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关于普通DLL插件的实现VC知识库里已有文章介绍,但在很多大型的软件中(如ArcGis、Office)中都不是采用这种方法,基于COM的插件在当今的大型软件中应用的更广泛-We known that regular DLL plugin implmentation already introduced in those papers of VC knowledge database, but in those large software( like ArcGis,Office), this it not popular. Plugin based on COM is popular used in large software
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 69.71kb Publisher : 杨杰

VC++ ATL development
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 733.04kb Publisher : 岳宏亮

介绍一种使用VC++ ATL(Active Template Library),利用IDTExtensibility2接口,为Microsoft Word加入功能简单的COM插件(addin),加入工具栏按钮和菜单等可视部件,并为其加入响应事件的方法,并在最后简单说明了实现与Office宏混合编程的方法-A VC ATL (Active Template Library), using IDTExtensibility2 interface for Microsoft Word functional simple plug-COM (addin) accession toolbar buttons and menus, and other visual components, and its accession to respond to the incident, and the final realization of a simple statement with the Office Acer mixed programming method
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 73.17kb Publisher : 代泽伟

COM组件,也就是组件对象模型(Component Object Model),它本身是一种与具体平台无关的标准,支持Automation功能。VC++的ATL(活动模板库)提供了一种简便而灵活的方法用来创建COM组件对象,因为所占用的空间很小,所以被编译的控件也很小。因此我们选择ATL来设计和开发一个COM组件,该组件在窗口中绘制一个双钟摆并且可以通过修改函数参数来重绘组件,使之产生动态效-COM, which is Component Object Model (Component Object Model), which itself is a specific platform-independent standards that support Automation function. VC ATL (activity Template Library) provides a simple and flexible way to create COM object, because the space occupied by small, the controls are built very small. ATL therefore we choose to design and develop a COM component, the component in the window drawing a double pendulum and may amend function parameters to repaint components, thus producing dynamic effect
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 29.48kb Publisher : 和平鸽

《用ATL实现VC插件》事例源代码-"with ATL VC plug" source code examples
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : 小庄

ATL窗口-ATL window
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : 三棱镜

ATL接口映射宏详解-ATL Acer Elaborates on mapping interface
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 29kb Publisher : yyg2004

介绍一种使用VC++ ATL(Active Template Library),利用IDTExtensibility2接口,为Microsoft Word加入功能简单的COM插件(addin),加入工具栏按钮和菜单等可视部件,并为其加入响应事件的方法,并在最后简单说明了实现与Office宏混合编程的方法-A VC ATL (Active Template Library), using IDTExtensibility2 interface for Microsoft Word functional simple plug-COM (addin) accession toolbar buttons and menus, and other visual components, and its accession to respond to the incident, and the final realization of a simple statement with the Office Acer mixed programming method
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 73kb Publisher : 代泽伟

VC++网络高级编程 该实例向读者展示了ATL的一般编程方法,为后面的COM和DCOM打好基础-VC network programming examples that demonstrate to the readers of the ATL general programming methods, behind the COM and DCOM lay a good foundation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28kb Publisher : 张思发

VC++网络高级编程:该实例向读者展示利用ATL编写ActiveX控制的编程方法-VC network programming : the reader to display examples of the use of ATL prepared ActiveX control Programming
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 75kb Publisher : 张思发

COM组件,也就是组件对象模型(Component Object Model),它本身是一种与具体平台无关的标准,支持Automation功能。VC++的ATL(活动模板库)提供了一种简便而灵活的方法用来创建COM组件对象,因为所占用的空间很小,所以被编译的控件也很小。因此我们选择ATL来设计和开发一个COM组件,该组件在窗口中绘制一个双钟摆并且可以通过修改函数参数来重绘组件,使之产生动态效-COM, which is Component Object Model (Component Object Model), which itself is a specific platform-independent standards that support Automation function. VC ATL (activity Template Library) provides a simple and flexible way to create COM object, because the space occupied by small, the controls are built very small. ATL therefore we choose to design and develop a COM component, the component in the window drawing a double pendulum and may amend function parameters to repaint components, thus producing dynamic effect
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 29kb Publisher : 和平鸽

用 ATL ActiveX 绘制任意平面函数的曲线 -Drawing any plant function curve using ATL ActiveX
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 112kb Publisher : 李刚

关于普通DLL插件的实现VC知识库里已有文章介绍,但在很多大型的软件中(如ArcGis、Office)中都不是采用这种方法,基于COM的插件在当今的大型软件中应用的更广泛-We known that regular DLL plugin implmentation already introduced in those papers of VC knowledge database, but in those large software( like ArcGis,Office), this it not popular. Plugin based on COM is popular used in large software
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 69kb Publisher :

DL : 0
详细、深入介绍VC ATL,是一本不可多得的好书,格式为chm,先申明,本版本为英文,请需要的下载,免得落个欺骗的罪名!-detailed, in-depth briefings on VC ATL is a rare books, chm format, the first state, the English version, please download the need to avoid the drop-deception charge!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.6mb Publisher : shuaiguo

附上《ATL开发指南(第二版)》源代码。-with "ATL Development Guide (2nd Edition)" source code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 790kb Publisher : Alex

VC++ ATL development
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 733kb Publisher : 岳宏亮

VC++ ATL 组件的应用,ActiveX开发,ActiveX 中显示对话框及其其他控件。-VC++ ATL component applications, ActiveX development, ActiveX to display the dialog box and other controls.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : 爱逍遥

DL : 0
经典Atl入门教程,介绍了atl的各个方面,是初学者的绝佳起点。-Atl Classic Tutorial on all aspects of the atl is an excellent starting point for beginners.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14.51mb Publisher : 刘俊宏

VC编程ATL实现ActiveX控件经典代码VC programming ActiveX controls to achieve the classic code ATL -VC programming ActiveX controls to achieve the classic code ATL
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26kb Publisher : 67

VC ATL COM 入门实例教程 VC ATL COM 入门实例教程-VC ATL COM Tutorial Introduction Example
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 123kb Publisher : liujie
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