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来自澳大利亚Qeensland大学的计算机视觉Matlab工具箱。 This Toolbox provides a number of functions that are useful in computer vision, machine vision and related areas. It is a somewhat eclectic collection reflecting the author s personal interest in areas of photometry, photogrammetry, colorimetry. It covers functions such as image file reading and writing, filtering, segmentation, feature extraction, camera calibration, camera exterior orientation, display, color space conversion and blackbody radiators. The Toolbox, combined with MATLAB and a modern workstation computer, is a useful and convenient environment for investigation of machine vision algorithms. It is possible to use MEX files to interface with image acquisition hardware ranging from simple framegrabbers to Datacube servers.-from Australia Qeensland University of Computer Vision Matlab toolbox. This Toolbox provides a number of functions tha t are useful in computer vision, machine vision and related areas. It is a somewh at eclectic collection reflecting the author's personal interest in areas of photometry. photogrammetry, colorimetry. It covers functions such as image file reading and writing, filtering, segmentation and feature extraction. camera calibration. camera exterior orientation, display, color space conversion and blackbody radiator s. The Toolbox. MATLAB and combined with a modern workstation c omputer. is a useful and convenient environment for OAS stigation of machine vision algorithms. It is p ossible to use MEX files to interface with image acquisition hardware ranging from simple fram eg
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.35mb Publisher : 杨愚根

基于视觉的网页分块算法VIPS的c语言实现-vision-based website Block Maker algorithm in C Language
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 475kb Publisher : 罗一

Machine Vision (美)Wesley E.Snyder著 光盘中的windows应用的视觉分析工具,和使用方法-Machine Vision (U.S.) Wesley E. Snyder of the CD-ROM applications windows visual analysis tools, and use of methods
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.49mb Publisher : 黎先生

Graph Cutshi是最近在计算机视觉中研究和应用比较多的优化算法,典型的用于stereo matching, image restortion, texture synthesis等应用,以上代码给出了graph cut,mean shift, 以及相关的ppm/pgm图像借口,本来是用于stereo matching的,已经把相关的matching的实现代码给去掉了。大家可以以此为平台做一些相关的研究和应用。 -Graph Cutshi recently in computer vision research and application of a relatively large number of optimization algorithms, typical for the stereo matching, image restortion, texture synthesis applications, the above code gives the graph cut, mean shift, and the associated ppm/pgm images an excuse, it is used for stereo matching, and has been related to matching the code to realize removed. U.S. can also be used as a platform to do some related research and applications.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.28mb Publisher : wang wei

机器视觉测量圆的一个软件源码,大家共同学习学习-Machine vision measurement round a software source code, learn the common U.S.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 477kb Publisher : wu

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Feature Extraction in Computer Vision and Image Processing - Mark S. Nixon-Feature Extraction in Computer Vision and Image Processing- Mark S. Nixon
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.92mb Publisher : zhaowenyong

机器人足球视觉系统精度提高算法,里面有详细的说明及源代码,供大家借鉴!-Robot soccer vision system improve the accuracy of algorithm, which has detailed instructions and source code for the U.S. learn from!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.46mb Publisher : 小马哥

O Relly s Book on OpenCV
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.14mb Publisher : Milind Padalkar

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包含Labview8.6的破解程序以及Labview8.6工具包的破解程序-The material contains crack of Labview8.6 and cracks of Labview8.6 s saddlebags.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.31mb Publisher : 宫利华

这是一本徐关佑的一本关于机器视觉方面的书,是学习机器视觉技术人员的很好的助手-This is a Xu Guan-yu' s a book about books on machine vision, machine vision and technical personnel to learn a good assistant
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.8mb Publisher : yan xuqin

一片关于机器视觉、视觉测量领域的硕士学位论文,对于研究立体视觉测量具有参考价值!-One on the machine vision, visual measurement of a master' s degree thesis, for the study of stereo vision measurement with the reference value!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.42mb Publisher : hustyw

以逆合成孔径雷达成像技术和计算机视觉理论为基础,提出了一套新的从动态目标成像序列中提取目标散射点三维结构信息,以此作为目标特征的识别方法。-To inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging technology and computer vision theory, put forward a new set of goals from a dynamic imaging sequence to extract three-dimensional structural information of target scattering points, thus features as a target recognition method.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 406kb Publisher :

GPU Accelerating Speeded-Up Robust Features. Many computer vision tasks require interest point detection and description, such as real-time visual navigation. We present a GPU implementation of the recently proposed Speeded-Up Robust Feature extractor, currently the state of the art for this task. Robust feature descriptors can give vast improvements in the quality and speed of subsequent steps, but require intensive computation up front that is well-suited to inexpensive graphics hardware. We describe the algorithm’s translation to the GPU in detail, with several novel optimizations, including a new method of computing multi-dimensional parallel prefix sums. It operates at over 30 Hz at HD resolutions with thousands of features and in excess of 70 Hz at SD resolutions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.47mb Publisher : yangwei

基于OpenCV的计算机视觉技术实现一书的源代码,学习OpenCV图像处理的好资料-OpenCV for computer vision-based technology of the book' s source code, learning good information on OpenCV image processing
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16.64mb Publisher : 锦瑟

火灾视觉特征的提取是视觉火灾探测中的关键问题. 我们主要研究色彩、纹理以及轮廓脉动 等特征的提取,并提出一种度量轮廓脉动信息的距离模型,该模型在规格化的傅立叶描述子空间能 够准确地度量这种时空闪烁特征. 实验结果表明,该方法具有比较好的鲁棒性,有助于提高视觉火 灾探测的准确率、降低误报漏报率.-Based on investigating color , text ure and temporal feat ures for vision based fire detection , a distance model of contour fluct uation between two successive f rames in t he normalized Fourier descriptor s domain was presented to measure t his time varying contour fluct uation feat ure of flame. The model of contour fluct uation is effective and robust for fire recognition. To f urt her reduce fal se alarms , several features ext racted according to color , text ure and the distance model were toget her regarded as a joint feature vector for artificial neural network to detect fire. Experiment s show t hat the algorithm is effective and robust , and t hat it is significant for improving accuracy and reducing fal se alarms.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 800kb Publisher : 陈卿

IPcamera AV1300摄像头的使用,可以获取图片,对于使用摄像头api函数帮助很大-IPcamera AV1300 camera to use, can get pictures, using the camera api functions for very helpful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 819kb Publisher : long

DC的使用及逻辑综合入门培训,方便大家学习。-DC' s use and logic synthesis induction training so as to facilitate learning.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 415kb Publisher : lina

DL : 0
本代码是用VC++编写的基于光线投射算法的体绘制应用,其效果是一个人的头骨-The code is written using VC++ algorithm based on ray casting volume rendering applications, the effect of a person' s skull
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.98mb Publisher : eric

巴菲特为什么看中王传福(中国内地首富创业神话大揭秘) 从白手起家到成为汽车业内的黑马,更引来股神巴菲特于金融风暴中入股,从而一举登顶中国内地首富宝座。比亚迪董事长王传福决胜商海的秘诀是什么?对于巴菲特来说,王传福的魅力和价值何在?本书将从他的经营方式、管理理念、人才观念、商业模式等方面做深入分析解读。 -Why Buffett fancy Wang (China Mainland' s richest man, the myth of business development team) from scratch to become the dark horse of the auto industry, has caused Warren Buffett stake in the financial crisis, the richest man in mainland China to the throne of the summit in one fell swoop. BYD chairman Wang decisive sea What is the secret? For Buffett, Wang' s charm and value? Book from his mode of operation, management philosophy, personnel concepts, business models and so do in-depth analysis of reading.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 125kb Publisher : 李新欣

—The last version of Land’s retinex model for human vision’s lightness and color constancy has been implemented and tested in image processing experiments. Previous research has es- tablished the mathematical foundations of Land’s retinex but has not subjected his lightness theory to extensive image processing experiments.-We have sought to defi ne a practical implementation of the retinex without particular concern for its validity as a model for human lightness and color perception.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3mb Publisher : shixin
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