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基本矩阵运算 : + - *, power, transpose, trace, determinant, minor, matrix of minor, cofactor, matrix of cofactor, adjoint, inverse, gauss, gaussjordan, linear transformation, LU decomposition , Gram-Schmidt process, similarity. b) Basic vectors functions : norm, distance, innerproduct,coldim, rowdim, rank, nullity. *-basic matrix calculation :-*, power, transpose, trace, determinant, minor, matrix of minor, cofactor, the matrix of cofactor, adjoint, inverse, Gauss, gaussjordan, linear transformation, LU decomposition, Gram-Schmidt process, the similarity. B ) Basic vectors functions : norm, distance, innerproduct, coldim, rowdim, rank, nullity.*
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 96kb Publisher : 站长
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