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Description: 本控件基于GSM Modem工作,不需要使用电话语音卡设备。不但具备普通电话语音卡功能,还具备手机短信收发功能。 语音与短信的有机结合,既保留了传统语音呼叫中心系统简单、易用、信息容量不限的特点,又具备了准确、快捷、费用节省的特点,更能满足手机用户的喜好,也可为听力有困难的人士提供方便。同时还具备移动性强的特点。 -controls based on the GSM Modem work and do not need to use the telephone voice card equipment. Not only have ordinary telephone card, but it also possesses SMS transceiver functions. Voice and text messaging an organic combination of both the traditional voice reservations call center system is simple, easy-to-use, open-information capacity characteristics, is also equipped with an accurate, efficient, cost savings features, and can satisfy the preferences of mobile phone users, but also for hearing difficulties as a conveniences. Mobile also has strong character.
Platform: | Size: 150174 | Author: 和上面 | Hits:

[VOIP programLATransmitter

Description: 用JMF 实现语音信息发送端程序,从麦克风中抓取语音信号,使用sessionManager进行会话管理和传输 -with JMF voice messaging software, which crawls from the microphone voice signal sessionManager used for session management and transfer
Platform: | Size: 11201 | Author: liyizhong | Hits:

[WinSock-NDISPRTX v1.63(P2P即时通讯开发平台)

Description: 一个VB开发的实时通讯和P2P开发工具,由一套易用的控件和DLL组成,功能包括好友列表,上下线管理,即时文字通讯,语音通讯,视频通讯,文件传输,IP电话等即时通讯功能-a VB development of real-time communications and peer-to-peer development tools, a set of easy-to-use controls and DLL component, features include buddy lists, on the lower level management, instant text messaging, voice communications, video communications, file transfer, IP telephony functions such as instant messaging
Platform: | Size: 1539183 | Author: hui | Hits:


Description: 主要特色功能!新闻、文章信息发布管理功能!软件下载功能!会员管理功能,站内短信,站内留言讨论和个栏目评论功能!留言讨论功能,满足了会员讨论的实现!友情连接功能,提高流量好帮手!功能强大的参数过滤功能,确保程序安全频道生成栏目功能!后台文件批量上传功能!与XML技术相结合,达到高效率执行!娱乐多集成功能!(包括音乐、电影、FLASH、连续剧、专集等播放)支持二级分类功能!实现多后台管理员,并自由编辑权限!安全的后台登陆2次码功能!cxvc后台数据库管理功能!-main functional characteristics! News, articles published information management functions! Software download functions! Member management functions. Stations text messaging, voice mail station to discuss and comment columns function! Voice mail discussion function and meet its members to discuss the achievement! Web Link functions, improving the flow of good helper! Powerful filtering function parameters and procedures to ensure the safety function of channel formation columns! Batch uploads background document function! And XML technology, high efficiency implementation! Integrated multi-functional entertainment! (Including music, movies, Flash, TV, and broadcast Nomination) support two functional classification! Multi-manager background, competence and freely edit! Safe landing 2nd back
Platform: | Size: 1413763 | Author: your name | Hits:

[WEB Codej_8208_dtftbbs

Description: FTBBS5.8主要从5.6的基础上进行了以下几个方面的改进: 1.新版支持二级目录下使用. 2.上传文件方法进行了改进,使得上传文件更加的安全稳定快速,同时对收藏贴进行了改进. 3.加入了发活动贴的新功能. 4.新增我参与的贴子功能,同时增加了贴子全文搜索的功能. 5.新版对注册功能进行了改进使得注册功能更人性化. 6.贴子中增加了随机广告功能. 7.贴子列表中增加了小图标标识功能,同时对分页进行了改进。 8.新增系统短信语音提醒功能,分页功能批量删除功能。 9.论坛编辑器加入了UBB编辑功能,使得编辑功能更加的强大. -FTBBS5.8 mainly from the 5.6 on the basis of the following areas for improvement : 1. New support for the use of two directories. 2. Upload file method of improvement Upload file makes more of the security and stability of rapid, Meanwhile affixed to a collection improved. 3. to the activities of the new stickers function. 4. I participate in the new posting function, increase the posting full-text search function. 5. Registration of new functions to improve the function of making registration more humanized. 6. postings were added to the advertising function. 7. posting added to the list of small icon marking function, Pagination also right for improvements. 8. New voice messaging system to remind function, pagination functions batch delete function. 9. Forum editor joined the UBB editing
Platform: | Size: 1592572 | Author: 刘军 | Hits:

[Other resourcejain-sip-appserver.tar

Description: First of all, the Applet-phone is a SIP User-Agent with audio and text messaging capabilities. But i s also embedded in an applet where you can use it as usual if your firewall allow you to use the UDP transport. If not, you can use TCP to carry your voice in a voice messaging fashion. Your voice is recorded and encoded locally then sent as a message, decoded and played back by your peer. Voice messaging allow you to go through any firewall, so that you can continue to chat and talk with your friends from an applet !
Platform: | Size: 2630474 | Author: 康佳 | Hits:

[VOIP programLATransmitter

Description: 用JMF 实现语音信息发送端程序,从麦克风中抓取语音信号,使用sessionManager进行会话管理和传输 -with JMF voice messaging software, which crawls from the microphone voice signal sessionManager used for session management and transfer
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: liyizhong | Hits:

[WEB Codej_8208_dtftbbs

Description: FTBBS5.8主要从5.6的基础上进行了以下几个方面的改进: 1.新版支持二级目录下使用. 2.上传文件方法进行了改进,使得上传文件更加的安全稳定快速,同时对收藏贴进行了改进. 3.加入了发活动贴的新功能. 4.新增我参与的贴子功能,同时增加了贴子全文搜索的功能. 5.新版对注册功能进行了改进使得注册功能更人性化. 6.贴子中增加了随机广告功能. 7.贴子列表中增加了小图标标识功能,同时对分页进行了改进。 8.新增系统短信语音提醒功能,分页功能批量删除功能。 9.论坛编辑器加入了UBB编辑功能,使得编辑功能更加的强大. -FTBBS5.8 mainly from the 5.6 on the basis of the following areas for improvement : 1. New support for the use of two directories. 2. Upload file method of improvement Upload file makes more of the security and stability of rapid, Meanwhile affixed to a collection improved. 3. to the activities of the new stickers function. 4. I participate in the new posting function, increase the posting full-text search function. 5. Registration of new functions to improve the function of making registration more humanized. 6. postings were added to the advertising function. 7. posting added to the list of small icon marking function, Pagination also right for improvements. 8. New voice messaging system to remind function, pagination functions batch delete function. 9. Forum editor joined the UBB editing
Platform: | Size: 1592320 | Author: 刘军 | Hits:


Description: First of all, the Applet-phone is a SIP User-Agent with audio and text messaging capabilities. But i s also embedded in an applet where you can use it as usual if your firewall allow you to use the UDP transport. If not, you can use TCP to carry your voice in a voice messaging fashion. Your voice is recorded and encoded locally then sent as a message, decoded and played back by your peer. Voice messaging allow you to go through any firewall, so that you can continue to chat and talk with your friends from an applet !
Platform: | Size: 2630656 | Author: 康佳 | Hits:


Description: Jabber是开放的即时消息协议,现已被用于google talk,并且成为即时消息互联互通的标准。 ejabberd使用erlang语音开发,功能相当完善,并且提供高并发和高可靠性,现在是唯一的能够提供大规模集群功能的jabber服务器。-Jabber is an open instant messaging protocol, now being used for google talk, and become a instant messaging interoperability standards. Erlang ejabberd use voice development, function quite well and provide high concurrency and high reliability, it is now only able to provide large-scale features of the jabber server clusters.
Platform: | Size: 1387520 | Author: bruce | Hits:


Description: P2P即时通讯源码(DELPHI编写),无加密,组件齐全,调试非常简单方便! 发送联机或脱机消息,同时可自定义消息字体、颜色、大小等信息,支持插入表情符号,屏幕截取。 支持多人消息群发等功能;在线即时语音、视频聊天 穿透网关防火墙,可在互联网和局域网任意对话 系统采用先进的点对点通讯技术,消息(包括文本、语音、视频、文件)的 传输大多数情况不需要经服务器中转而直接发往接收者所使用的机器,传输速度更快。 而且因服务器仅仅只是起着维护用户状态列表的功能,因此占用资源极少, 可允许同时在线的人数就越多,对系统的影响也最小。 可以设置各种离线状态,支持自定义状态 用户可自定义界面,界面皮肤可在线更新 灵活支持Oracle、Sql Server、Mysql等数据库 服务器端资源占用低,通讯中不占用服务端资源.-P2P-source instant messaging (DELPHI prepared), without encryption, complete assembly, debugging is very easy and convenient! Send information online or offline, and can be customized news fonts, colors, size and other information to support the insert emoticons, screen interception. Support features such as mass over the news online real-time voice, video chat gateway to penetrate the firewall, the Internet and LAN can be any dialogue system uses advanced peer-to-peer communication technologies, information (including text, voice, video, file) transmission in most cases by the server do not need to turn directly to the machines used by the receiver, transmission faster. But just to play due to server maintenance of the status of a list of users, so rarely occupy resources that allows the number of people online at the same time the more the system has the smallest impact. Can set a variety of off-line state in support of the state of the user to customize the interface can be customi
Platform: | Size: 6157312 | Author: Massachusetts | Hits:


Description: 局域网即时聊天通过进行文本聊天和语音聊天来实现彼此沟通、交流信息。本次局域网即时聊天程序设计主要用了Visual C++编程环境,实现了在LAN中在线用户的文本、语音交互。 在设计里涉及到了网络通信基本原理和Socket编程及语音处理API技术。由于程序是在TCP/IP环境下运行,所以分服务器端和客户端。服务器端和客户端是通过建立Socket链接来实现聊天功能。 本次设计主要着重于语音聊天部分,在本次论文里主要以语音聊天的流程和各模块之间的关系及Socket处理为主说明。 -LAN instant messaging by conducting a text chat and voice chat to communicate with each other to exchange information. The real-time LAN chat program designed for use mainly used in Visual C++ programming environment to achieve online users in the LAN in the text, voice interaction. Involved in the design of network communications where the basic principles and Socket programming and voice processing API technology. As the program is in the TCP/IP environment to run, so sub-server and client. Server-side and client is achieved through the establishment of links Socket chat. The system is mainly focused on the voice chat part, in this thesis mainly in voice chat process and the relationship between each module and the Socket address the main explanation.
Platform: | Size: 1775616 | Author: 王勋 | Hits:


Description: 完整的TTS开发实例,可将文字变为语音。可供VB、Csharp、delphi、Vs.net、asp等程序参考。本人利用这个功能给自己的硕士毕业课题短信平台加入了语音功能,在毕业答辩时演示自己的毕业设计时,电脑读出系统获取的各项文字信息,达到了良好的效果,获得高分。该功能也帮我在毕业论文中也凑了七八页的字数。本源码基于SAPI5.1-A complete TTS development examples, can be text into speech. Available for VB, Csharp, delphi, Vs.net, asp and other procedures for reference. I use this feature to their master' s degree graduate subjects joined the voice messaging platform, the reply shows graduation design of their graduation, the computer read-out system to obtain the text messages, reaching good results, high scores. This feature also help in my graduation thesis also scrape together 78 the number of words. The source-based SAPI5.1
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: redvfp | Hits:


Description: 语音信息处理的好帮手,希望大家支持,非常感谢各位大侠-Voice messaging is a good helper, hope you will support, thank you heroes
Platform: | Size: 150528 | Author: taoxiangfan | Hits:


Description: 本项目基于MVC模式进行开发并且采取C/S模式仿QQ做的一个即时通讯系统。该系统使用了J2SE中的多线程、Socket通信、Swing和JMF等相关技术。项目实现了点对点聊天,系统广播,文件传送,视频语音等QQ拥有的基本功能。-The development project is based on MVC pattern and take the C/S mode to do an imitation of QQ instant messaging system. The system uses multiple threads in J2SE, Socket Communications, Swing and JMF and other related technologies. Implemented peer to peer chat program, the system broadcast, file transfer, video, voice, and so has the basic functions of QQ.
Platform: | Size: 26417152 | Author: zhangchaoqun | Hits:


Description: 短信接收到时,可以通过语音读取短信,有需要的可以下载-SMS received can be read by voice messaging, there is a need can be downloaded to see
Platform: | Size: 159744 | Author: 孙振邦 | Hits:


Description: 基于android的语音短信 语音发短信 自动朗读新短信-Automatically read the new SMS-based the android voice messaging voice texting
Platform: | Size: 2491392 | Author: 马萌萌 | Hits:


Description: SIM300的主要功能有:语音通话、短信收发、GPRS网络数据收发、彩信收发。SIM300模块主要应用在通讯领域,如移动电话、远程数据监控、短信提醒发送、GPRS MODEN。打个比方,如果您要设计移动电话,那么内部主要组件应该包括通讯模块SIM300、中心处理器MCU、显示屏、键盘、话筒听筒。-SIM300 main function has: voice messaging, GPRS network data sending and receiving MMS transceiver SIM300 module is mainly used in the field of communications, such as mobile phone remote data monitoring SMS alerts sent GPRS MODEN, for example, if you want to design a mobile phone, then the internal main component should include communication module SIM300 center processor MCU microphone receiver display keyboard
Platform: | Size: 9369600 | Author: Xuejun Chen | Hits:


Description: Future wireless networks will be loaded with voice, messaging, file transferring, multimedia teleconferencing, games, and Web browsing. With the increasing traffic and real time demand the current status of networking cannot meet the demands of future wireless applications. Traffic will be jammed on current wireless channels and customers will enter into a deadlock situation. Therefore, new models and approaches are required to meet the customer demands. But, it is a known fact that the available spectrum is sold out and currently used in static mode. Therefore the emergence of next generation wireless technologies will enhance the effectiveness of the existing methods. One of the possible approaches will be allocating the spectrum dynamically by developing new algorithms and protocols.
Platform: | Size: 294912 | Author: NIRDESH | Hits:

[OS programshopImooc-master

Description: 微信 (WeChat)[1] 是腾讯公司于2011年1月21日推出的一个为智能终端提供即时通讯服务的免费应用程序[1] ,由张小龙所带领的腾讯广州研发中心产品团队打造 [2] 。微信支持跨通信平台通过网络快速发送免费(需消耗少量网络流量)语音短信、视频、图片和文字,同时,也可以使用通过共享流媒体内容。-Micro-Letter (WeChat) [1] is Tencent on January 21, 2011 launch of the one offering instant messaging services for intelligent terminal free applications [1], by the Zhang Xiaolong led Tencent Guangzhou R & D center product team to build [2] . Micro-channel support cross-platform communication quickly send free (need to consume a small amount of network traffic) voice messaging, video, pictures and text over the network, but can also be used by sharing streaming content.
Platform: | Size: 3061760 | Author: | Hits:
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