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获得系统信息,如CPU数量,速度,版本,内存,虚拟内存,鼠标,键盘等信息-access system information, such as number of CPUs, speed version, memory, virtual memory, mouse, keyboard and other information
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 29.14kb Publisher : 柴二建

获得系统信息,如CPU数量,速度,版本,内存,虚拟内存,鼠标,键盘等信息-access system information, such as number of CPUs, speed version, memory, virtual memory, mouse, keyboard and other information
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 29kb Publisher : 柴二建

非常小巧的软键盘源程序,可以用鼠标代替输入,对虚拟键有兴趣的朋友可以试试。-Very compact source of soft keyboard, you can replace the input with the mouse on the virtual keys are interested friends can try.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 135kb Publisher : 安帝

WINIO模拟鼠标键盘,VB,某些电脑无效,-WINIO simulated keyboard mouse, VB, some computers does not work,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 38kb Publisher : 蒋生阳

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实现了3D正方体的旋转. 本程序可用鼠标及键盘控制,鼠标左键即一个虚拟跟踪球,右键可以调用菜单。 键盘控制键分别为:0-7数字键,b,c,i,m,p,r,w-Realize the 3D rotating cube. This procedure can be used to control the mouse and keyboard, the left mouse button that is a virtual track ball, right to call the menu. Keyboard control keys are 0-7 number keys, b, c, i, m, p, r, w
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 80kb Publisher : knight

远程桌面源码 主要思路就是先将远程桌面捕获,再发回本地,在对话框中显示出来,将本地鼠标和盘键输入,变成命令,发到远程主机执行,以模拟出鼠标和键盘的操作,再将远程桌面捕获,再发回本地,在对话框中显示出来. 包括服务端程序SreenServer,客户端程序SreenClient, 1.先运行服务端点开始,(最好在一个虚拟机上运行) 2.再运行客户端,点连接, 点得到屏幕,点控制,就可以对远程桌面进行操作了. 3.有问题请发 要更复杂的vc实例可访问我的个人页 main idea of source Remote Desktop Remote Desktop is the first capture, and then back to local, in the dialog box is displayed, the local mouse and disk key input into the command, sent to the remote host, to simulate the mouse and keyboard operation, and then Remote Desktop Capture, and then back to local, in the dialog box is displayed. including service client procedures SreenServer, client program SreenClient, 1. first began running service endpoints, (preferably in a virtual machine running) 2. re-running the client, point of connection, point to be the screen, point of control for Remote Desktop can operate a .3. have problems please send an email: to more complex examples vc visit my personal page www .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 169kb Publisher : asdasd

Visual Panel Virtual Mouse, Keyboard and 3D Controller with an Ordinary Piece of Paper 机器视觉--虚拟鼠标-Visual Panel Virtual Mouse, Keyboard and 3D Controller with an Ordinary Piece of Paper Machine Vision- Virtual Mouse
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.52mb Publisher : kingd

OPENGL太阳系模拟。相应鼠标键盘操作,可以随意拖动变换视角,具有虚拟时间,能够录制操作。显示或隐藏轨道线-OPENGL solar system simulation. Corresponding keyboard mouse, drag can change the perspective of virtual time, it can record the operation. Show or hide the track line
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16.96mb Publisher : chen

VXD虚拟设备驱动程序源代码。VxD被简称为虚拟设备驱动程序。x代表各种设备的名字,如虚拟键盘驱动程序(vkd),虚拟鼠标驱动程序(vmd)等等。这个源码包内包括有多种设备的虚拟驱动程序源码。-VXD virtual device driver source code. VxD has been referred to as a virtual device driver. x on behalf of the names of a variety of devices, such as the virtual keyboard driver (vkd), a virtual mouse driver (vmd) and so on. The source package includes a variety of device driver source code of the virtual.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 34kb Publisher : 174

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内有几个版本的VNC源代码,和VNC得协议分析, VNC(Virtual Network Computing),為一種使用RFB協定的螢幕畫面分享及遠端操作軟體。此軟體藉由網路,可傳送鍵盤與滑鼠的動作及即時的螢幕畫面。 VNC與作業系統無關,因此可跨平台使用,例如可用Windows連線到某Linux的電腦,反之亦同。甚至在沒有安裝用戶端程式的電腦中,只要有支援JAVA的瀏覽器,也可使用。-There are several versions of the VNC source code, and the VNC protocol analysis too, VNC (Virtual Network Computing), as a screen using the RFB agreements, sharing and remote operating software. With this software network can send keyboard and mouse movements and real-time screen. VNC has nothing to do with the operating system, so you can cross-platform use, such as Windows can be used to connect to a Linux computer, vice versa. Even without installing the client computer program, as long as the browser supports JAVA, but also may be used.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12.36mb Publisher : 张衡阳

VNC, or Virtual Networked Computing, is a way of controlling a remote computer just as though you are sitting in front of it. In the Windows world it is also known as remote desktop but it s normally referred to as VNC in the Linux world. All that happens is that you connect using a VNC client to a remote computer running the VNC server, then an image of the remote desktop is transmitted to your local computer and you can see and control the desktop just as though you are there since all keyboard and mouse commands are sent from your client machine to the server.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 214kb Publisher : yang

虚拟键盘和鼠标的设备,使系统里有一个虚拟的键盘和鼠标,不设备硬件直接模拟-A virtual keyboard and mouse devices, so that the system has a virtual keyboard and mouse, not the direct simulation of the device hardware
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 168kb Publisher : 唐佳

用于linux的虚拟局!能够进一步操作鼠标和键盘,能够很好的利用linux的图形界面!-Virtual Office for linux! The mouse and keyboard to further action, to good use linux graphical interface!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 18.28mb Publisher : 张小雪

鼠标及键盘\3.如何捕获键盘Home等虚键-Mouse and keyboard \ 3. How to capture such as virtual keyboard keys Home
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : mircoufo

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数字电子琴的功能 电子琴的每个音阶均对应一个特定频率的信号,通过调用数字信号发生器产生一系列指定的频率的声音,从而达到虚拟的电子琴的功能,界面中包含A、B、…、O共 15 个琴键,鼠标按下时即发声,松开时发声停止。 同时能够产生正弦波、方波、三角波等常见的波形的数字信号,并且提供了图形界面用于选择波形、频率、幅值与相位。能够根据用户指定的波形和参数产生相应的数字信号,然后将数字信号写入声卡的缓冲区,最后由声卡播放出相应的声音。 -Digital electronic keyboard electronic keyboard features both for each scale corresponds to a specific frequency signal, digital signal generator by calling the specified frequency range of voice, so as to achieve the functions of a virtual keyboard interface includes A, B, ..., O A total of 15 keys, the mouse is pressed the sound, let go when the sound stops. At the same time can produce sine, square, triangle and other common digital signal waveform, and provides a graphical interface used to select the waveform, frequency, amplitude and phase. To the user specified waveforms and parameters of a corresponding digital signal, and then write the sound card digital signal buffer, and finally by the sound card plays the corresponding sound.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 226kb Publisher : lijinejie

一个利用代码虚拟模仿鼠标事件示例。开始/停止 鼠标捕获 按 Ctrl + Shift + F6,使用键盘的方向箭头键移动鼠标,按下 L 模仿鼠标左键单击,连续按下 L 键两次模仿双击,按下 R 键模仿右键单击。 -Virtual copy of a mouse event using the code example. Start/stop the mouse capture press Ctrl+ Shift+ F6, use the keyboard arrow keys to move the direction of the mouse, press the left mouse button click L imitate, imitate two consecutive double-press the L key, press the R key to emulate right-click.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 579kb Publisher : huzike

STM32-H103 board is entry level development board for the new ARM Cortex M3 family of devices produced by ST Microelectronics Inc. With STM32-H103 you can explore the features of STM32 family on budged, the board have everything necessary to build simple applications: USB port where power is taken and power supply circuit, reset and oscillator circuits, JTAG port for programming and debugging, two status LEDs and user button. Although very simple this board will allow you to easily build USB application like PC mouse, USB mass storage device, USB Audio class device, USB to Virtual RS232 port. There are plenty of GPIOs on extension headers where you can connect your additional circuits.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.88mb Publisher : Nguyen Van Huy

VNC,全称为Virtual Network Computing,它是一个桌面共享系统。它的功能,类似于Windows中的远程桌面功能。它把键盘、鼠标动作发送到远程计算机,并把远程计算机的屏幕发回到本地。-It is a desktop sharing system. Its function, similar to Windows in the Remote Desktop feature. It is the keyboard, mouse movement is sent to a remote computer and the remote computer screen back to the local.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 538kb Publisher : 王勇夫

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Xen virtual keyboard mouse for Linux v2.13.6.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : yuhqten

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kbdif.h Xen virtual keyboard mouse. -kbdif.h Xen virtual keyboard mouse.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : frxeixei
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