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[Other resourcewdg数据库设计

Description: 《数据库设计》课程设计 一、 设计目的 数据库设计是一门应用性很强的学科,在学习时必须使理论与实践相结合。课程设计的目的是通过实践使同学们经历到一次综合训练,以便能较全面地理解、掌握和综合运用所学的知识。 二、 设计任务与要求 (1) 对实际系统进行分析,写出需求分析说明(数据需求和事务需求)。 (2) 概念结构设计 说明本数据库将反映的现实世界中的实体、属性和它们之间的关系等(E-R图,可以用基本E-R图或扩展E-R图)。 (3) 逻辑结构设计 将概念结构映射为数据库全局逻辑结构(关系模型),包括所确定的关键字和属性、重新确定的记录结构和所建立的各个表文件之间的相互关系。 三、 设计环境与工具 要求使用辅助设计工具,如Power Designer或者ERWin等,转换为:SQL Server、Access或其它的DBMS数据库(不作统一要求)。 四、 设计步骤 参考《数据库设计实例指导书》 五、 设计题 教材P58面:3.8课程设计A、B、C任选一题 六、 设计成果 设计结果以书面形式于17周交付。 七、 成绩评定 (1) 独立完成 (2) 文档完整 (3) 满足用户需求 这是研究生数据库课程设计-"Database Design," a course design, and designed to database design is an application-oriented subjects, the study of theory must be integrated with practice. Curriculum design is through practice so that the students experienced a comprehensive training, in order to give a more comprehensive understanding and comprehensive use of the knowledge acquired. Two, design tasks and requirements (1) to the actual system analysis and write demand analysis (data needs and services demand). (2) design concepts to describe the structure of the database to reflect the real-world entities, attributes and the relationship between them, etc. (E-R, you can use the basic E-R or expand E-R). (3) logic structure design concept mapping overall logic to the database structure (model), including the s
Platform: | Size: 30435 | Author: 王林成 | Hits:

[Code Assistwdg源代码



Platform: | Size: 3136 | Author: whl571 | Hits:

[Windows Develop英飞凌WDG驱动源码

Description: 英飞凌XC167的WDG源码
Platform: | Size: 5489 | Author: kuye2011 | Hits:

[SQL Serverwdg数据库设计

Description: 《数据库设计》课程设计 一、 设计目的 数据库设计是一门应用性很强的学科,在学习时必须使理论与实践相结合。课程设计的目的是通过实践使同学们经历到一次综合训练,以便能较全面地理解、掌握和综合运用所学的知识。 二、 设计任务与要求 (1) 对实际系统进行分析,写出需求分析说明(数据需求和事务需求)。 (2) 概念结构设计 说明本数据库将反映的现实世界中的实体、属性和它们之间的关系等(E-R图,可以用基本E-R图或扩展E-R图)。 (3) 逻辑结构设计 将概念结构映射为数据库全局逻辑结构(关系模型),包括所确定的关键字和属性、重新确定的记录结构和所建立的各个表文件之间的相互关系。 三、 设计环境与工具 要求使用辅助设计工具,如Power Designer或者ERWin等,转换为:SQL Server、Access或其它的DBMS数据库(不作统一要求)。 四、 设计步骤 参考《数据库设计实例指导书》 五、 设计题 教材P58面:3.8课程设计A、B、C任选一题 六、 设计成果 设计结果以书面形式于17周交付。 七、 成绩评定 (1) 独立完成 (2) 文档完整 (3) 满足用户需求 这是研究生数据库课程设计-"Database Design," a course design, and designed to database design is an application-oriented subjects, the study of theory must be integrated with practice. Curriculum design is through practice so that the students experienced a comprehensive training, in order to give a more comprehensive understanding and comprehensive use of the knowledge acquired. Two, design tasks and requirements (1) to the actual system analysis and write demand analysis (data needs and services demand). (2) design concepts to describe the structure of the database to reflect the real-world entities, attributes and the relationship between them, etc. (E-R, you can use the basic E-R or expand E-R). (3) logic structure design concept mapping overall logic to the database structure (model), including the s
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 王林成 | Hits:


Description: c8051f单片机 看门狗(wdg)程序 供新手学习用-c8051f MCU WDG program
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: taotao | Hits:

[Windows DevelopABViewer6.0.0.33

Description: 是一个wdg,后缀的查看软件,可以用来查看驱动的规格书什么的-Is a wdg, suffix viewing software
Platform: | Size: 7475200 | Author: li | Hits:


Description: str710 看门狗驱动,意法半导体ARM7内核,测试通过,能用-str710 watchdog driver, STMicroelectronics ARM7 core, tested, can
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: gg | Hits:


Description: ST公司的ARM STM32F103R8T6的窗口看门狗程序-STM32F103R8T6 window WDG programme
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 李宁 | Hits:


Description: STM32F103VCT6 WDG 驱动程序-STM32F103VCT6 WDG DRIVER
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: DSFAD | Hits:

[GUI DevelopTestWebContainer

Description: 美化C++程序的类,窗口类 VISUAL STUDIO2010以上-BEAUTIFUL,MKADE BY WDG ,CLASS,
Platform: | Size: 117760 | Author: sdf | Hits:

[WEB Codeamailget

Description: 获取数据库存储过程的记录集,很高的效率,非常好-GET SQLSERVER RECORDS ,DESIES BY WDG,NEW VER
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: sdf | Hits:


Description: STM32下的看门狗wdg程序,独立看门狗和窗口看门狗。正点原子的寄存器版本改成库函数版本的。-The STM32 the watchdog wdg program, an independent watchdog, and window watchdog. Punctuality register version of the atom into a library function version.
Platform: | Size: 602112 | Author: 李牧林 | Hits:


Description: STM3F103RBT6 看门狗初始化函数-STM3F103RBT6 watchdog initialization function
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Vian | Hits:


Description: STM8S 外设驱动 ADC BEEP CLK_Modify EEPROM TIM2(16位) TIM4(8位) wdg-STM8S peripheral drivers ADC BEEP CLK_Modify EEPROM TIM2 (16 位) TIM4 (8 位) wdg
Platform: | Size: 232448 | Author: 马家添 | Hits:


Description: STM32F10xxx内置两个看门狗,提供了更高的安全性、时间的精确性和使用的灵活性。-The STM32F10xxx have two embedded watchdog peripherals which offer a combination of high safety level, timing accuracy and flexibility of use.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: rig | Hits:

[Software EngineeringWDG

Description: STM32看门狗初始化及使用,我们经常使用的,绝对可靠-STM32 watchdog initialization and use. We often use, is absolutely reliable
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: linhongbing | Hits:


Description: complete simulink model of inverted wedge control
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: abhishek_behwal | Hits:


Description: STM32学习基本例程,包含GPIO操作,串口,定时器,中断,系统时钟,PWM,LCD,看门狗 I2C-STM32 learn course,include(GPIO,USART,TIMER,EXTI,SYSTICK,PWM,LCD WDG,I2C)
Platform: | Size: 3931136 | Author: 曾德能 | Hits:


Description: stm32 看门狗驱动,直接添加到工程中调用即可-stm32 watchdog driver, add to your project
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: deyagu1 | Hits:


Description: interface to wdg files
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: wyss | Hits:
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