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模拟退火优化算法 Simulated annealing is a simple and general algorithm for finding global minima. It operates by simulating the cooling of a (usually fictitious) physical system whose possible energies correspond to the values of the objective function being minimized. The anal- ogy works because physical systems occupy only the states with the lowest energy as the temperature is lowered to absolute zero. Simulated annealing has been developed by a wide and highly interdisciplinary com- munity and used by an even wider one. As a consequence, its techniques and results are scattered through the literature and are not easily accessible for the computer scientist, physicist, or chemist who wants to become familiar with the field. The present monograph is intended both as an introduction for the noninitiated and as a review for the more expert reader. We start by developing the subject from scratch. We then explain the methods and techniques indispensable for building state-of-the-art implementations. The physical background presented is meant to sharpen the reader's intuition for the field.
Update : 2011-11-09 Size : 6.43mb Publisher : luli395

Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler) is a textbook for an introductory course in numerical methods, Matlab, and technical computing. The emphasis is on in- formed use of mathematical software. We want you learn enough about the mathe- matical functions in Matlab that you will be able to use them correctly, appreciate their limitations, and modify them when necessary to suit your own needs. The topics include * introduction to Matlab, * linear equations, * interpolation, * zero and roots, * least squares, * quadrature, * ordinary di?erential equations, * random numbers, * Fourier analysis, * eigenvalues and singular values, * partial di?erential equations.-Numerical Computing with MATLAB (by Cleve Moler) is a textbook for an introductory coursein numerical methods, Matlab, and technical computing. The emphasis is on in-formed use of mathematical software. We want you learn enough about the mathe-matical functions in Matlab that you will be able to use them correctly, appreciatetheir limitations, and modify them when necessary to suit your own needs. Thetopics include* introduction to Matlab,* linear equations,* interpolation,* zero and roots,* least squares,* quadrature,* ordinary di? erential equations,* random numbers,* Fourier analysis,* eigenvalues and singular values,* partial di? erential equations.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.81mb Publisher :

! 2 ! HOMPACK90 is a suite of FORTRAN 90 subroutines for solving nonlinear 3 ! systems of equations by homotopy methods. There are subroutines for 4 ! fixed point, zero finding, and general homotopy curve tracking problems, 5 ! utilizing both dense and sparse Jacobian matrices, and implementing 6 ! three different algorithms: ODE-based, normal flow, and augmented 7 ! Jacobian. The (driver) subroutines called by the user are given in the 8 ! table below, and are well documented internally. The user need not 9 ! be concerned with any other subroutines in HOMPACK90. -! 2 ! HOMPACK90 is a suite of FORTRAN 90 subroutines for solving nonlinear 3 ! systems of equations by homotopy methods. There are subroutines for 4 ! fixed point, zero finding, and general homotopy curve tracking problems, 5 ! utilizing both dense and sparse Jacobian matrices, and implementing 6 ! three different algorithms: ODE-based, normal flow, and augmented 7 ! Jacobian. The (driver) subroutines called by the user are given in the 8 ! table below, and are well documented internally. The user need not 9 ! be concerned with any other subroutines in HOMPACK90.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 129kb Publisher : LL

Goal of the project was to implement numerical methods for solving systems of nonlinear algebraic equations using MATLAB software. As in previous assignment first of all I need to research for functions, which would be helpful during evaluation of each task, later on I was able to implement and test numerical algorithms for solving given problems. Each student got three different equations to solve, and create another one with use of them for finding its zero place with various methods. Each method, result, comment and conclusion is placed in this report. At the end of the report one can find my MATLAB programs, and all references which were used as a help for me during evaluation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 959kb Publisher : rmajorcz
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