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信息共享:建成体系完整、互联互通的电子政务网络系统和国土资源政务系统共建共享的信息资源库;   无缝集成:标准化OA、MIS和GIS的有机集成;   B/S结构:实现远程办公办文、远程带图作业,维护简单、安装方便   信息发布:通过WEBGIS在互联网上图文并茂的发布土地出让、转让,土地拍卖,土地登记、用地手续、矿产手续等各类信息。   二次开发:以平台为基础建立的各类应用,可以方便的进行二次开发,满足业务的各种变化需要。-information sharing : to build a complete system, interoperable e-government network systems and land resources Administrative System Sharing of information resources library; Seamless integration : standardization OA, MIS and the organic integration of GIS; B / S : remote-office run, remote operations with map and maintaining a simple, easy installation information dissemination : WEBGIS on the Internet to browse through the release of land sales and transfers, land auctions, land registration, land clearance, mineral procedures of all types of information. Second development : based platform for a variety of applications, to facilitate the conduct of secondary development to meet the business needs of the changes.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 31.94kb Publisher :

信息共享:建成体系完整、互联互通的电子政务网络系统和国土资源政务系统共建共享的信息资源库;   无缝集成:标准化OA、MIS和GIS的有机集成;   B/S结构:实现远程办公办文、远程带图作业,维护简单、安装方便   信息发布:通过WEBGIS在互联网上图文并茂的发布土地出让、转让,土地拍卖,土地登记、用地手续、矿产手续等各类信息。   二次开发:以平台为基础建立的各类应用,可以方便的进行二次开发,满足业务的各种变化需要。-information sharing : to build a complete system, interoperable e-government network systems and land resources Administrative System Sharing of information resources library; Seamless integration : standardization OA, MIS and the organic integration of GIS; B / S : remote-office run, remote operations with map and maintaining a simple, easy installation information dissemination : WEBGIS on the Internet to browse through the release of land sales and transfers, land auctions, land registration, land clearance, mineral procedures of all types of information. Second development : based platform for a variety of applications, to facilitate the conduct of secondary development to meet the business needs of the changes.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 41.59kb Publisher :

信息共享:建成体系完整、互联互通的电子政务网络系统和国土资源政务系统共建共享的信息资源库;   无缝集成:标准化OA、MIS和GIS的有机集成;   B/S结构:实现远程办公办文、远程带图作业,维护简单、安装方便   信息发布:通过WEBGIS在互联网上图文并茂的发布土地出让、转让,土地拍卖,土地登记、用地手续、矿产手续等各类信息。   二次开发:以平台为基础建立的各类应用,可以方便的进行二次开发,满足业务的各种变化需要。-information sharing : to build a complete system, interoperable e-government network systems and land resources Administrative System Sharing of information resources library; Seamless integration : standardization OA, MIS and the organic integration of GIS; B / S : remote-office run, remote operations with map and maintaining a simple, easy installation information dissemination : WEBGIS on the Internet to browse through the release of land sales and transfers, land auctions, land registration, land clearance, mineral procedures of all types of information. Second development : based platform for a variety of applications, to facilitate the conduct of secondary development to meet the business needs of the changes.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 899.45kb Publisher :

信息共享:建成体系完整、互联互通的电子政务网络系统和国土资源政务系统共建共享的信息资源库;   无缝集成:标准化OA、MIS和GIS的有机集成;   B/S结构:实现远程办公办文、远程带图作业,维护简单、安装方便   信息发布:通过WEBGIS在互联网上图文并茂的发布土地出让、转让,土地拍卖,土地登记、用地手续、矿产手续等各类信息。   二次开发:以平台为基础建立的各类应用,可以方便的进行二次开发,满足业务的各种变化需要。-information sharing : to build a complete system, interoperable e-government network systems and land resources Administrative System Sharing of information resources library; Seamless integration : standardization OA, MIS and the organic integration of GIS; B/S : remote-office run, remote operations with map and maintaining a simple, easy installation information dissemination : WEBGIS on the Internet to browse through the release of land sales and transfers, land auctions, land registration, land clearance, mineral procedures of all types of information. Second development : based platform for a variety of applications, to facilitate the conduct of secondary development to meet the business needs of the changes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 899kb Publisher :

信息共享:建成体系完整、互联互通的电子政务网络系统和国土资源政务系统共建共享的信息资源库;   无缝集成:标准化OA、MIS和GIS的有机集成;   B/S结构:实现远程办公办文、远程带图作业,维护简单、安装方便   信息发布:通过WEBGIS在互联网上图文并茂的发布土地出让、转让,土地拍卖,土地登记、用地手续、矿产手续等各类信息。   二次开发:以平台为基础建立的各类应用,可以方便的进行二次开发,满足业务的各种变化需要。-information sharing : to build a complete system, interoperable e-government network systems and land resources Administrative System Sharing of information resources library; Seamless integration : standardization OA, MIS and the organic integration of GIS; B/S : remote-office run, remote operations with map and maintaining a simple, easy installation information dissemination : WEBGIS on the Internet to browse through the release of land sales and transfers, land auctions, land registration, land clearance, mineral procedures of all types of information. Second development : based platform for a variety of applications, to facilitate the conduct of secondary development to meet the business needs of the changes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 32kb Publisher :

信息共享:建成体系完整、互联互通的电子政务网络系统和国土资源政务系统共建共享的信息资源库;   无缝集成:标准化OA、MIS和GIS的有机集成;   B/S结构:实现远程办公办文、远程带图作业,维护简单、安装方便   信息发布:通过WEBGIS在互联网上图文并茂的发布土地出让、转让,土地拍卖,土地登记、用地手续、矿产手续等各类信息。   二次开发:以平台为基础建立的各类应用,可以方便的进行二次开发,满足业务的各种变化需要。-information sharing : to build a complete system, interoperable e-government network systems and land resources Administrative System Sharing of information resources library; Seamless integration : standardization OA, MIS and the organic integration of GIS; B/S : remote-office run, remote operations with map and maintaining a simple, easy installation information dissemination : WEBGIS on the Internet to browse through the release of land sales and transfers, land auctions, land registration, land clearance, mineral procedures of all types of information. Second development : based platform for a variety of applications, to facilitate the conduct of secondary development to meet the business needs of the changes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher :

mapxtreme for web 电子地图的B/S模式代码,有放大,缩小,鹰眼等功能-mapxtreme for web electronic maps of B/S model code, has magnified, reduced, Eagle Eye and other functions
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 964kb Publisher : hjy

MapXtreme for java,MapInfo公司的地图引擎。-MapXtreme for java, MapInfo s map engine.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : 施连庆

DL : 0
CSharp +SVG 开发的WebGis,需装SVG插件。-CSharp+ SVG development WebGis, need to SVG plug-ins installed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 916kb Publisher : MyGod

b/s下车辆监控系统设计文档资料,请阅读后,回复-b/s under the vehicle monitoring system design documentation, please read the following reply
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.32mb Publisher : wxb

geoserver的源代码,便于构建开源的WebGIS-geoserver source code, easy to build open-source WebGIS
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.64mb Publisher : 陈峰

it s about webGIS software Comparison framework
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 131kb Publisher : hh

it s about real time collaborative webGIS
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 137kb Publisher : hh

基于移动WebGIS技术的交通运输稽查系统。从地图数字化、ARCGIS制图、c sharp编程、gprs通讯、soket编程。采用了b/s开发,c/s开发两种模式。本课题以林业运输管理为例。调试环境为windows mobile 6.1。本课题材料本来可以拆成三样独立的部分赚取三倍的积分,但是为了方便网友,支持网站的建设,因此整合在一起。一直上传失败,因此把WEBGIS免费控件另外上传。请在本站搜索aspmap。1)“毕业全部材料”目录(完整的毕业资料):01_毕业论文任务书.doc;02_毕业论文开题报告.doc;03_毕业论文中期检查表.doc;04_毕业论文.doc;05_论文插图1.DWG;06_论文插图2.DWG;07_毕业课题答辩.ppt;08_毕业课题答辩演讲稿.doc;09_毕业实习日记.doc;10_毕业实习报告.doc;11_大学生创新课题开题报告.doc;12_大学生创新课题结题报告.doc;13_大学生创新课题实验报告.doc。2)“移动webgis源码”目录(b/s开发):有shp格式的地图数据,含有等高线。手机浏览器要支持java脚本。1.地图上的路径距离测量2.地图上的简单画图3.地图上的属性操作4.当地图放大到一定程度后,才显示标注。3)“智能手机自定位源码”目录(c/s开发):在智能手机上捕捉GPS信号。-WebGIS technology based mobile inspection system of Transportation. Map digitization, ARCGIS mapping, c sharp programming, gprs communication, soket programming. Using the b/s Development, c/s development mode. The subject of forestry transport management as an example. Debugging environment for windows mobile 6.1.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.44mb Publisher : 红信

《WebGIS开发-ArcGIS Server与.NET》源码,国内第一本Web GIS开发实战手册,以丰富的实例,系统、全面地介绍了基于Web服务的GIS开发,使用C#语言开发基于ArcGIS Server的Web GIS.-WebGIS development-ArcGIS Server and. NET. Web GIS development of China s first actual combat in this manual to a wealth of examples, systematic and comprehensive introduction to GIS-based Web services development, using C# language development based on ArcGIS Server for Web GIS.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.83mb Publisher : 小白鲨

ESRI flexviewer2.0框架的源代码,较flexviewer1.3框架有很大的变化。该框架能较好的实现WebGIS开发。-ESRI flexviewer2.0 framework source code, more flexviewer1.3 framework has changed a lot. The framework can achieve better WebGIS development.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.85mb Publisher : luwei
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