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Description: 网上找来的,通过网页打印自定义报表的例子-brought online, web-Print-defined examples of statements
Platform: | Size: 5308 | Author: 梁生 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmswebPrint

Description: webprint是一个基于表格的页面打印解决方案.先将要打印的数据及样式组织到一个HTML的TABLE元素中, 然后将这个TABLE元素传给webprint,实现分页打印预览,出打印对话框打印和直接打印
Platform: | Size: 78860 | Author: wugaoping | Hits:


Description: 网上找来的,通过网页打印自定义报表的例子-brought online, web-Print-defined examples of statements
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 梁生 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmswebPrint

Description: webprint是一个基于表格的页面打印解决方案.先将要打印的数据及样式组织到一个HTML的TABLE元素中, 然后将这个TABLE元素传给webprint,实现分页打印预览,出打印对话框打印和直接打印-webprint is a form-based page printing solutions. first want to print data and to an HTML style organization of the TABLE element, and then pass on the TABLE element webprint, the realization of page Print Preview, the Print dialog box to print and direct Print
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: wugaoping | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWEBprinter

Description: Lodop3.0破解版+js对象编程的代码+精确打印样例-web print
Platform: | Size: 504832 | Author: 黄龙 | Hits:


Description: 利用JAVA调用wps的API实现在线打印功能-online printing by Wps API
Platform: | Size: 440320 | Author: 天翼 | Hits:

[GIS programwebprinter.0.13

Description: eprint.cab或eprintdemo.cab 是webprint插件包,可以直接放到web页面中做打印参数设置使用
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: 黄阳福 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLwebprint4

Description: WebPrint4.0是由以前的WebPrint3.1和ePrint3.0这两个产品合并而成的,合并后的产品以WebPrint为名,慢慢废弃不用ePrint作名称,在WebPrint4.0的产品包中还是清楚地分为:一个实现html table的直接打印功能(即原来的WebPrint3.1),一个实现web套打功能(即原来的ePrint3.0)。 WebPrint是一个全面强大的web打印的解决方案。它可以直接在IE浏览器中可视化的设计各种复杂的打印模版, 轻松解决Web套打问题。也可以直接打印用ASP,JSP等动态程序生成的HTML页面。 WebPrint内含一个在vc7.0上开发的ActiveX控件(只有75k), 这个控件主要实现对打印参数的控制,webprint使用户通过JavaScript脚本可以控制自定义纸张尺寸,打印方向,页边距等等属性。-WebPrint4.0
Platform: | Size: 8626176 | Author: 李强 | Hits:

[WEB Codeweb-print-code

Description: web 打印代码 可以预防打印乱码,页面布局混乱-web print print garbled code can be prevented, page layout confusion
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: wallword | Hits:


Description: 一个WEB打印控件,放到网站当中使用,比较实用-WEB PRINT
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: 丛彬 | Hits:

[WEB Codewebprint

Description: iframe打印效果,可以去掉页面多余文字和页眉页脚-iframe print demo
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: ray | Hits:

[WEB Codewebprint

Description: my full website coded with html and some php
Platform: | Size: 499712 | Author: Nzelum Cosmas | Hits:

[Windows DevelopwebprintInatallapi

Description: webprint是在VC7.0上开发的ATL小控件(只有75k),运行时不可视。主要实现对IE浏览器中文档打印格式的控制,可以定制打印纸型,纸张来源,打印方向等等用户经常关心的属性。-webprint in VC7.0 small controls on the development of ATL (only 75k), run-time invisible. Main achievement of the document on the IE browser control to print format, you can customize the print paper size, paper source, orientation, and so users often concerned about the property.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: zay | Hits:

[Printing programWebPrint

Description: 该文件的源代码实现了web应用程序调用cell插件实现打印的功能-web and print
Platform: | Size: 1035264 | Author: zhang | Hits:


Description: webprint产品目录说明 1、webprint插件 eprint.cab或eprintdemo.cab 是webprint插件包,可以直接放到web页面中做打印参数设置使用。 详细使用文档和示例见 webprint插件\index.htm 文件 2、webgrid 这是一个快速方便的web打印解决方案,用户将要打印的数据装入一个表格,然后调用此打印工具将表格中的数据按预定格式打印。 详细使用文档和示例见 webgrid\index.html 3、eprint for dotnet 这是可以自定义打印格式的dotnet版的打印解决方案,运用此工具,用户设计好打印格式,然后按设计好的格式输出打印数据。 详细使用文档和示例见 eprint for dotnet\doc目录,和eprint for dotnet\index.htm 4、eprint for java 这是可以自定义打印格式的java版的打印解决方案,运用此工具,用户设计好打印格式,然后按设计好的格式输出打印数据。 解压后有详细使用文档和示例。-After extracting detailed documentation and sample.
Platform: | Size: 245760 | Author: 韶君 | Hits:


Description: erint3.0-web打印控件破解版,当初项目需要,在网上狂找了一晚,终于找到了这个很牛的web打印控件,能设定打印的高和宽,还能去掉弹出打印窗体等,设置横版或是竖版等。只有下了用了才能更好的理解-erint3.0-web printing controls crack version, the original project needs, on the Internet looking for a crazy night, and finally found the very cattle web printing controls, can be set to print high and wide, but also to remove the pop-up print the form, etc. , set the vertical or horizontal version Edition. Only down in order to better understand the use of the
Platform: | Size: 79872 | Author: run | Hits:


Description: 打印二维码并加上标签 可以是一张图片或者网址 也可以是本地的文件(Print two-dimensional code and add labels)
Platform: | Size: 19654656 | Author: 小学弟 | Hits:

[Othereprint for dotnet

Description: eprint for dotnet 这是可以自定义打印格式的dotnet版的打印解决方案,运用此工具,用户设计好打印格式,然后按设计好的格式输出打印数据。 详细使用文档和示例见 eprint for dotnet\doc目录,和eprint for dotnet\index.htm(eprint, for, dotnet This is the dotnet version of the print solution that allows you to customize the print format. By using this tool, the user designs the print format and prints the printed data in a well designed format. See the eprint for dotnet\doc directory and eprint for dotnet\index.htm for detailed documentation and examples)
Platform: | Size: 2079744 | Author: valeb | Hits:

[Othereprint for java

Description: eprint for java 这是可以自定义打印格式的java版的打印解决方案,运用此工具,用户设计好打印格式,然后按设计好的格式输出打印数据。 详细使用文档和示例见 eprint for java\doc目录,和eprint for dotnet\index.htm(Eprint for Java This is the Java version of the print solution that allows you to customize the print format. By using this tool, the user designs the print format and prints the printed data in a well designed format. See the eprint for java\doc directory and eprint for dotnet\index.htm for detailed documentation and examples)
Platform: | Size: 2771968 | Author: valeb | Hits:


Description: webprint插件 eprint.cab或eprintdemo.cab 是webprint插件包,可以直接放到web页面中做打印参数设置使用。 详细使用文档和示例见 webprint插件\index.htm 文件(Webprint plug-in Eprint.cab or eprintdemo.cab is a webprint plug-in package that can be placed directly on the web page for print parameter settings. See the webprint plug-in \index.htm file for detailed documentation and examples)
Platform: | Size: 244736 | Author: valeb | Hits:
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