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自适应滤波器理论一书第五章的有关程序,希望对大家有用-Adaptive Filter Theory Book 1 Chapter V of the relevant procedures, in the hope that useful U.S.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : qingting

自适应滤波器原理一书第五章的程序,希望对大家有所帮组。-Principle of adaptive filter Book 1 Chapter V procedure, and they hope to have everyone help group.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : qingting

adaptive filter non conditional 1km v
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : baguz

本程序提出了变步长自适应滤波算法的步长调整原则:即在初始收敛阶段或未知系统参数发生变化时,步长应比较大,以便有较快的收 敛速度和对时变系统的跟踪速度 而在算法收敛后,不管主输入端干扰信号v ( n) 有多大,都应保持很小的调整步长以达到很小的稳态失调噪声. 根据变步长公式编的程序,很有参考价值. -This procedure, a variable step adaptive filter algorithm step adjustment principle: that in the initial convergence phase or unknown system parameters change, the steps should be relatively large in order to have fast convergence speed and time-varying systems tracking speed in convergence, no matter the main input interference signal v (n) how much should be adjusted to maintain a small step to achieve a small steady state misadjustment noise. compiled according to the formula variable step procedure useful reference.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 韩一广

数字信号处理,LMS和RLS实例:给定正弦信号s(n),现在我们获得得是受影响的数据x(n)=s(n)+v(n) , v(n)为方差1.25的告示白噪声信号,请设计一个滤波器,使其输出与s(n)的均方误差最小,并给出用LMS和RLS算法的自适应求解方法的MATLAB仿真。-Digital signal processing, LMS and RLS instance: Given a sinusoidal signal s (n), now we get the data have affected x (n) = s (n)+ v (n), v (n) 1.25 for the variance Notice the white noise signal, to design a filter so that the output and s (n) The minimum mean square error, and gives the algorithm with the LMS and RLS adaptive method for solving the MATLAB simulation.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : codeshare

fcnFrostFilter performs noise filtering on an image based on an adaptive filter proposed by Frost. [1] V. S. Frost, et al., "A Model for Radar Images and Its Application to Adaptive Digital Filtering of Multiplicative Noise," IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal., Machine Intell., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 157-166, Mar. 1982.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : Vikram

DL : 1
设计过程噪声时变强跟踪自适应滤波器,估计汽车运动的瞬时速度v(t)和行走距离s(t)-Design process noise becomes strong tracking adaptive filter estimates the instantaneous speed of motor sport v (t) and walking distance s (t)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 99kb Publisher : 黄磊

DL : 0
《自适应滤波器》第五章Chap_5_Pred源代码,很详细-" Adaptive Filter" Chapter V Chap_5_Pred source code, very detailed
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4kb Publisher : 马月

The MST717 is a highquality ASIC for NTSC / P AL car TV application. It receives analog NTSC / P AL CVBS and S-V ideo inputs from TV tuners, DVD or VCR sources, including weak and distorted signals, as well as analog RGB input from GPS systems. Automatic gain control (AGC) and 8-bit 3-channel A/D converters provide high resolution video quantization. With automatic video source and mode detection, users can easily switch and adjust variety of signal sources. Multiple internal adaptive PLLs precisely extract pixel clock from video source and perform sharp color demodulation. Built-in line-buffer supports adaptive 2-D comb-filter , 2-D sharpening, and synchronization stabler in a condense manner . The output format of MST717 supports 6-bit digital TFT -LCD modules. -The MST717 is a highquality ASIC for NTSC/P AL car TV application. It receives analog NTSC/P AL CVBS and S-V ideo inputs from TV tuners, DVD or VCR sources, including weak and distorted signals, as well as analog RGB input from GPS systems. Automatic gain control (AGC) and 8-bit 3-channel A/D converters provide high resolution video quantization. With automatic video source and mode detection, users can easily switch and adjust variety of signal sources. Multiple internal adaptive PLLs precisely extract pixel clock from video source and perform sharp color demodulation. Built-in line-buffer supports adaptive 2-D comb-filter , 2-D sharpening, and synchronization stabler in a condense manner . The output format of MST717 supports 6-bit digital TFT-LCD modules.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.6mb Publisher : kevap
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