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[Special EffectsSnakesDemo

Description: Active contour demo implements snake, which essentially is an A* search. This can be used for image registration, segmentation, feature extraction.
Platform: | Size: 464437 | Author: Wenmiao Lu | Hits:

[Special EffectsLevelSet_ChunmingLi_v0

Description: This Matlab code implements an edge based geometric active contour model without reinitialization. MATLAB Release: R13SP1 This Matlab code implements the level set method in Chunming Li et al s paper \"Level Set Evolution without Re-initialization: A New Variational Formulation\", in IEEE Proc. of CVPR 2005. EVOLUTION.m: core function that performs level set evolution. Demo1.m: a demo for a real cell images Demo2.m: a demo for a synthetic noisy image Demo1_ManualBinaryInitial: demo for the same image in Demo1, allows manual initialization by the user Demo2_ManualBinaryInitial: demo for the same image in Demo2, allows manual initialization by the user
Platform: | Size: 783833 | Author: 薛正亮 | Hits:

[Graph programMatlab snakes demo

Description: 主动轮廓模型,即snake算法的demo-active contour models, snake algorithm demo
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 秦晓芳 | Hits:

[Special EffectsSnakesDemo

Description: Active contour demo implements snake, which essentially is an A* search. This can be used for image registration, segmentation, feature extraction.
Platform: | Size: 463872 | Author: Wenmiao Lu | Hits:

[Special EffectsLevelSet_ChunmingLi_v0

Description: This Matlab code implements an edge based geometric active contour model without reinitialization. MATLAB Release: R13SP1 This Matlab code implements the level set method in Chunming Li et al s paper "Level Set Evolution without Re-initialization: A New Variational Formulation", in IEEE Proc. of CVPR 2005. EVOLUTION.m: core function that performs level set evolution. Demo1.m: a demo for a real cell images Demo2.m: a demo for a synthetic noisy image Demo1_ManualBinaryInitial: demo for the same image in Demo1, allows manual initialization by the user Demo2_ManualBinaryInitial: demo for the same image in Demo2, allows manual initialization by the user
Platform: | Size: 783360 | Author: 薛正亮 | Hits:

[Special EffectsActiveContourDemos1

Description: 学习图像处理中活动轮廓方法的一个DEMO,很有启发-Learning image processing method of active contour a DEMO, very enlightening
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 强军 | Hits:

[Special EffectsActiveContourDemos2

Description: 2005年学习图像分割算法过程中活动轮廓方法的对比DEMO,很有启发-2005 image segmentation algorithm to learn the process of active contour methods contrast DEMO, very enlightening
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 强军 | Hits:

[Graph programsnake_asm_courseware_code

Description: 国外课件:Active shape model 和 active contour model(snake)的matlab 原码,包括PDF格式的程序使用说明-Foreign courseware: Active shape model and active contour model (snake) in the matlab source, including the PDF format of the program instructions
Platform: | Size: 671744 | Author: Dark Rider | Hits:


Description: 本演示实现了主动轮廓模型由Kass等人提出。 要运行它的图形用户界面 1。基于MATLAB型引导提示。 2。关于“到现有的图形用户界面,点击” 3。选择在与本文件相同的目录snk.fig文件 4。按一下上方的绿色箭头启动图形界面 一旦GUI已经启动,您可以通过使用蛇 1。点击“新形象”,并加载输入图像。提供的样品图像。 2。平滑参数设置“西格玛”或保留其默认值并点击“过滤器”。这将平滑图像。 3。只要你点击“过滤器”,头发会出现交叉,用他们和你左击鼠标,您可以选择在图像上的初始轮廓的位置。会出现一个红色圆圈到处您单击并在多数情况下,你应该单击对象周围的一切你想要的部分。最后一点,必须挑选使用右键单击,以阻止更多的积分为MATLAB的要求。 4。设置各种蛇参数(在能源方面的相对权重的蛇目标函数)或离开它们的默认值,然后按一下他们“迭代”按钮。蛇会出现和移动,因为它收敛到它的低能量状态。-This demo implements the Active Contour Models as proposed by Kass et al. To run it with GUI 1. Type guide on the matlab prompt. 2. Click on "Go to Existing GUI" 3. Select the snk.fig file in the same directory as this file 4. Click the green arrow at the top to launch the GUI Once the GUI has been launched, you can use snakes by 1. Click on "New Image" and load an input image. Samples image are provided. 2. Set the smoothing parameter "sigma" or leave it at its default value and click "Filter". This will smooth the image. 3. As soon as you click "Filter", cross hairs would appear and using them and left click of you mouse you can pick initial contour location on the image. A red circle would appear everywhere you click and in most cases you should click all the way around the object you want to segment. The last point must be picked using a right-click in order to stop matlab for asking for more points. 4. Set the various snake paramete
Platform: | Size: 333824 | Author: zhou | Hits:

[Special EffectsLIF

Description: 基于主动轮廓算法的一个程序代码,有demo很好用的啊,很方便的啊-Based on an active contour algorithm using special case, easy to use and principles of analysis and processing, good ah
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: matlabc | Hits:

[Graph programMatlab-snakes-demo

Description: 主动轮廓模型,即snake算法的demo-active contour models, snake algorithm demo
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: Sattri | Hits:


Description: First run add_path.m, and then run the demos in the file Demo . This is newest active contour code for re-initialization scheme You can also test your own images. The tested functions are in the file TEST , you can run the GAC model and CV model implemented by our RD method. The tested images should be placed in the file image . -First run add_path.m, and then run the demos in the file Demo . This is newest active contour code for re-initialization scheme You can also test your own images. The tested functions are in the file TEST , you can run the GAC model and CV model implemented by our RD method. The tested images should be placed in the file image .
Platform: | Size: 201728 | Author: | Hits:

[Special Effectssnake程序demo

Description: 实现snake主动轮廓模型,用于数字图像处理等工程(Implementation of snake active contour model for digital image processing and other engineering)
Platform: | Size: 1486848 | Author: 琦坚 | Hits:

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