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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.41kb Publisher : 样样

Example-数据访问和更新 vc#.net编程制作-Example-data access and update vc #. Net programming production
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 15.93kb Publisher : lizy

VC.NET开发的操作ACCESS数据库的程序-VC. Operating procedures ACCESS database
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 292.37kb Publisher : 李立

VC源代码管理软件之 CodeHelp(无源码)作者姓名:祝小斌邮件地址:thinkry@263.net开发环境:VC6.0 Windows 2000测试环境:Windows 2000 功能介绍:========== 概 述========== 程序员可能常有这样的烦恼:编程中经常需要去查阅以前写过的代码片断,而每次打开代码所在的工程既费时又费力。 知识管理越来越被大家所重视,源代码也应该做为一种知识资源,纳入知识管理体系中去。CodeHelp 是为了方便程序员更好的管理自己的源代码而写的一款免费软件。 利用 CodeHelp,可以方便的管理你的各种技术资料和源代码。 CodeHelp 以目录树来管理代码文件,你可以自由定义目录,并能够自由移动修改,支持无限分支延伸。采用分段读入方式,能支持超大的目录树。 CodeHelp 支持“语法突出”方式显示代码(目前仅支持C/C++)。能高亮显示源代码中的“注释”、“关键字”和“字符串”,和在 VC6.0 看起来完全一样。 CodeHelp 采用 TabView 来显示多个源代码文件,查看起来非常方便。-VC source code management software capital CodeHelp (without source) Author Name : Chuxiaobin mail address : development environment : Windows 2000 VC6.0 test environment : Windows 2000 functional overview presented :========== ========== programmers may tend Pains : Programming often need access to previously written code snippet, and each open source project where the time-consuming and laborious. Knowledge management is increasingly paying attention to you, the source code should also serve as a knowledge resources and knowledge management system into China. CodeHelp programmers is to facilitate better management of their source code and write free software. CodeHelp use can facilitate the management of your technical information and source code. CodeHelp directory tree
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 291kb Publisher : ff

VC.NET开发的操作ACCESS数据库的程序-VC. Operating procedures ACCESS database
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 523kb Publisher : 李立

用ADO读Access数据库,这是一段用在vc.net的资料-Reading Access database using ADO, this is a section of the information used in
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : 样样

软件主页: 文件说明: ActiveX版 C++ Builder6 静态库 VC++ 6 静态库 VC++ 7 静态库 测试程序 测试程序源代码(VC版) 测试程序源代码(VB版) 帮助文档 特点: 支持HTTP、FTP协议,支持HTTP CHUNKED编码,支持HTTP GET、POST方法,支持重定向、Cookie。 支持获取FTP目录内容。 支持断点续传,支持将文件分成多块同时下载,可任意指定分块数,下载速度快,CPU占用率低。 支持从多个地址下载同一个文件。 支持同步模式,异步模式。 支持SOCKS4,SOCKS5,HTTP1.1代理。 可提供C++静态库(VC6、VC7、VC8、C++ Builder),可提供ActiveX版本(支持C++ Builder、Delphi、VB、VC++、C#、、。 全部代码不依赖于MFC,不依赖于WININET库,方便移植。 接口简单,灵活。 支持Win98,WinMe,Win2000, Windows XP,Windows 2003-software Home : documents : ActiveX version FastDownCB6.z ip C Builder6 static VC six static FastD VC 7 the static test procedure Test testing program source code (VC version) TestFastDo testing program source code (VB Edition) help documentation features : support for HTTP, FTP, HTTP support CHUNKED coding, supports HTTP GET, POST, the support redirect, Cookie. Support FTP access to directory content. Supports HTTP, support the file into several pieces, while downloading can be arbitrarily designated a few blocks, download speed, CPU utilization rate is low. Support downloaded from the same number of addresses in a document. Synchronous, asynchronous mode. Sup
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.06mb Publisher : zxq

Example-数据访问和更新 vc#.net编程制作-Example-data access and update vc#. Net programming production
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16kb Publisher : lizy

。使用VC.NET做前端应用程序开发工具,利用面向对象的编程思想进行高效的开发,用SQL SERVER 2000进行后台数据库的创建和管理,利用ADO对象实现对后台数据库的连接,访问,修改以及写入等操作。并采用OLEDB连接数据库,提高了数据访问效率-. VC.NET make use of front-end application development tools, the use of object-oriented programming ideas for the development of highly efficient, using SQL SERVER 2000 to carry out the background of the creation and management of databases, using ADO objects to realize the background database connectivity, access, modify and write operation and so on. And uses OLEDB to connect databases, improve the efficiency of data access
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 564kb Publisher : 张世卓

DL : 0
获取计算机的名称和IP地址 该程序是一个VC .net程序 但是同样适用于VC++ 6.0。-Access to the computer name and IP address of the program is a VC. Net procedure but applies equally to VC++ 6.0.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 123kb Publisher : 宫 号

DL : 0
本系统将完成用户留言的收转流程功能、留言回复提醒功能和打印功能等,以切实能缩短来信回复的周期,告知其留言处理情况等.采用VB.NET和ASP.NET来完成,数据库设计则由采用Microsoft Access完成。-The system will be completed close to the user message flow features, message back to remind the function and print function, so as to effectively shorten the response letter from the cycle, this treatment of its message and so on. Using VB.NET and ASP.NET to complete, database design by using Microsoft Access to complete.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.54mb Publisher : 刘三金

本程序基于VC.NET 是用ADO访问access 开发的 库房管理系统.-This procedure is based on ADO Access VC.NET developed by the Treasury access management system.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 116kb Publisher : 杨剑

用Visual ( 编写的 计算机名称查询操作演示 程序。可以实现查询计算机名称,用户名称,设置计算机名称,获取计算机所有者名称 等功能,代码注释详细,有需要的朋友可以看看 。-Using Visual c . Net ( prepared by the computer name query operation and demonstration of procedures. Can query the computer name, user name, set the computer name, owner name, such as access to a computer function, code notes in detail, there is a need of a friend can look at.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 157kb Publisher : 羊妹妹

基于Visual ( 编写的 操作系统信息获取 程序。代码注释详细。实现的功能为:获取操作系统安装序列号,产品号;获取IE浏览器版本号;获取Windows的版本号,内建号等等。有需要的朋友可以看看!-Based on Visual c . Net ( prepared by the operating system information acquisition process. Notes the detailed code. To achieve the function as follows: access to the operating system to install serial number, product number access to IE browser version number access to the version number of Windows, its built-in, etc.. In need of friends can see!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 150kb Publisher : 羊妹妹

DL : 0
基于Visual ( 编写的 磁盘信息查询 程序。代码都有注释。实现功能为:获取磁盘的序列号,卷标名称,容量大小,磁盘文件的系统名称;设置磁盘的卷标名称,产品图标;获取系统所有产品驱动器等。-Based on Visual c . Net ( preparation of procedures for disk information. Code have the Notes. The realization of functions: access to the disk s serial number, label name, size, disk file system name set disk label name, product icon acquisition system drives all products.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 155kb Publisher : 羊妹妹

DL : 0
基于Visual ( 编写的 BIOS信息查询 程序。代码都有注释。实现功能为:获取显卡BIOS 的版本号,更新日期,获取系统BIOS的版本号和更新日期 。-Based on Visual c . Net ( prepared by the procedure BIOS information. Code have the Notes. The realization of functions: access to graphics BIOS version number, update date, access to the system BIOS version number and update date.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 150kb Publisher : 羊妹妹

DL : 0
本程序是用 Visual (编写的网络通信程序。 实现 获取主机名和IP地址 的程序代码。代码注解详细。有需要的朋友下载看看。-This procedure is used Visual C . Net ( the preparation of the network communication program. To achieve access to the host name and IP address of the program code. Detailed code comments. There is a need to download and see friends.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 212kb Publisher : 羊妹妹

DL : 0
VC2005通过ADO连接Access2007数据库的简单Demo,系统Vista SP1 + Visual Studio 2005 + Office 2007 -VC2005 connected Access2007 database through ADO simple Demo, system, Vista SP1+ Visual Studio 2005+ Office 2007!!!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 338kb Publisher : db12332

收集了一些VC.NET字符串的操作演示实例源码,比如对字符串进行连接,字符串比较,从字符串中存取字符,如何计算一个字符串的大小,如何使用VC快速格式化一个字符串,如何将Cstring类型的字符串转换成int型和float型,如何让字符串赋值给字符指针等技巧,很小的例子,都挺简单,适合初学者-Collected VC.NET string operation demonstrates some examples of source code, such as connection strings, string comparison, access to characters from a string, how to calculate the size of a string, how to use VC quick format a string How to convert a string to an int type Cstring and float, how to get a pointer to the character string assigned other techniques, small example, hang a simple, suitable for beginners
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 42kb Publisher : apudn52

vc.net获取网卡地址,具体来说是获取网卡mac地址,一键即可获取到你网卡的MAC地址 access card address, specifically access card mac address, a key to get into your network card s MAC address
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 156kb Publisher : wpudn10
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