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[Multimedia programCFZR

Description: 简单的人像识别系统, 只能模糊的检测人脸部分,有可能把手检测成人脸,背景要求高-simple automatic face recognition system, it will only vague Face detection, detection may handle adult face, background requirements are high
Platform: | Size: 62281 | Author: 许剑平 | Hits:


Description: 魔王语言。。 。把魔王的语言翻译成人类的语言,涉及链表等基本操作。就是这样了,大家可以自己-fiendish language. . . Put fiendish language translation adult language category, involving the basic operating chain. Is the same, you can see for yourself
Platform: | Size: 1834 | Author: haibo | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmszyjy0614rtyyyu

Description: JsP源代码,很好的,网上商城在线购物网站系统,电子商务自助建站管理系统。适合电脑,手机,数码,化妆品,服装,运动鞋,首饰,母婴,成人用品,书籍,汽车,办公用品,音像制品的网店-JsP source code, good, online shopping mall website online systems, e-commerce Station at self-service management system. Suitable for computers, mobile phones, digital, cosmetics, clothing, shoes, jewelry, mother-to-child, adult supplies, books, cars, office supplies, audio-video products added industries,
Platform: | Size: 4718464 | Author: 呵呵 | Hits:


Description: 有点不完美,哪位大人帮我修改或完善,就是在换行那个地方-somewhat imperfect, any adult to help me modify or improve, in line for the place.
Platform: | Size: 1967 | Author: 张罗文 | Hits:

[Other resource133VBACyaopinkucunguanli

Description: 本文介绍了药品进销存管理系统的开发过程。论文详尽论述了从需求分析、系统分析、概要设计、详细设计、以及测试与调试的整个开发过程,遵循软件工程的方法。 文章中所论述的管理信息系统,是一个将业务处理从纯人工操作转换成人工与计算机共同处理的一个实例,并对转换过程进行了详细策划, 可作为同类计算机管理信息系统的应用参考。 本软件开发的过程中采用VB 6.0 开发工具,采用成熟的软件研制技术。在本文中,总结了开发过程中的经验及本系统今后的改进方向。某公司从2004年2月创业以来,经过不断努力,现有职工40多人,其中,有计算机操作工作经验的员工占职工人数的30%左右。 药品进销存一直是本公司仓管部门的主要任务,随着业务的不断发展,加强成本管理与收入管理、通过提高服务水平提升企业形象已成为本公司的迫切需要。因为该公司目前采用手工操作的运营过程,差错率较高,已不能适应药品对现代化管理的要求。 为了提高公司管理效率,赢得员工的满意度,我建议公司决策层同意开发该公司管理信息系统,并以此系统的研发过程作为本人毕业论文的论题。-This paper introduces the pharmaceutical inventory management system development process. Papers length from needs analysis, system analysis, the outline design, detailed design, testing and debugging, and the entire development process, follow software engineering methods. The article discussed by the management information system, is a business address from a purely manual conversion adult and computer processing of a common example, as well as the conversion process of detailed planning, as a kind of computer management information system application. The software development process using Visual Basic 6.0 development tool, a mature software development technology. In this paper, summed up the development process and the experience of the system to improve future direction. From a compa
Platform: | Size: 3520519 | Author: 姜涛 | Hits:

[Other resourceECGToolbox

Description: matlab编程环境下,处理体表心脏电信号,包括消除基线漂移,贝叶思滤波。模拟实际的成人心脏电信号等-Matlab programming environment, the surface treatment of cardiac signals, including the elimination of baseline drift, Beiye ideological filter. Simulation of the actual adult cardiac signals, etc.
Platform: | Size: 2331192 | Author: donghai | Hits:


Description: 一:需求分析 1. 问题描述 魔王总是使用自己的一种非常精练而抽象的语言讲话,没人能听懂,但他的语言是可逐步解释成人能听懂的语言,因为他的语言是由以下两种形式的规则由人的语言逐步抽象上去的: ----------------------------------------------------------- (1) a---> (B1)(B2)....(Bm) (2)[(op1)(p2)...(pn)]---->[o(pn)][o(p(n-1))].....[o(p1)o] ----------------------------------------------------------- 在这两种形式中,从左到右均表示解释.试写一个魔王语言的解释系统,把 他的话解释成人能听得懂的话. 2. 基本要求: 用下述两条具体规则和上述规则形式(2)实现.设大写字母表示魔王语言的词汇 小写字母表示人的语言的词汇 希腊字母表示可以用大写字母或小写字母代换的变量.魔王语言可含人的词汇. (1) B --> tAdA (2) A --> sae 3. 测试数据: B(ehnxgz)B 解释成 tsaedsaeezegexenehetsaedsae若将小写字母与汉字建立下表所示的对应关系,则魔王说的话是:\"天上一只鹅地上一只鹅鹅追鹅赶鹅下鹅蛋鹅恨鹅天上一只鹅地上一只鹅\". | t | d | s | a | e | z | g | x | n | h | | 天 | 地 | 上 | 一只| 鹅 | 追 | 赶 | 下 | 蛋 | 恨 | -one : a needs analysis. Problem description always use their own fiendish a very concise and abstract language speech Nobody can understand, but the language is gradually explained adult can understand the language, because his language is composed of the following two forms of rule by man's abstract language gradually boost : ---------------------------------------- ------------------- (1) a
Platform: | Size: 40036 | Author: 苏言暖 | Hits:

[Other resourceadult

Description: 著名的数据挖掘测试数据集,由UCI维护提供. adult.data 含15个属性,32561个样本.
Platform: | Size: 369788 | Author: laishuguang | Hits:

[Special EffectsCharacterizngthemech

Description: Adult amblyopes can improve positional acuity through practice however, the neural mechanisms underlying this improvement are still not clear. In this study, seven adult amblyopes repeatedly practiced a position discrimination task in the presence of positional noise.
Platform: | Size: 1112137 | Author: bob | Hits:


Description: 著名的数据挖掘测试数据集,由UCI维护提供. adult.data 含15个属性,32561个样本.-Well-known data mining test data sets from UCI maintenance. Adult.data containing 15 properties, 32,561 samples.
Platform: | Size: 369664 | Author: laishuguang | Hits:


Description: Mark java sourcecode for adult image
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: mark | Hits:

[Windows DevelopAdultPDFPasswordRecovery

Description: Adult PDF Password Recovery PDF 解密工具, 对一些加密的PDF文件解密, 解密可以复制修改PDF内容-Adult PDF Password Recovery PDF decryption tool, a number of encrypted PDF files to decrypt, decrypt PDF content can be replicated changes
Platform: | Size: 627712 | Author: 黄百成 | Hits:


Description: Finde pornography or adult image
Platform: | Size: 10694656 | Author: Park minsu | Hits:

[WEB Codeadult

Description: Script PHP mobile adult website.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: idwap | Hits:

[WEB Codeadult

Description: Adult script language is PHP. useful
Platform: | Size: 2217984 | Author: croms | Hits:

[Windows Developadult-LR

Description: 自己编写的机器学习中处理UCI数据集中的Adult数据集的LR算法的C++源代码,可根据需要自己替换数据集。-I have written to handle UCI machine learning data set of the Adult data set of the LR algorithm C++ source code, can be replaced according to need their own data sets.
Platform: | Size: 1258496 | Author: mjb | Hits:

[Other systemsAdult-supplies

Description: 成人用品,线路板原理图,PCB板图,带触摸功能,方便使用,供学习参考切勿用于商业-Adult supplies, circuit schematics, PCB board map, with a touch function, easy to use, for learning reference must not be used for commercial
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 梅天龙 | Hits:


Description: 利用朴素贝叶斯分类方法将UCI的adult数据集进行分类(The adult dataset of UCI was classified by the naive bayesian classification method)
Platform: | Size: 43244544 | Author: NothingMore | Hits:


Description: database for adult recognition
Platform: | Size: 231424 | Author: lilyloopa | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsadult

Description: 本人课设实现的基于决策树和朴素贝叶斯对Adult数据集进行分类!(Adult dataset is classified based on decision tree and naive bayes!)
Platform: | Size: 580608 | Author: zxhohai | Hits:
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