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[Windows Developwordedit

Description: c#的写字版程序我自己写的.本文探讨了使用C#从底层开发一个带格式的文本编辑器的任务,深入探讨了其中的文档对象模型的设计,图形化用户界面的处理和用户操作的响应,说明了其中的某些技术问题和解决之道。 -version of the writing process I wrote it myself. This paper discusses the use of C# development from the ground up with a format of the text editor's mandate, in-depth study of the document object model design, graphical user interface processing and user response shows some of these technical problems and solution.
Platform: | Size: 143351 | Author: 滕龙飞 | Hits:


Description: JSP环境开发中,有时需要使用WORD编辑器,在此发布一个十分简单的例子
Platform: | Size: 3781305 | Author: xiaowen | Hits:


Description: 本人自己编写的用于文本编辑开发的小软件,功能齐全,文件很小。
Platform: | Size: 16451 | Author: 华南 | Hits:

[Windows Developwordedit

Description: c#的写字版程序我自己写的.本文探讨了使用C#从底层开发一个带格式的文本编辑器的任务,深入探讨了其中的文档对象模型的设计,图形化用户界面的处理和用户操作的响应,说明了其中的某些技术问题和解决之道。 -version of the writing process I wrote it myself. This paper discusses the use of C# development from the ground up with a format of the text editor's mandate, in-depth study of the document object model design, graphical user interface processing and user response shows some of these technical problems and solution.
Platform: | Size: 391168 | Author: 滕龙飞 | Hits:


Description: JSP环境开发中,有时需要使用WORD编辑器,在此发布一个十分简单的例子-JSP development environment, and sometimes need to use the WORD editor, in this release a very simple example
Platform: | Size: 3780608 | Author: xiaowen | Hits:


Description: 本人自己编写的用于文本编辑开发的小软件,功能齐全,文件很小。-I have written a text editor for the development of small software, full-featured, small file.
Platform: | Size: 1172480 | Author: 华南 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWordEdit

Description: 通过MFC编程,使用文本文档对字体进行编辑-MFC programming through the use of a text document for editing fonts
Platform: | Size: 72704 | Author: nicolas | Hits:

[GUI DevelopWordEdit

Description: word编辑器,用C实现的。主要目的是了解相关的c函数的使用。简单易懂,适合初学者。-word editor, using C achievable. Main purpose is to understand the function of c-related use. Easy-to-read, suitable for beginners.
Platform: | Size: 2210816 | Author: 苗静 | Hits:


Description: 简单的c词法分析器,能分析出整数,标志符,保留字等。-easy wordedit
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: xue | Hits:

[Database systemwordEdit

Description: 类似于记事本,但可以多个文本同时运行,基本上功能都有,开发环境为VS2005,需要数据库支持-Similar to Notepad, but they can run more than the text, basically function, development environment for the VS2005, the need for database support
Platform: | Size: 310272 | Author: ljl | Hits:


Description: java文本编辑器,模仿windows自带的记事本,功能丰富,使用方便-Java text editor, imitate the cabin Windows notepad, feature-rich, easy to use
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: wumengfeng | Hits:

[Delphi VCLwordedit

Description: Word editor rtf, txt, and others
Platform: | Size: 312320 | Author: Kirill | Hits:


Description: 此程序为用C#实现文本编辑器,类似记事本,具有新建,保存,另存为,查找,替换等功能.-This process is achieved with C# text editor, like Notepad, with a new, save, save as, find, replace and so on.
Platform: | Size: 1847296 | Author: 倒霉熊 | Hits:

[assembly languageWordEdit

Description: 在DOS模式下如何编辑文档呢?这个小巧高速的文本编辑程序是不错的选择。- The Program is running in DOS mode.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 周先生 | Hits:


Description: 本软件事宜C#语言实现WORD的部分功能,可以打开文件,保存文件等-The software matters C# language WORD some functions, you can open the file, save the file, etc.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Rock Lee | Hits:

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