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[Data structsWu_Manber

Description: 模式匹配算法介绍。一种改进的模式匹配算法的介绍!-Pattern matching algorithm introduced. An improved pattern matching algorithm introduced!
Platform: | Size: 177152 | Author: 高双成 | Hits:

[File Operatelibbitap

Description: wu-manber算法的实现。 Wu-Manber基于BM算法思想,通过SHIFT、HASH、PREFIX三张表进行快速跳跃,实现快速多模式匹配。-A clean implementation of Sun Wu and Udi Manber s bitap algorithm. Note that the complete search string must be matched by the pattern. If you want to search for substrings of the search string, prefix and postfix the pattern with .* .
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: buptisc | Hits:

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