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支持现今多数主流的声音和影像格式。 本说明书还为你提供了其他多种功能的使用,例如:你可以: 打开、建立、播放、储存声音文件 从影片中抓取音轨 可录制从网络、声卡、或其它地方来的声音档案,包括来自DVD / VCD / CD播放器的声频, MP3播放器,RealPlayer,Windows媒体播放器。-support of the majority of today's mainstream voice and video format. The brochures also provide you with a variety of other features, such as : You can : Open creation, playback, document storage voices from the films can crawl soundtrack recording from the network, sound cards, or to other parts of the audio files. from DVD / VCD / CD player audio, MP3 player, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 982.16kb Publisher : yuanzheng

于Windows Media Player + Real Player的网页播放器,MusicX 播放器能全面支持网络电台以及大多数流行的多媒体格式。MusicX 经过将近一年多的发展,终于在v1.0的基础上推出v1.5版,然后又在v1.5的基础上重新编写播放器的核心代码,并增加了Real System的多媒体格式的支持,能有效的支持网络电台与流行的多媒体音频文件-Windows Media Player Real Player's website player, MusicX players can fully support network stations and the most popular multimedia format. MusicX After nearly a year of development, finally v1.0 launched on the basis Edition v1.5, then v1.5 in on the basis of a new player in the core code, and increase the Real System multimedia format support, can be an effective network of support radio and more popular media audio files
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 159.44kb Publisher : 姚朝强

于Windows Media Player + Real Player的网页播放器,MusicX 播放器能全面支持网络电台以及大多数流行的多媒体格式。MusicX 经过将近一年多的发展,终于在v1.0的基础上推出v1.5版,然后又在v1.5的基础上重新编写播放器的核心代码,并增加了Real System的多媒体格式的支持,能有效的支持网络电台与流行的多媒体音频文件-Windows Media Player Real Player's website player, MusicX players can fully support network stations and the most popular multimedia format. MusicX After nearly a year of development, finally v1.0 launched on the basis Edition v1.5, then v1.5 in on the basis of a new player in the core code, and increase the Real System multimedia format support, can be an effective network of support radio and more popular media audio files
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 159kb Publisher : 姚朝强

支持现今多数主流的声音和影像格式。 本说明书还为你提供了其他多种功能的使用,例如:你可以: 打开、建立、播放、储存声音文件 从影片中抓取音轨 可录制从网络、声卡、或其它地方来的声音档案,包括来自DVD / VCD / CD播放器的声频, MP3播放器,RealPlayer,Windows媒体播放器。-support of the majority of today's mainstream voice and video format. The brochures also provide you with a variety of other features, such as : You can : Open creation, playback, document storage voices from the films can crawl soundtrack recording from the network, sound cards, or to other parts of the audio files. from DVD/VCD/CD player audio, MP3 player, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 982kb Publisher : yuanzheng

通过Windows Media Format SDK 实现的多媒体播放器,通过format解码,并用gdi+显示视频。-through the Windows Media Format SDK realization of multimedia players, through format decoding, and with gdi+ video shows.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22kb Publisher : 梅铮

VC++小解霸――VCD典型播放控制,模仿早期的Windows Media Player播放器,它只能播放DAT格式的文件 ,这种文件是VCD格式,因此这个播放器主要是用来播放VCD的,界面也挺老的,但很经典。 -VC++ small Jieba- VCD typical player controls, mimic the early Windows Media Player player, it can only play DAT file format, this file is the VCD format, so this player is mainly used to play VCD' s, the interface also very old, but classic.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25kb Publisher : 林宇斌

互动的音频/视频媒体文件播放器。。如果媒体有一个视频组件,PlayWndASF将读取视频的 默认大小和调整球员的位置,让客户端的视频 在发挥其首选的默认大小考虑到大小( 标题栏和边框)。 你可以静音按 M的音频。你可以切换全屏模式 按 f的。您可以暂停/恢复与 P 和停止/快退播放 与 S 的。要关闭媒体剪辑,按ESC,F12键,X,或问 如果媒体是纯音频,播放器默认会显示一个小窗口。 你可以指定一个媒体作为唯一的命令行参数文件: 例如:PlayWndASF \ \ MyServer的\ mediafiles \视频\ sample.asf - playwndasf <media filename> Using Windows Media 9 Series (Corona) ===================================== If you have installed the Windows Media Format 9 SDK (code named Corona ), then you should review the DSPlay sample in that SDK instead. Starting with Windows Media 9 Series, the WMStub.lib and key provider implementation are no longer necessary. The DSPlay sample also demonstrates Corona-specific features and implementation details that are not present in this PlayWndASF sample. If you are not using the WMF 9 SDK, then the following note applies: ================================================================================ NOTE: To link and run this sample, you must install the Windows Media Format SDK 7.1.1. After downloading the Format SDK, you can extract a public version of the WMStub.LIB library, which should be copied to the Samples\C++\DirectShow\Common folder. This library is necessary for enabling Windows Media content.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 63kb Publisher : wengjinshu

VC++小解霸――VCD典型播放控制,模仿早期的Windows Media Player播放器,它只能播放DAT格式的文件 ,这种文件是VCD格式,因此这个播放器主要是用来播放VCD的,界面也挺老的,但很经典。 -VC++ small Jieba- VCD typical player controls, to imitate the earlier Windows Media Player player, it can only play DAT file format, this file is the VCD format, so this player is mainly used to play VCD' s, the interface also very old, but very classic.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 23kb Publisher : madud00056

该代码演示了MPEG-Layer 3 (MP3)格式的文件是如何被诸如WinAmp和Windows Media Player这样的程序读出来的。请注意,该代码没有调用Windows API,DLL或者OCX。该源代码阅读和播放MP3文件,没有包含例子,但它基于FreeAmp。最初的MP3解码算法是由Xing Technologies编写的-That s the code demonstrates how the MPEG-Layer 3 (MP3) format files such as WinAmp and Windows Media Player program read out
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 165kb Publisher : 付磊

实现功能 1.选择文件播放 2.设置播放器的属性 3.批量添加文件 4.批量将列表中的文件加到播放器列表 5.支持歌词显示 6.本程序支持Windows Media Player中所有能播放的文件格式。-Functions to select the file to play 2 set the player' s attributes. Batch add files to batch in the list of files added to the list of players. Support for lyrics display 6. Supports can play in Windows Media Player file format.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.31mb Publisher : 邓炜

DL : 0
以JavaScript为核心、以HTML呼叫使用的程序,不僅可以播放我们熟悉的音乐媒体档案格式 (例如:mid,wav,mp2,mp3,还可以播放近年微软开发的Windows Media串流处理音乐媒体格式 (例如: asf,asx,wma,wax),还可以播放视讯档案格式 (例如: wmv,wvx)-In JavaScript as the core, to HTML call using the program can not only play we are familiar with the music media file format (for example, mid, WAV, MP2, MP3, can also play in Microsoft s Windows Media Streaming processing media music format (for example, ASF, ASX, wma, wax, can also play the video file format (for example: WMV, wvx)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 58kb Publisher : dmpudn24

本程序是利用微软的 Windows Media Player 做为后台播放插件主程序,所以本程序只能Windows Media Player 播放器所,支持的媒体格式文件的播放-This procedure is to use Microsoft s Windows Media Player as a background player plug-in the main program, so this program can only be Windows Media Player by player, the file format supported media player
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 45kb Publisher : zx
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