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Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21.9mb Publisher : lihu

TI的基于ZIGBEE2006的协议栈,作为实际ZIGBEE项目,可根据自己需求进行二次开发。-TI-based protocol stack ZIGBEE2006, as a practical ZigBee projects can be carried out according to their own needs secondary development.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.48mb Publisher : aka

TI 的协议栈说明和安装,里面有各个层的说明,各个层的原语说明-TI Description of the protocol stack and the installation, there are various layers that each layer of the original language that
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.33mb Publisher : xiaosong

一些基于IRA环境开发的zigbee实例程序-IRA-based environment for the development of examples of procedures zigbee
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.85mb Publisher : zlpcumt

DL : 0
ZTACK 从零到入门,本人整理的,希望对想学习的人有所帮助。
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : cyn

zigbee的开发程序代码,做无线开发的一般都喜欢这个,很好的程序.很实用!-zigbee,stack,development,C,C++,everyone can use it!please download and see!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.48mb Publisher : 李利佳

Zstack user guide cc2430
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 170kb Publisher : Matias

ZigBee协议栈1.4.2.包括无线传感器定位实验源代码和多个ZigBee例子程序-ZigBee protocol stack 1.4.2. Including wireless sensor positioning experiments the source code and a number of examples of procedures for ZigBee
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19.25mb Publisher : 吕云峰

TI公司的zigbee 协议栈,方便大家学习了解有关ZigBee的相关知识-TI' s zigbee protocol stack so as to facilitate learning of relevant knowledge about ZigBee
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 30.6mb Publisher : daxionghero

CC2431无线定位,基于ZigBee2006协议栈,能够实现定位功能,配置好节点和网关,精度还是比较高的-CC2431 wireless location-based ZigBee2006 protocol stack, to achieve positioning function, the node and the gateway configured precision or higher
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.86mb Publisher : 妃儿

很难从TI网站上下载到的cc2430/2431应用程序和说明文档。-Application pro grams sourve codes(c code,*.h) and documents difficult to down load from TI web site of cc2430 cc2431, config,location function, zigbee stack ..
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21.74mb Publisher : fred

TI公司2011年度最新ZSTACK协议栈-TI, 2011 New ZSTACK Stack
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 50.9mb Publisher : wuwei

用于zigbee 2006协议栈,无线龙cc2530的调试程序-Zigbee 2006 protocol stack for wireless Dragon cc2530 debugger
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 24.75mb Publisher : 张茂天

zigbee 的zstack 介绍 要用zstack 的可以-zigbee the zstack introduction can look to use zstack
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 180kb Publisher :

关于TI ZStack-CC2430-1.4.2-1.1.0安装的说明-About TI ZStack-CC2430-1.4.2-1.1.0 installation instructions
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 180kb Publisher : sdvsdf

cc2430 完整协议栈 开源代码 完整协议栈 开源代码-cc2430 complete protocol stack
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.38mb Publisher : 郑志谊

在CC2430Zigbee协议基础上,建立由一个协调器,两个终端组成的无线网络。在app.c中添加ADC和UART功能,实现无线的ADC采集和发送给PC功能。-In CC2430 Zigbee agreement foundation, set up a coordinator, two terminal of the wireless network. In the app.c, adding ADC and UART functions to realize the ADC collection and wireless sent to PC function.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.78mb Publisher : wang

DL : 0
CC2430点对多点通信程序,基于zstack 1.4.3开发,保留协议栈基本功能。-CC2430-to-multipoint communication program based 1.4.3 development zstack, the reserved protocol stack basic functions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.01mb Publisher : 赵彪

Direct RS485 serial port operatio Visual C++6.0 environment applica Vc ds18b20 PC-based program RS232 serial communication with a VS2005 on the use of a serial com This is a 20 on the serial commun Visual C++6.0 environment using M this is a program of usb-rs232 PC windows to achieve serial comm STM32 cortex-m3 microcontroller 4 Serial testing procedures, the se Visual C++ USART communication Zstack serial flow analysis, a de PC software serial microcontrolle can code VB and serial communication, teac Using Keil C51 MCU and a PC seria linux environment using serial co CC2430 communication between the it is a project of visual basic t a relatively complete serial comm The example of uart in Windows a very complete source Kawaguchi Based on news Windows s-Direct RS485 serial port operatio Visual C++6.0 environment applica Vc ds18b20 PC-based program RS232 serial communication with a VS2005 on the use of a serial com This is a 20 on the serial commun Visual C++6.0 environment using M this is a program of usb-rs232 PC windows to achieve serial comm STM32 cortex-m3 microcontroller 4 Serial testing procedures, the se Visual C++ USART communication Zstack serial flow analysis, a de PC software serial microcontrolle can code VB and serial communication, teac Using Keil C51 MCU and a PC seria linux environment using serial co CC2430 communication between the it is a project of visual basic t a relatively complete serial comm The example of uart in Windows a very complete source Kawaguchi Based on news Windows s
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : randex
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