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Description: WaitForSingleObject和WaitForMultipleObjects使用详解
Platform: | Size: 41680 | Author: darren | Hits:

[WEB CodewinAPI_Sport_comm

Description: 实现串行通讯的相关API函数 API函数不仅提供了打开和读写通讯端口的操作方法,还提供了名目繁多的函数以支持对串行通讯的各种操作。 函数名 作用 CreateFile 打开串口 GetCommState 检测串口设置 SetCommState 设置串口 BuilderCommDCB 用字符串中的值来填充设备控制块 GetCommTimeouts 检测通信超时设置 SetCommTimeouts 设置通信超时参数 SetCommMask 设定被监控事件 WaitCommEvent 等待被监控事件发生 WaitForMultipleObjects 等待多个被监测对象的结果 WriteFile 发送数据 ReadFile 接收数据 GetOverlappedResult 返回最后重叠(异步)操作结果 PurgeComm 清空串口缓冲区,退出所有相关操作 ClearCommError 更新串口状态结构体,并清除所有串口硬件错误 CloseHandle 关闭串行口
Platform: | Size: 5323 | Author: liupengty | Hits:


Description: WaitForSingleObject和WaitForMultipleObjects使用详解-Detailed use WaitForSingleObject and WaitForMultipleObjects
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: darren | Hits:


Description: 实现串行通讯的相关API函数 API函数不仅提供了打开和读写通讯端口的操作方法,还提供了名目繁多的函数以支持对串行通讯的各种操作。 函数名 作用 CreateFile 打开串口 GetCommState 检测串口设置 SetCommState 设置串口 BuilderCommDCB 用字符串中的值来填充设备控制块 GetCommTimeouts 检测通信超时设置 SetCommTimeouts 设置通信超时参数 SetCommMask 设定被监控事件 WaitCommEvent 等待被监控事件发生 WaitForMultipleObjects 等待多个被监测对象的结果 WriteFile 发送数据 ReadFile 接收数据 GetOverlappedResult 返回最后重叠(异步)操作结果 PurgeComm 清空串口缓冲区,退出所有相关操作 ClearCommError 更新串口状态结构体,并清除所有串口硬件错误 CloseHandle 关闭串行口
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: liupengty | Hits:

[Windows Developshowtraf-1.7.0-src

Description: GetTickCount Sleep CreateEvent CloseHandle ResetEvent SetEvent WaitForSingleObject WaitForMultipleObjects AllocConsole GetStdHandle FreeConsole GetLocalTime WriteConsole
Platform: | Size: 839680 | Author: sanjay | Hits:

[Data structsshujujiegouanswerc

Description: 这是个很好的学习数据结构的文档,有题目,并且通过上机可以很好的进行练习,绝对值得学习-CWinApp CDialog CDataExchange CWnd DestroyIcon LoadIcon GetSystemMenu CMenu CString LoadString AppendMenu CRect GetWindowRect SetWindowPos IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage GetSystemMetrics GetClientRect DrawIcon SetTextColor SetBkColor CFileDialog CreateThread CloseHandle WaitForMultipleObjects CFile DeleteFile WaitForSingleObject InterlockedIncrement CTime CListCtrl
Platform: | Size: 111616 | Author: 王喆 | Hits:


Description: Windows系统中在单进程中使用Winpcap开发包接收多个网卡数据包的例程,使用WaitForMultipleObjects机制。是Windows系统软路由器开发的基础技术之一。注意,在某些winpcap版本下,WaitForMultipleObjects机制的支持可能会有问题,这是winpcap本身的问题。-Windows systems in a single process using Winpcap development kits to receive data packets over NIC routines, use the WaitForMultipleObjects mechanism. Is a Windows system, the basis for the development of soft router technologies. Note that in some winpcap versions, WaitForMultipleObjects mechanisms of support may be a problem, it is winpcap itself.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 韬光养晦 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopProduceConsume

Description: 通过互斥量、事件来解决生产者和消费者的问题,主要涉及的内容有多线程的创建,事件的创建,互斥量的创建,线程的同步。主要的函数有:CreateThread,CreateEvent,CreateMutex,WaitForMultipleObjects等。-Through the mutex, event producers and consumers to solve problems, mainly related to the contents of multiple thread creation, event creation, the creation of mutex, thread synchronization.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 李明 | Hits:


Description: WaitForMultipleObjects using pthread linux The basic idea is to use the subscriber pattern: In WaitForMultipleObjects() subscribe at all event sources the event sources then have to signal a central pthread_cond_t. The public interface is declared in winEmul.h. A few features are not implemented properly or completely, for instance PulseEvent(). If these features would be needed, it should not be too difficult to implement them.- WaitForMultipleObjects using pthread linux The basic idea is to use the subscriber pattern: In WaitForMultipleObjects() subscribe at all event sources the event sources then have to signal a central pthread_cond_t. The public interface is declared in winEmul.h. A few features are not implemented properly or completely, for instance PulseEvent(). If these features would be needed, it should not be too difficult to implement them.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: sucker | Hits:


Description: Event loop based on Windows events and WaitForMultipleObjects.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: menglence | Hits:

[Game ProgramProduceConsume

Description: 通过互斥量、事件来解决生产者和消费者的问题,主要涉及的内容有多线程的创建,事件的创建,互斥量的创建,线程的同步。主要的函数有:CreateThread,CreateEvent,CreateMutex,WaitForMultipleObjects等。Through the mutex, event producers and consumers to solve problems, mainly related to the contents of multiple thread creation, event creation, the creation of mutex, thread synchronization.-Through the mutex, event producers and consumers to solve problems, mainly related to the contents of multiple thread creation, event creation, the creation of mutex, thread synchronization.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: guosonl | Hits:

[OS programthread

Description: delphi7实现 关于WaitForSingleObject与WaitForMultipleObjects用法 实现多线程的等待 非常实用 --------------------- 注意线程初始化的的信息不要写到线程里 本程序提供四种方式等待线程 1.WaitForSingleObject 2.WaitForMultipleObjects 3.WaitFor 4.线程结束标识-delphi7 achieve WaitForSingleObject and WaitForMultipleObjects usage on multi-threaded thread to wait very practical--------------------- attention initialization information should not be written in the program provides four threads Ways to waiting threads 1.WaitForSingleObject 2.WaitForMultipleObjects 3.WaitFor 4. thread end logo
Platform: | Size: 222208 | Author: sdlkfj | Hits:


Description: API - Simulate multithreading with WaitForMultipleObjects (eg. How ICQ monitors connection state)
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: qfrwtang | Hits:

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