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本系统是在asp版《在线文件管理器》的基础上设计制作,取其精华,弃其糟粕,功能更强,效率更高,具有以下特点: 1。采用三层结构开发,程序逻辑和用户界面彻底分离,可轻松换肤。 2。全部代码采用Ultra Edit编写,不使用任何可视化开发工具,精确控制代码流程,确保代码高效率运行。 3。自行开发自定义控件,不产生任何一丁点的HTML代码冗余。 4。尽可能的减少客户与服务器的交互,降低对服务器资源消耗,减少网络传输。 5。真正多用户系统,可分别为每个用户设置可管理的文件类型,目录等,上传的单个文件大小限制等。 6。各用户环境自由配置,风格自选(如果有多个风格的话),可自由设置每页显示的文件及目录数等。 7。文件与目录翻页分开,即使管理同一目录下的数万个文件也不再出现程序超时现象。 8。功能强大,除了asp版具备的全部功能如上传、下载、编辑、批量复制、移动、粘贴外还具备文件快速过滤搜索,智能修改文件属性。 9。效率极高。经测试,在一太普通PC上对一个包含50000个文件的目录进行浏览管理,任意翻页,执行时间均不超过1秒。过滤或者搜索则更是低至仅0.3秒的执行时间。而windows资源管理器打开目录或者asp版翻至最后一页都需要6.5秒甚至更长时间。-the system is the asp edition of "online document management device" on the basis of the design, select the essence and disposable dross, more powerful, more efficient and has the following features : 1. The development of a three-tier structure, procedures and user interface logic completely separated easily Eurocargo. 2. All the code used Ultra Edit preparation, not the use of any visual development tools, precision flow control code, the code to ensure efficient operation. 3. Developed OCX, without generating any one little bit of HTML code redundancy. 4. Minimizing the client and server interaction, reduce consumption of server resources and reduce network transmission. 5. A truly multi-user system can be set up for each user can manage the file type, directory, upload a sing
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 327.7kb Publisher : 刘元凯

DL : 0
本系统是在asp版《在线文件管理器》的基础上设计制作,取其精华,弃其糟粕,功能更强,效率更高,具有以下特点: 1。采用三层结构开发,程序逻辑和用户界面彻底分离,可轻松换肤。 2。全部代码采用Ultra Edit编写,不使用任何可视化开发工具,精确控制代码流程,确保代码高效率运行。 3。自行开发自定义控件,不产生任何一丁点的HTML代码冗余。 4。尽可能的减少客户与服务器的交互,降低对服务器资源消耗,减少网络传输。 5。真正多用户系统,可分别为每个用户设置可管理的文件类型,目录等,上传的单个文件大小限制等。 6。各用户环境自由配置,风格自选(如果有多个风格的话),可自由设置每页显示的文件及目录数等。 7。文件与目录翻页分开,即使管理同一目录下的数万个文件也不再出现程序超时现象。 8。功能强大,除了asp版具备的全部功能如上传、下载、编辑、批量复制、移动、粘贴外还具备文件快速过滤搜索,智能修改文件属性。 9。效率极高。经测试,在一太普通PC上对一个包含50000个文件的目录进行浏览管理,任意翻页,执行时间均不超过1秒。过滤或者搜索则更是低至仅0.3秒的执行时间。而windows资源管理器打开目录或者asp版翻至最后一页都需要6.5秒甚至更长时间。-the system is the asp edition of "online document management device" on the basis of the design, select the essence and disposable dross, more powerful, more efficient and has the following features : 1. The development of a three-tier structure, procedures and user interface logic completely separated easily Eurocargo. 2. All the code used Ultra Edit preparation, not the use of any visual development tools, precision flow control code, the code to ensure efficient operation. 3. Developed OCX, without generating any one little bit of HTML code redundancy. 4. Minimizing the client and server interaction, reduce consumption of server resources and reduce network transmission. 5. A truly multi-user system can be set up for each user can manage the file type, directory, upload a sing
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.27mb Publisher : 甘永祥

本系统是在asp版《在线文件管理器》的基础上设计制作,取其精华,弃其糟粕,功能更强,效率更高,具有以下特点: 1。采用三层结构开发,程序逻辑和用户界面彻底分离,可轻松换肤。 2。全部代码采用Ultra Edit编写,不使用任何可视化开发工具,精确控制代码流程,确保代码高效率运行。 3。自行开发自定义控件,不产生任何一丁点的HTML代码冗余。 4。尽可能的减少客户与服务器的交互,降低对服务器资源消耗,减少网络传输。 5。真正多用户系统,可分别为每个用户设置可管理的文件类型,目录等,上传的单个文件大小限制等。 6。各用户环境自由配置,风格自选(如果有多个风格的话),可自由设置每页显示的文件及目录数等。 7。文件与目录翻页分开,即使管理同一目录下的数万个文件也不再出现程序超时现象。 8。功能强大,除了asp版具备的全部功能如上传、下载、编辑、批量复制、移动、粘贴外还具备文件快速过滤搜索,智能修改文件属性。 9。效率极高。经测试,在一太普通PC上对一个包含50000个文件的目录进行浏览管理,任意翻页,执行时间均不超过1秒。过滤或者搜索则更是低至仅0.3秒的执行时间。而windows资源管理器打开目录或者asp版翻至最后一页都需要6.5秒甚至更长时间。-the system is the asp edition of "online document management device" on the basis of the design, select the essence and disposable dross, more powerful, more efficient and has the following features : 1. The development of a three-tier structure, procedures and user interface logic completely separated easily Eurocargo. 2. All the code used Ultra Edit preparation, not the use of any visual development tools, precision flow control code, to ensure the efficient operation code. 3. Developed OCX, without generating any one little bit of HTML code redundancy. 4. Minimizing the client and server interaction, reduce consumption of server resources and reduce network transmission. 5. A truly multi-user system can be set up for each user can manage the file type, directory, Upload a sing
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 329.33kb Publisher : 李工

汽车娱乐电子推动了功能和容量的快速发展,促使设计人员在性能、成本和灵活性上做出综合考虑。与其他汽车电子领域不同,多媒体图形应用高度可视化, 其需求多变,在许多情况下甚至还没有建立标准。汽车设计人员需要一个能够提供最灵活、性能最佳而成本可控的解决方案。可编程逻辑,特别是现场可编程门阵列 (FPGA)便是这样的解决方案。 -automobile electronic entertainment functions and promote the rapid development of the capacity to promote design in performance, cost and flexibility make comprehensive consideration. And other areas of Automotive Electronics, multimedia graphics application of highly visual, their needs are ever-changing in many cases have not even established standards. Automobile designers need to be able to provide a most flexible, performance and the best cost-controlled solutions. Programmable logic, in particular field programmable gate array (FPGA) is such a solution.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 78.84kb Publisher : yaoming

很好的引擎!HGE is an easy to use yet powerful hardware accelerated 2D game engine. It is a full featured middleware for all who want to develop commercial quality 2D games rapidly and easily. It covers all imaginable 2D game genres: you could create everything from a simple puzzle to advanced multilayered platformer or strategy without even thinking of any non game logic code! And you don t have to know anything about \"window messages\", DirectX programming and all that stuff. Instead you can start developing your own game within 15 minutes! HGE runs on Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, NT, ME, XP and requires DirectX 8.0. It will run even on low-end video cards, including built in video cards such as Intel Solano (i815 chipset). HGE can be used with virtually any C++ compiler including Visual C++, Borland C++, MinGW and Metrowerks Codewarrior.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.29mb Publisher : 吕日飞

数据结构课程设计 程序开发平台:本程序的操作平台是WINDOS XP ,编程工具是VISUAL BASIC.NET。运行程序需要安装Microsoft.NET Framework 1.1。 硬件环境:P3以上处理器. 程序功能:将十进制数转换为2进制后进行逻辑运算。实现布尔表达式。-data structure course design program development platform : the operating procedures of the T4010 XP platform, programming tools VISUAL BASIC.NET. Operational procedures need to install the Microsoft.NET Framework 1.1. The hardware environment : more than P3 processor. Procedures function : conversion to the metric system for the band after two logic operation. Achieving Boolean expressions.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 73.1kb Publisher : 乐天

图像逻辑运算源码,包括逻辑与,逻辑或,逻辑异或,逻辑非等操作-source images logical operators, including logic and the logic or logical XOR logic operators such as non-
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.75mb Publisher : 何薇

visual prolog语言专题(可视化逻辑程序设计-visual prolog language themes (visual logic programming
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.2mb Publisher : 高村

路径跟踪是机器人视觉导航控制基本技术之一,为使机器人沿地面彩色引导线自主运动,并能在适时离线执行任务 后自动返航,提出了一种用可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)实现的视觉伺服PID 控制方法。该方法利用图像特征反馈对其所跟踪的 路经进行实时识别跟踪。仿真结果表明,该方法改善了控制算法的实时性,提高了移动机器人的路径跟踪精度与速度。-Path tracking control of robot visual navigation, one of the basic technology, in order to guide the robot along the ground color line autonomous movement, and offline in a timely manner after the implementation of auto-return mission, a programmable logic device to use (CPLD) realize the visual servoing PID control methods. By using image feature tracking their feedback via real-time identification and tracking. The simulation results show that the method improves the real-time control algorithms, and enhance the mobile robot path tracking accuracy and speed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 450kb Publisher : 高子

本设计要求使用微机与可编程控制器通过串行通信接口进行连接,采用VB编写通信应用程序,使微机与可编程控制器进行数据交换-This design requires the use of computer and programmable logic controller through the serial communication interface to connect, using the preparation of communications VB application, so that PC and programmable controller data exchange
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.42mb Publisher : 高家泽

DL : 0
模糊pid算法在visual c++环境下运行的源程序,压缩文件,有模糊控制表-Fuzzy pid algorithm in visual c++ environment to run the source code, compressed files, has fuzzy control table
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : wanghua

数据挖掘和知识发现(Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,DMKD)技术就是在这样的背景下产生的,是在数据库技术、机器学习、人工智能、统计分析、模型逻辑、人工神经网络和专家系统等基础上发展起来的新兴交叉科学,是继网络之后的又一个技术热点。如果将数据库中的大量数据比喻为矿床,则DMKD技术就是从这矿床中挖掘知识的“金块”的工具。由于其诱人的前景和巨大的难道,使得DMKD成为计算机信息处理领域的研究热点和前沿技术。-Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, DMKD) technology is produced in this background is in database technology, machine learning, artificial intelligence, statistical analysis, model logic, artificial neural network and expert system based on developed new interdisciplinary science, is the second network technology hot spot after another. If the database of a large number of data compared to deposits, the DMKD technology is the knowledge of mining this deposit, the "gold" tool. Because of its attractive prospects and huge Could make DMKD a computer information processing in the field of research focus and cutting-edge technology
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.8mb Publisher : kizo

Books in visual c++ and neural networks
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.29mb Publisher : sona

learning visual bacsic
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 712kb Publisher : Tuan

VISUAL C++使用编程,具体的事例让你更加轻松了解C++的编程,RAR解压就行了-C++ is an efficient and practical programming language, it can process change program design, can also be carried out in the face of the object program design, and easier to learn than C (such as I/O flow, annotation, quote, heavy duty, etc.), and object-oriented part more emphasis on the support of senior abstract. Through this course, students are required to master c++ program design language of the basic knowledge, in the face of the object the basic concept, the program design of the basic methods and ideas, including data types, expression, all kinds of basic statement, modularized program design, algorithms, and can comprehensive application of these knowledge to solve practical problems of simple, and at the same time, raises the student good programming ability and rigorous logic thinking ability
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14.32mb Publisher : 蒋宏

visual basic 编写的小时钟,可以看到分秒时,代码完整,结构清晰,逻辑明白-visual basic to prepare a small clock, you can see every minute, the code is complete, clear structure, logic understand
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 54kb Publisher : 殷佳俊

visual basic 2008 code, just like matlab. there are alot of setting inclide membership function, rule, and some example for using this sofrware-visual basic 2008 code, just like matlab. there are alot of setting inclide membership function, rule, and some example for using this sofrware
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.3mb Publisher : primaridha

In Starting Out With Visual C# 2012, Gaddis makes a very detailed and evenly paced presentation of both programming and C# syntax concepts so all readers will be able to follow along. His GUI-based approach to teaching C# will resonate with students in CS, IT, and CIS courses. While the book is written for readers with no prior programming background, even experienced programmers will benefit its depth of detail. Tony Gaddis’s accessible, step-by-step presentation helps beginning students understand the important details necessary to become skilled programmers at an introductory level. Gaddis motivates the study of both programming skills and the Visual C# programming language by presenting all the details needed to understand the “how” and the “why”–but never losing sight of the fact that most beginners struggle with this material. His approach is both gradual and highly accessible, ensuring that readers understand the logic behind developing high-quality programs.-In Starting Out With Visual C# 2012, Gaddis makes a very detailed and evenly paced presentation of both programming and C# syntax concepts so all readers will be able to follow along. His GUI-based approach to teaching C# will resonate with students in CS, IT, and CIS courses. While the book is written for readers with no prior programming background, even experienced programmers will benefit its depth of detail. Tony Gaddis’s accessible, step-by-step presentation helps beginning students understand the important details necessary to become skilled programmers at an introductory level. Gaddis motivates the study of both programming skills and the Visual C# programming language by presenting all the details needed to understand the “how” and the “why”–but never losing sight of the fact that most beginners struggle with this material. His approach is both gradual and highly accessible, ensuring that readers understand the logic behind developing high-quality programs.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.91mb Publisher : walvekarrajesh

单层感知机解决逻辑与、或、非这样的线性可分问题。(Single layer perceptron solves the linear separable problem of logic and / or not)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 小唐唐

本书以237个Visual C++精彩实例全面解析了C++语言、编程的思路、方法和技巧。 该书内容涉及Visual C++编程语言,文档与视图结构,界面、对话框与控件,菜单、工具栏和状态栏,文件与系统,COM组件,数据库,多媒体,ATL与ActiveX控件,以及网络和Internet编程等各个方面。选例经典而具有代表性,分析透彻,编程逻辑思路简练,具有很强的实用性、可操作性和参考价值。 本书非常适合Visual C++初学者和中级程序员,亦可作为业余爱好者、高校计算机专业师生自学、教学用书,以及专业程序员参考书。(This book comprehensively analyzes the ideas, methods and techniques of C++ language and programming with 237 excellent examples of Visual C++. The book covers the Visual C++ programming language, and view the document structure, interface, and dialog box controls, menu, toolbar and status bar, and the file system, COM module, database, multimedia, ATL and ActiveX controls, as well as various network and Internet programming etc.. The example is typical, representative, thorough analysis and simple programming logic. It has strong practicability, maneuverability and reference value. This book is very suitable for Visual C++ beginners and intermediate programmers. It can also be used as an amateur, a self taught and teaching book for computer majors, as well as a reference book for professional programmers.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.29mb Publisher : 软件开发人员
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