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主要功能是限制Text文本框的输入的字符,防止输入不符合要求,使用户按照规则输入,比如只能输入数字、汉字、电话号码、大小写字母等 1、文本框得/失去焦点用户录入的自定义效果加强。 2、日期的选择。 3、控制用户可录入整数、浮点数(自定义小数位数)、大写字母、小写字母、中文、电话号码、IP地址等。 4、响应回车焦点下移。 /Demo为演示文件 /TextControl 为源码文件-Main function is to limit the Text text box enter the characters, to prevent the importation does not meet the requirements, so that the user input in accordance with the rules, for example, can only enter numbers, Chinese characters, telephone numbers, upper and lower case letters such as 1, text boxes have/lost the focus of the user entry Since the definition of the effect of strengthening. 2, the date of choice. 3, users can control the input integer, floating-point numbers (since the definition of the number of decimal places), uppercase letters, lowercase letters, Chinese, phone number, IP address. 4, in response to the focus of the downward movement of carriage returns./Demo for the presentation/TextControl for the source document
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 129kb Publisher : cedar
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