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Gomoku是一个在GNUstep上的扩展TicTacToe游戏。如果你能连5个无论是横、竖、斜你就可以赢。反之,电脑赢。你可以载不同大小的面板上玩。-Gomoku is on the GNUstep expansion TicTacToe game. If you can link 5 regardless of is horizontal, is vertical, is slanting you to be allowed to win. Otherwise, the computer wins. You may carry the different size on the kneading board to play.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 80.86kb Publisher : 张平

一些有C制作Fire Wall的代码,可以参考使用。请用Winrar解压后使用。-some production Fire Wall C code can use and reference. Please wins unpacked use.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 31.46kb Publisher : 木子人

DL : 0
ASM参考小程序,请参考使用。请用Winrar 解压缩后使用。-small programs, please reference. Please wins decompress for later use.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13.06kb Publisher : 木子人

一款自主开发的五子棋程序,乃无禁手算法,为本人参加校挑战杯的作品,获三等奖。该程序棋力强劲,在QQ中的战绩目前为: 积分:43 赢:44 输:27 平:2 胜率:60% 曾和网上四五款无禁手的五子棋程序对弈,十盘中一般能胜七八盘!先手基本没负过! 采用了递归算法预测下一步,不过由于是为了应付学校的挑战杯,代码写的不是很规范,递归算法也不完美,之后由于学习时间很紧张,也没时间改进,今天把源代码公布出来,和大家一起学习探讨!大家可以自由使用我的代码,不过有点要求是,如果有人对程序中的算法进行了改进或有更好的思路,还望能传给我一份,让大家共同进步! 希望这个代码能给大家带来一点帮助! 谢谢大家-new independent development of the 331 procedures, is no cut-hand algorithm, I attended school for the Challenge Cup entries Rs 799. The procedure spotlight strong QQ in the current record : Integral : 43 wins : 44 losers : 27 Level : 2 .500 : 60% have Internet on April 5, and no cut-hand plays 331 procedures, generally intraday 10-78! Firstly basically had no negative! Using the recursive algorithm predicted the next step, however, is to cover the Challenge Cup, the code was not very standardized, recursive algorithm not perfect, because after learning time is very tight, there is no time to improve, today's source code announced, we will study together and explore! We can freely use my code, but a little bit is that if someone had the right procedures to improve the algorithm, or a b
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 934.84kb Publisher : 王凯兵

DL : 0
这是中国民间的一个游戏。两人从1开始轮流报数,每人每次 可报一个数或两个连续的数,谁先报到30,谁就为胜方。 *问题分析与算法设计 本题与上题类似,算法也类似,所不同的是,本谁先走第一 步是可选的。若计算机走第一步,那么计算机一定是赢家。若人 先走一步,那么计算机只好等待人犯错误,如果人先走第一步且 不犯错误,那么人就会取胜;否则计算机会抓住人的一次错误使 自己成为胜利者。-This a popular Chinese game. They started from a few newspaper rotation, each person may take a few or several consecutive two, the first to report back in 30, for whoever wins. * Analysis and design of the algorithm with that title on similar algorithms are also similar, the difference is that the first step ahead Who is optional. If computers take the first step, then the computer must be a winner. If one step ahead, then the computer had to wait for others to make mistakes, and if a person does not make mistakes ahead of the first step, then the people will win; Otherwise, the computer will seize the error once made himself a winner.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.24kb Publisher : 姚紫欣

支持zip压缩包的解压,经测试10MB左右的文件可以轻松在线解压,解压速度远超出我们自己的预料,远远快于Winrar等,甚至比最优秀的7zip还快很多 v1.2更新: 把系统核心-pclzlib库到从v2.3升级的最新的v2.4 -support zip package unpacked, tested about 10MB of online documents can be easily extracted and decompression speed is far beyond our own expectations, far faster than wins, even the best 7zip also much faster v1.2 Update : Core-pclzlib from the library to Smart the latest escalation of the accelerator
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 76.76kb Publisher : 吴向东

《数字图像处理》(美)kennethr.castleman.rar 不用说,看到Castleman的大名还有不下的道理-"Digital Image Processing" (US) kennethr.castleman.rar Needless to say see also Castleman Narrowly Wins over the truth
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.74mb Publisher : ke

火柴棍游戏 用java编的 电脑和人对战 谁拿最后的一根 谁就获胜-match stick with java game series of the computer screen and the people who took the last one wins
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.17kb Publisher : 星光

这是一个五子其程序,可以进行双方对战,网络对战,五个子成一条直线即赢-This is a five sons and their procedures can be carried out both players, network connections, as a son of five straight wins that
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 81.15kb Publisher : 李顺古

数独SUDOKU游戏,使用Winrar软件解压缩后使用,无解压缩密码。-few games alone, the use of software wins decompress after use, without extract passwords.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 25.92kb Publisher : Jack

吃数游戏是要求在宫殿中找出几个数之和是7的数并把它们吃掉,再走到7的位置就获胜。-eat a few games in the palaces is required to identify a few hours, and the number is seven and they eat and then go on the location of seven wins.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.64kb Publisher : 卢树鸿

随机发给四个玩家各13张扑克牌,每位玩家每轮出一张牌,谁的牌大谁就是这一轮的胜者。共有13轮,谁胜的次数多谁就是胜者。先比较牌面大小,如果相等再比较花色。-randomly distributed to the four players 13 playing cards, each player round out a card, whose licenses Who is the winner of this one. A total of 13, who wins more often Who is the winner. Comparing the size of the licensing side, the same again if more colorful.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.11kb Publisher : feng

DL : 0
偿吉 奇趣在在在地的的有有在在一一以在在 要以 艰城夺?ゼ? 奇趣在在在地的的有有在在一一以在在 要以 艰城夺偿吉 奇趣在在在地的的有有在在一一以在在 要以 艰城夺-compensation Kyrgyzstan Trolltech in in in the the are in in January 1 in order to in to the difficulties City wins award Kyrgyzstan Trolltech in in in the the are in in January 1 in order to in to the difficulties City wins award Kyrgyzstan Trolltech in in in the the are in in January 1 in order to in to the difficulties City wins award Kyrgyzstan Trolltech in in in the the are in in January 1 in order to in to the difficulties City wins award Kyrgyzstan Trolltech in the in the way of it in the January 1 to the difficulties in the city to seize the opportunity to Kyrgyzstan in compensation in the way of it are in the January 1 to the difficulties in to seize the city
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 24.13kb Publisher : gary

DL : 0
玩法: 一開始先下數字 下完25個數字後 再開始圈選數字 先達到5條連線者獲勝 在下數字跟選數字時 按滑鼠右鍵都能無限反悔 當然 電腦部分仍然是兩光兩光的... 還有畫面也是粉差啦... -Play : a first start under digit figures End 25 after starting cast figures to reach five-line figures he wins the next election with the figures by clicking right course can estoppel unlimited computer parts is two-two-picture ... There is also poor -- powder
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10.61kb Publisher : 陳大衛

本书介绍TCP/IP及其应用。TCP/IP是Internet上使用的协议,而Internet是世界上最大的互联网络。本书内容十分丰富,几乎涵盖了有关TCP/IP的各个方面,包括开放式通信模型、TCP/IP通信模型、IP网络中的命名和寻址机制、地址解析及反向地址解析协议、DNS域字服务器、WINS、地址发现协议、IPv6、IP网络中的路由协议(RIP、OSPF等)、互联网打印协议、LDAP目录服务、远程访问协议、IP安全与防火墙。本书介绍了如何为Windows 9x/NT配置TCP/IP;还介绍了如何使用TCP/IP应用程序,包括远程登录、FTP、Web浏览等。-this book about TCP / IP and its applications. TCP / IP is used on the Internet agreement and the Internet is the world's largest Internet. The book is rich in content, almost covering the TCP / IP in all its aspects, including open communication model, TCP / IP communications model, the IP network naming and addressing mechanisms, address resolution and reverse ARP, DNS Domain word servers, WINS, address discovery protocol, IPv6, IP Network Routing Protocol (RIP, OSPF, etc.), Internet printing protocol, LDAP directory services, remote access protocol, IP security and firewall. The book explains how to configure Windows 9x/NT TCP / IP; also described how to use the TCP / IP applications, including remote login, FTP and Web browsing.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 20.62mb Publisher : 绳鹏

胜负判定条件   如果玩家在棋盘上没有地方可以下子,则该玩家对手可以连下。双方都没有棋子可以下时棋局结束,以棋子数目来计算胜负,棋子多的一方获胜。   在棋盘还没有下满时,如果一方的棋子已经被对方吃光,则棋局也结束。将对手棋子吃光的一方获胜。-determine the outcome if the terms players on the chessboard no place Now, the players can rival even the next. Both can be under no pawn at the end of the chess game, to pawn to calculate the number of results, the pieces of party wins. The board has not yet under full, if one party has been a pawn out to the other side, the game has ended. Pawn gone to the opponent party wins.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 45.28kb Publisher : 晓亮

文件压缩的小程序,是Winrar的功能组成之一。-small compression process, the wins one of the functional components.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 11.66kb Publisher : 刘钦

PowerBuilder中实现数据窗口打印预览通用方法 用PB编写WinSock TCP/IP应用程序 [PB 实例教程] 实现PB数据窗口的多表更新 [PB 实例教程] 用Web.PB开发瘦客户机 PB Web应用 [PB 基础教程] PB 5中PFC的使用-PowerBuilder data print preview window common methods used to prepare WinS PB ock TCP / IP applications [PB examples Guide] PB data window over the table updates [PB examples Services Cheng] with the development of thin-client Web.PB PB Web application [PB Basic Course] 5 PB use of PFC
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 25.03kb Publisher : 肖彤

本程序作为五子棋对局程序的裁判程序,为五子棋对局程序提供一个对局平台。程序自身绑定端口,并由对局程序向此端口连接。连接后,根据事先规定好的通信协议向对局程序发送命令,并接受对局程序传来的落子位置,显现在棋盘上。程序判断胜负结果,直至一方获胜方结束。-331 of the procedures as having the procedure magistrate procedures, procedures for the provision of 331 having a bureau platform. Self-bonding procedures port, and having procedures to this port connector. After connecting, according to pre-defined communication protocols to having to send orders having accepted procedures and the sound of Kutno position, indicating on the chessboard. Procedures judgment loser, until one side wins to end.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 84.08kb Publisher : luobo

本书介绍TCP/IP及其应用。TCP/IP是Internet上使用的协议,而Internet是世界上最大的互联网络。本书内容十分丰富,几乎涵盖了有关TCP/IP的各个方面,包括开放式通信模型、TCP/IP通信模型、IP网络中的命名和寻址机制、地址解析及反向地址解析协议、DNS域字服务器、WINS、地址发现协议、IPv6、IP网络中的路由协议(RIP、OSPF等)、互联网打印协议、LDAP目录服务、远程访问协议、IP安全与防火墙。本书介绍了如何为Windows 9x/NT配置TCP/IP;还介绍了如何使用TCP/IP应用程序,包括远程登录、FTP、Web浏览等。 -The book introduced the TCP/IP and its application. TCP/IP is the protocol used on Internet, and the Internet is the world' s largest Internet network. The book is rich in content, almost covering the TCP/IP in all its aspects, including open communication model, TCP/IP communication model, IP network naming and addressing mechanisms, and reverse address resolution ARP, DNS domain word server, WINS, the address discovery protocol, IPv6, IP network routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, etc.), Internet Printing Protocol, LDAP directory services, remote access protocol, IP security and firewall. The book describes how to configure Windows 9x/NT for the TCP/IP also describes how to use the TCP/IP applications, including Telnet, FTP, Web browsing and so on.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20.62mb Publisher : 周洁
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