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Description: 用vc编写的添加工具栏程序,对于vc得初学者是一个很好的例子
Platform: | Size: 46290 | Author: libin | Hits:


Description: 用vc编写的添加工具栏程序,对于vc得初学者是一个很好的例子-Vc prepared using the toolbar to add the procedure, for a beginner vc is a good example
Platform: | Size: 1069056 | Author: libin | Hits:


Description: VC++例程,仅供参考,建立一个工具条,入门学习C++的参考-VC++ Routines for reference purposes only and the establishment of a tool, the entry-learning C++ Reference
Platform: | Size: 173056 | Author: zhangfengz | Hits:


Description: MytoolBar,用VC++编程实现。-MytoolBar,we can use Visual c++ to validate.
Platform: | Size: 1067008 | Author: 赵军义 | Hits:


Description: vc添加工具栏程序的源码,有兴趣的朋友可以看下-vc add a toolbar program source code, interested friends may have a look
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: | Hits:

[GUI DevelopMyToolBar

Description: 用vc++实现的在工具栏中添加列表的例子-tool bar.
Platform: | Size: 584704 | Author: qiangge | Hits:

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