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[Embeded-SCM DevelopADS_FSL_LIBRARY_V2005AP1206

Description: ADS仿真的库文件,是飞思卡尔的原件库里的ADS模型,就不用再在飞思卡尔里下了-ADS simulation library files, is Freescale' s original library of the ADS model, will not have again Freescale years down the
Platform: | Size: 17581056 | Author: sherry | Hits:


Description: 4.23最新 首先,感谢libra( free_developer@126.com)先生的无私奉献,将这个非常好的软件源码公开。 和当前其他农场辅助软件不同,首先农场小号辅助管理软件主要是对小号进行管理的,所以针对目标非常清晰,具有多个qq的人员。当然,这年头,谁没有好几个qq在那里备用着呢,或者把七大姑八大姨的号码一起来收菜的呢。要在浏览器里不停的切换用户来收各个号码的菜确实是比较郁闷的事情,现在,有了农场小号辅助管理软件,一切变得轻松起来。 其次,这个软件是源码公开的绿色软件,无广告,无后门,不修改您系统浏览器、首页等的任何东西。您可以下载源码自己审查软件的所有行为。 还有,这个软件并不鼓励您到处去偷菜,只是把小号的菜收了种、种了收,所以被腾讯警告、降级的概率相对要小一些。不过您如果整夜不能睡,也是有危险的哦。 最后,作为源码公开软件,欢迎您修改软件中的不足,增强软件的功能,还有什么比自己的成功在给许多人提供方便更让人欣慰和自豪的呢? 如果您对软件做了修改,而且愿意共享,请邮寄修改后的源码到jianl@163.com,我会合并到程序中后发布出来。-4.23 Last First of all, thank libra (free_developer@126.com) President s selfless dedication to this very good software source code open. And supporting software different from other farms at present, the first aid management software small farms mainly for the management of small, so very clearly targeted, with more than qq personnel. Of course, these days, who did not spare several qq lot, actually there, or the seven Regardless of the number eight aunt received a dish it up. To keep running in the browser to switch the user to receive various numbers of food really is quite depressing thing, and now, with the small farm aid management software, all up easier. Second, the software is open source green software, no ads, no back door, do not modify your system, browser, page, etc. anything. You can download the software source code review of all the acts of their own. Also, this software does not encourage you to steal food everywhere, but to receive the kind of small dishe
Platform: | Size: 3205120 | Author: 陈鑫 | Hits:

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