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本文提出一种基于H.264低比特率视频流的半脆弱盲水印方法,通过在H.264特有的的帧内预 测和运动向量预测中分别嵌入鲁棒水印和脆弱水印,达到版权保护和内容完整性认证的双重目的.通过在嵌入强 度和预测模式选择的拉格朗日乘子中引入H.264量化因子,增强了水印对重量化编码的抵抗力,取得更好的率 失真平衡,减小水印嵌入对视频流比特率的影响.该算法可以实现水印的快速嵌入提取,满足视频实时处理的要 求,实验结果证明了该算法的有效性.-A novel semi—fragile blind watermark algorithm based on H.264 low bit—rate video stream was pro— posed in this paper,copyright protection and content authentication Can be achieved jointly by embedding the robust waterraark an d fragile watermark spectively during the process of interior prediction an d motion vector prediction which are characteristic for H.264 standard.Through introducing the quan tization factor of H.264 in the embedding and prediction mod e choice,the proposed scheme Can strengthen the watermarking resistance to video recoding and strike a good rate— distortion balan ce for the waterm ark of lower bit—rate video st/ ea/n.which relieve bit—rates lossness from the waterm arking embedding.Experimental results also demonstrate that this scheme iS very computational efi cient during watermark— ing embedding an d extraction.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 375kb Publisher : 阿国
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