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Description: VS2010 C++ openMP 简单示例(Hello World 例子),VC2010下编译通过-VS2010 C++ openMP simple example (Hello World example), VC2010 compiled by
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: hawksons | Hits:

[Windows DevelopComTime

Description: 为了测试函数处理时间,自己写了关于时间度量的类来计算执行命令之间需要花的时间。此类简单易懂,使用和修改方便,带例子。此类比 GetTickCount()函数更精确。使用VC++, VC2010编译通过。希望些类给大家带来便利。 -To test the function of processing time, write your own class on time metric to calculate the execution time to be spent between commands. Such easy to understand, easy to use and modify, with examples. Such than GetTickCount () function is more accurate. Using VC++, VC2010 compile. We hope to bring some class to facilitate.
Platform: | Size: 243712 | Author: kevin | Hits:


Description: VC调用中科院分词2010版组件的最新源码! 中国科学院计算技术研究所在多年研究工作积累的基础上,研制出了汉语词法分析系统ICTCLAS(Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Lexical Analysis System),主要功能包括中文分词;词性标注;命名实体识别;新词识别;同时支持用户词典。我们先后精心打造五年,内核升级8次,目前已经升级到了ICTCLAS2010!-VC call to Word 2010 version of the CAS component of the latest source code! Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of research accumulated over the years based on the successful development of a Chinese Lexical Analysis System ICTCLAS (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Lexical Analysis System), the main features include Chinese word speech tagging named entity recognition new words recognition also supports user dictionaries. We have carefully built five years, the kernel upgrade 8 has now upgraded to ICTCLAS2010!
Platform: | Size: 7228416 | Author: 胡名 | Hits:


Description: VC2010 下开发的模拟QQ及其它一些软件的登录过程,在ComboBox中嵌入按键,并响应删除功能-VC2010 simulation developed under the QQ and other software, the login process, embedded in the ComboBox button, and respond to the delete function
Platform: | Size: 198656 | Author: suny | Hits:

[Technology ManagementVC2010

Description: Visual C++ 2010入门教程 对vc2010的安装,配置,操作,使用做了详细的讲解-Visual C++ 2010
Platform: | Size: 5651456 | Author: wii9999 | Hits:


Description: VC2010-08-25-Windows+XP+中利用Visual+C++编程创建快捷方式-VC2010-08-25-Windows+ XP+ using Visual+ C++ programming to create a shortcut
Platform: | Size: 842752 | Author: hejinbiao | Hits:


Description: 局域网聊天,支持文件传输 vc2010-LAN chat, file transfer support
Platform: | Size: 1701888 | Author: wsk | Hits:


Description: 教你 怎样玩转 vc2010,这只是教你怎样使用vc2010-Teach you how to Fun vc2010, it just teach you how to use vc2010
Platform: | Size: 4613120 | Author: 神人 | Hits:


Description: 节约里程法的c++代码,vc2010解决方案,采用迪卡克拉斯算法进行改进-Save mileage method c++ code, vc2010 solution algorithm is improved by Decca Claes
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: zhangshun | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVC2010_library

Description: VC2010运行库(Visual C++2010)简体中文版.RAR
Platform: | Size: 5061632 | Author: 刘先生 | Hits:


Description: 偶从大学开始维护至今的好东西。经过多个项目考验的对ADO数据库调用的封装类库。讨厌了ADO繁琐的接口?这个工具能帮你完成绝大多数需求,不但提供了C++的类,也提供了C的API,支持从VC6.0 ~ VC2010各个编译环境,附有例子代码和数据库。 特色: 1、经过多个项目考验,支持Oracle,SQl-Svr2000, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Access(2003), 的Blob 读写,见例子 2、支持类似GetProfileInt系列的变量持久化入数据库,摈弃注册表。见例子 3、支持C++和C的接口,方便在控制台程序中调用。 4、不高深、不先进,但是稳定实用,写的代码少,再也不用怕一坨ADO的try...catch把你的代码搞得稀里糊涂-After the test of a number of projects , using this ADO database library, you can avoid cumbersome interface. This tool can help you complete the majority of demand, not only provides a C++ class, but also provides a C, API, support for all from VC6.0 ~ VC2010 build environment, with examples of code and database. Features: 1, after the test a number of projects in support of Oracle, SQl-Svr2000, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Access (2003), The Blob read and write, see example 2, support a similar range of variables GetProfileInt persistence into the database. See Example 3, support C++ and C interfaces, easy to call by the console applications.
Platform: | Size: 1019904 | Author: 流浪小狗 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVC2010

Description: 很适合新手的VC2010教程,适合所有以前只用VC6的选手-VC2010 tutorial is suitable for beginners, suitable for all players previously only VC6
Platform: | Size: 4614144 | Author: 徐志博 | Hits:

[Other Riddle games3721els

Description: vc2010下编写的一个俄罗斯方块对战程序。-vc2010 prepared a Tetris Battle program.
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: soft | Hits:


Description: 2010新版STL修订内容(VC2010),由本人翻译-2010 New STL amendments (VC2010), translated by me
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: colin | Hits:

[Picture ViewerShowBigBitmap

Description: vc2010 实现的超大位图滑动显示例程,响应WM_HSCROLL WM_VSCROLL 消息处理图片显示区域-vc2010 achieve large bitmap slide show routine, response WM_HSCROLL WM_VSCROLL message processing image display area
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: ftren | Hits:


Description: VS2010串口例程,VC2010写的串口调试助手,开发环境为VS2010,使用的uncioud环境,纯API,不错的C++串行通讯例子程序,希望能对串口学习的朋友有所帮助 -VS2010 serial routines, VC2010 write serial debugging assistant development environment VS2010, using uncioud environment, pure API, a good example of C++ serial communication program, hoping to help a friend learn the serial port
Platform: | Size: 134144 | Author: lan | Hits:


Description: 在PC端生成离散的正弦波,保存到文件“myfile.txt”中,方便单片机的计算。我是在win7 64bit VC2010中编译通过的。-Generated on the PC side discrete sine wave, to a file " myfile.txt" , the convenient single-chip computing
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: Jamie | Hits:

[Data structsvc2010

Description: vc2010的使用说明,数据、变量如何声明,数组、字符串、指针如何使用-the instructions if vc2010 , introducing how to declare the data and variables ,and how to use the arrays, strings, and pointers
Platform: | Size: 31019008 | Author: maling | Hits:


Description: 介绍了一些vc2010的基础的只是,帮助初学者对其有一个基本的认识,以便以后更好的学习-Introduced some vc2010 basis only, to help beginners its a basic understanding for better learning
Platform: | Size: 1882112 | Author: 曲琳 | Hits:


Description: 在vc2010下编译gdal142的详细步骤以及读取GEOtiff文件信息的测试代码-In vc2010 under to compile gdal142 detailed steps as well as the test code read GEOtiff file information
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: wangjiaojiao | Hits:
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