript 语言参考-Microsoft ? Visual Basic ? Scripting EditionVBScript Language Reference
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 352kb Publisher : noryfly

本手册包含以下内容: script.chm Microsoft Windows 脚本技术 1.37MB Jscript.chm Microsoft JScript 语言参考 602KB vbscript.chm Microsoft VBScript 语言参考 530KB lsh_htccom1.chm Microsoft Windows 脚本部件 140KB wsh.chm Microsoft Windows 脚本宿主 136KB MSXML.chm Microsoft XML 4.0 Technology Preview 2.37MB css.chm css 2.0 中文手册(苏昱) 258KB cssfilter.chm 样式表滤镜中文手册(苏昱) 386KB behavior.chm 默认行为中文手册(苏昱) 149KB methods.chm 文档对象模型中文手册(苏昱) 187KB -This manual contains the following: script.chm Microsoft Windows Script 1.37MB Jscript.chm Microsoft JScript Language Reference 602KB vbscript.chm Microsoft VBScript Language Reference 530KB lsh_htccom1.chm Microsoft Windows Script components 140KB wsh.chm Microsoft Windows Script Host 136KB MSXML.chm Microsoft XML 4.0 Technology Preview 2.37MB css.chm css 2.0 English Manual (苏昱) 258KB cssfilter.chm filter Stylesheet Chinese Manual (苏昱) 386KB behavior.chm default behavior of Chinese Manual (苏昱) 149KB methods.chm Document Object Model Chinese Manual (苏昱) 187KB
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.69mb Publisher : 张大年

window脚本技术电子书,很好的教材,以VBSCRIPT为主的。-window script technical e-books, good teaching materials to VBSCRIPT-based.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.34mb Publisher : 吴世昌

VBScript编辑器源码,全部是用MFC编制,源程序包括下列模块: CEditBar类,使工具条具有组合框 CFlatToolBar类,浮动工具条 CHyperLink类,在对话框中方便建立超联接 CSearchBox类,快速查找子程序 典型DOC-VIEW其他文件,可根据CVBScriptEditorView类写出类似的JavaScipt、perl、C、VRML等语言的编辑器-Editor VBScript source, all are prepared to use MFC, source code includes the following modules: CEditBar category, so that toolbar with CFlatToolBar type combo box, floating toolbar CHyperLink category, set up in the dialog box to facilitate hyper-linked CSearchBox category, fast search sub- DOC-VIEW typical procedure other documents can be made under category CVBScriptEditorView write similar JavaScipt, perl, C, VRML editor such as language
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : 杀敌

VB脚本从入门到精通.CHM,不错的 vbscript学习资料。-VB script from entry to the master. CHM, good learning materials vbscript.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 515kb Publisher : mengbing

SourceFormatX 破解版 注册版 让您敢于面对混乱的代码! SourceFormatX 是一个强大的源代码自动格式化, 缩进, 排版, 美化工具。它可以格式化 C, C++、Java、C#、Object Pascal、PHP、ASP、JSP、VB、VB.NET、VBScript、JavaScript和HTML Components源代码。它还可以将源代码输出为语法高亮显示的 HTML 或 RTF 文件。 严谨良好的代码风格是软件稳定可靠的必要保障,可是通常您从前任同行手中继承、或从网上下载数量庞大的代码之代码风格大多和您的风格迥异甚至堪称混乱:缩进空格的个数不同,指针符号的位置不同,关键字随意大小写…… 这给阅读和修改源代码造成不少困难,手工整理的工作量几乎不可想像…… SourceFormatX 将您从这些既枯燥无聊,又大量重复的机械劳动中解放出来了。它可以快速大批量地格式化和美化多种源代码,这将会大大加快阁下的项目进度,提高团队协同工作效率,节约大量的时间,并统一了该项目所有代码的风格,利于以后维护和发布风格统一代-SourceFormatX crack version registered version allows you to dare to face the chaos of code! SourceFormatX is a powerful source code auto-formatting, indent, layout, landscaping tools. It can be formatted C, C++, Java, C#, Object Pascal, PHP, ASP, JSP, VB, VB.NET, VBScript, JavaScript and HTML Components source code. It can also output the source code syntax highlighting for HTML or RTF files. Good coding style rigorous software necessary to guarantee stable and reliable, but is usually inherited from your predecessor, the hands of peers, or downloaded from the Internet a huge number of code most of the coding style and your style very different or even be called chaos: indented spaces in a number of different symbols in different positions the pointer keyword random case ... ... This has to read and modify the source code created a lot of difficulties in finishing the workload of the manual is almost inconceivable ... ... SourceFormatX you both from these boring boring, bu
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.48mb Publisher : 王锋

SourceFormatX 是一个强大的源代码自动格式化, 缩进, 排版, 美化工具。它可以格式化 C, C++、Java、C#、Object Pascal、PHP、ASP、JSP、VB、VB.NET、VBScript、JavaScript和HTML Components源代码。它还可以将源代码输出为语法高亮显示的 HTML 或 RTF 文件。 严谨良好的代码风格是软件稳定可靠的必要保障,可是通常您从前任同行手中继承、或从网上下载数量庞大的代码之代码风格大多和您的风格迥异甚至堪称混乱:缩进空格的个数不同,指针符号的位置不同,关键字随意大小写…… 这给阅读和修改源代码造成不少困难,手工整理的工作量几乎不可想像…… SourceFormatX 将您从这些既枯燥无聊,又大量重复的机械劳动中解放出来了。它可以快速大批量地格式化和美化多种源代码,这将会大大加快阁下的项目进度,提高团队协同工作效率,节约大量的时间,并统一了该项目所有代码的风格,利于以后维护和发布风格统一代-SourceFormatX is a powerful source code auto-formatting, indent, layout, landscaping tools. It can be formatted C, C++, Java, C#, Object Pascal, PHP, ASP, JSP, VB, VB.NET, VBScript, JavaScript and HTML Components source code. It can also output the source code syntax highlighting for HTML or RTF files. Good coding style rigorous software necessary to guarantee stable and reliable, but is usually inherited from your predecessor, the hands of peers, or downloaded from the Internet a huge number of code most of the coding style and your style very different or even be called chaos: indented spaces in a number of different symbols in different positions the pointer keyword random case ... ... This has to read and modify the source code created a lot of difficulties in finishing the workload of the manual is almost inconceivable ... ... SourceFormatX you both from these boring boring, but also a large number of repetitive mechanical work to liberate out. Large quantities that it can
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.48mb Publisher : 刘海滨

DL : 0
VB的简易手册,方便查询VBS的函数,chm格式,方便浏览。-VB simple manual functions to facilitate inquiries VBS
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 533kb Publisher : yinzp0207
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