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视频电话会议全站源码-video conference call the station FOSS
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 781.06kb Publisher : 看见法

一个完整的网络视频的源程序,主要包括MPEG-4等网络视频编码、视频网络传输等。 vc++6.0-a complete source code of video network,mainly contained network-video encoder,video transmit via net etc. VC++6.0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.97mb Publisher : 云皓

视频电话会议全站源码-video conference call the station FOSS
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 781kb Publisher : 看见法

用VB.NET作的一个视频播放器,支持的格式不是很多,有待完善-with VB.NET for a video player, the format is not very large, yet to be complete
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 49kb Publisher : 张梁

远程视频监控系统最新程序代码,本程序可以在Windows 98/2000/XP/2003平台下运行,可在VC6.0或.NET中调试。调试前需要安装Microsoft DirectX 9.0。-It s the source code of remote video monitor control system. run on windows 98/2000/XP/2003. can be debug under vc++6.0 or .NET. and need Microsoft DirectX be installed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.22mb Publisher : 米系

这个程序可以通过directshow和.net捕捉各种视频设备,例如Video Capture card,usb cam以及usb摄像头-through this procedure and directshow. Net capture various video equipment, for example, Video Capture card, usb cam camera and usb
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 160kb Publisher : 徐习文

.net2003开发环境,采用VC++语言捕获摄像头的图像,并演示了如何对每帧视频图像进行处理,该程序是进行实时视频图像处理的基础。 -. net2003 development environment, using VC++ language to capture camera images, and demonstrates how each frame of video image processing, the program is to conduct real-time video image processing foundation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 51kb Publisher :

ASP.NET.AJAX基础教程视频.rar给各位苦于在为界面刷新而烦恼的朋友提供一点帮助!-ASP.NET.AJAX Video Essentials. Rar to you suffer from interface refresh for friends to worry about providing a little help!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 48.65mb Publisher : 范永林

Face Recognition Library === === === === Advanced face recognition DLL using two functions : Train and Recognize. Uses neural net back propogation alogorithm with more AI tools added for imaging optimization. Library works great even for a low resolution web cam image and requires the user to align to a mirror frame on screen. Complete Source Code with Video capture and feature extraction kit for Registered Users. Please register here for only $299 with Source Code : (c) Recognition Library ======================== Advanced face recognition DLL using two functions : Train and Recognize. Uses neural net back propogation alogorithm with more AI tools added for imaging optimization. Library works great even for a low resolution web cam image and requires the user to align to a mirror frame on screen. Complete Source Code with Video capture and feature extraction kit for Registered Users. Please register here for only $299 with Source Code : (c)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 872kb Publisher : ant

视频采集器,可以采集网站上素有视频网址,只能分析 内容与标题!-Video Capture, you can always capture video on web site, only analysis of the content and the title!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 149kb Publisher : 梦飞

网络视频监控源代码,用VC6.0开发,用很大的参考意义-net video
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 449kb Publisher : jw

Anothersea 多人在线视频系统测试版 适用范围: 1 多人在线视频 2 远程在线视频会议 使用说明: 环境 IIS + FMS asp + FLASH 脚本: as2.0; 使用时请修改: (1) 修改 目录 A 下的“ip.txt” 将ip地址改成您的ip地址; 默认设置是_ip = "" ; (2)在fms安装目录下的applications文件夹下新建立一个video文件夹;如果您的fms是按默认情况安装的 则在C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Flash Media Server 2\applications 下新建一个 video文件夹 (3)修改top.txt文件"_top="后面的内容.即为视频上方的文字内容 程序默认为:Anothersea 多人在线视频系统测试版 (注意txt文件要以utf-8编码保存) 此程序仅为测试版。。很多很多不完善的地方 如果有问题可以与我联系;! qq:133152019 附:flash media server (FMS)下载地址 多人在线视频系统测试版 适用范围: 1 多人在线视频 2 远程在线视频会议 使用说明: 环境 IIS+ FMS asp + FLASH 脚本: as2.0; 使用时请修改: (1) 修改 目录 A 下的“ip.txt” 将ip地址改成您的ip地址; 默认设置是_ip = "" ; (2)在fms安装目录下的applications文件夹下新建立一个video文件夹;如果您的fms是按默认情况安装的 则在C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Flash Media Server 2\applications 下新建一个 video文件夹 (3)修改top.txt文件"_top="后面的内容.即为视频上方的文字内容 程序默认为:Anothersea 多人在线视频系统测试版 (注意txt文件要以utf-8编码保存) 此程序仅为测试版。。很多很多不完善的地方 如果有问题可以与我联系;! qq:133152019 附:flash media server (FMS)下载地址
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 120kb Publisher : 张伟伟

VOIP program in VC++, video, voice and other features
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 211kb Publisher : xiaobao

本文实现了在连续视频数据流中几种不同的运动检测算法,他们都是基于当前帧图像和前一帧图像的比较,程序使用了AForge.NET framework库。其中的示例代码支持下面几种视频格式:AVI文件、网路相机的JPEG和MJPEG,本地的采集设备(USB相机等)。-This article implements a continuous video data stream in several different motion detection algorithms, they are based on the current frame and previous frame image comparison, the program uses the AForge.NET framework library. Sample code which supports the following video format: AVI file, network camera JPEG and MJPEG, the local collection devices (USB cameras, etc.).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.29mb Publisher : 憨豆

ASP.NET是微软力推的Web开发编程技术,也是当今最热门的Web开发编程之一。本书深入浅出,循序渐进讲授读者如何使用ASP.NET进行系统开发。全书内容包括了解ASP.NET、认识C# 3.5、认识面向对象、ASP.NET基础控件、ASP.NET高级控件、数据库与ADO.NET、数据库基础、ASP.NET操作数据库、ASP.NET访问其他数据源、ASP.NET MVC、LINQ及Lambda表达式、WCF应用开发、WPF应用开发以及图形图像编程等内容。为了便于读者学习和理解ASP.NET的知识,本书最后几章进行了不同的小型模块的开发,以便读者能够深入的了解ASP.NET技术的基础开发,在了解了基本的模块开发后,还包括两章进行较大、较完整的系统开发。具体讲解了用户注册模块、登陆模块、投票模块、聊天模块以及留言本系统和校友录系统。 本书适合广大Web网站开发人员、网站管理维护人员和大专院校学生阅读,尤其是有一定Internet/Intranet编程技术的人员,同样本书也适合.NET平台的初学者以及热爱.NET技术的入门人员。 -Microsoft pushing for ASP.NET Web development programming as well as today s most popular Web development programming one. Book easy to understand, step by step teach the reader how to use ASP.NET for system development. The book includes understanding ASP.NET, understanding C# 3.5, knowledge of object-oriented, ASP.NET based controls, ASP.NET advanced controls, database and ADO.NET, database infrastructure, ASP.NET operational database, ASP.NET access to other data source, ASP.NET MVC, LINQ and Lambda expressions, WCF application development, WPF application development and programming and other graphics and video content. In order to help readers learn and understand ASP.NET, knowledge of the last few chapters of the book, Small and diverse module development so providing deep Lejie 读者 the Jichu ASP.NET technology development, in understanding the basic of Mokuai after development, Huan including two chapters on a larger, more complete system development. , Explain the user registrat
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.66mb Publisher : 李壮

基于 video for linux II 的视频采集服务端 运行程序后可以直接用firefox访问 运行环境 linux内核2.4以上 编辑环境 vim 编译环境 gcc 4.3以上 硬件需求 USB摄像头一个 (我用的逻辑的C100)-Based on video for linux II' s video capture server after running the program directly access the operating environment with firefox 2.4 linux kernel build environment vim editing environment than gcc 4.3 hardware requirements than a USB camera (I use the logic of the C100)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : duke

视频会议的完整C++源码,包括视频采集、编码、解码和通讯。-Video conferencing complete C++ source code, including video capture, encoding, decoding and communication.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 208kb Publisher : weidejun

AForge.NET是一个专门为开发者和研究者基于C#框架设计的,这个框架提供了不同的类库和关于类库的资源,还有很多应用程序例子,包括计算机视觉与人工智能,图像处理,神经网络,遗传算法,机器学习,机器人等领域。 这个框架由一系列的类库组成。主要包括有: AForge.Imaging -- 一些日常的图像处理和过滤器 AForge.Vision -- 计算机视觉应用类库 AForge.Neuro -- 神经网络计算库AForge.Genetic -进化算法编程库 AForge.MachineLearning -- 机器学习类库 AForge.Robotics -- 提供一些机器学习的工具类库 AForge.Video -- 一系列的视频处理类库 AForge.Fuzzy -- 模糊推理系统类库 AForge.Controls-- 图像,三维,图表显示控件(AForge.NET is a specialized for developers and researchers based on the C# framework, this framework provides a different library and on the library resources, there are a lot of application examples, including computer vision and artificial intelligence, image processing, neural network, genetic algorithm, machine learning, robotics and other fields. The framework consists of a series of class libraries. Mainly include: AForge.Imaging -- some daily image processing and filters AForge.Vision -- computer vision application class library AForge.Neuro -- Neural Network Computing Library -- AForge.Genetic -- evolutionary algorithm library AForge.MachineLearning - machine learning class library AForge.Robotics - provides some library tools for machine learning AForge.Video - a series of video processing libraries AForge.Fuzzy -- fuzzy inference system class library AForge.Controls-- images, three-dimensional, chart display controls)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35.91mb Publisher : ideal0o0

影视系统源码:一套ASP程序,供小区局域网使用,带会员组管理,收费充值等.(Video system source code: a set of ASP procedures for the use of community LAN, with member group management, charging, recharge, etc.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.84mb Publisher : tgq

简单的vlc.net播放,支持rtsp视频流播放(Simple playback, support RTSP video stream playback)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37.6mb Publisher : 守一
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