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The transformation parameters are specified by the user by editing the values of the rotation, scale (x and y), and shear (x and y). The translation is not icluded because it can be easily (normalized or) removed from the image by subtracting the shape cetroid. The affine matrix and the affinr transformation are computed using Matlab Image Processing Toolbox functions: maketform and imtransform. So this program is only demonstrates and facilitates the computation and the applying of these functions to a 2-D image. -The transformation parameters are specified by the user by editing the values of the rotation, scale (x and y), and shear (x and y). The translation is not icluded because it can be easily (normalized or) removed from the image by subtracting the shape cetroid. The affine matrix and the affinr transformation are computed using Matlab Image Processing Toolbox functions: maketform and imtransform. So this program is only demonstrates and facilitates the computation and the applying of these functions to a 2-D image.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.79kb Publisher : gz

AffineTransformation computes and applies the geometric affine transformation to a 2-D image. The program main functions are: - Load Image: Load the image to be transformed. - Transform Image: Computes the transformation matrix from the transformation parameters specified by the user, then it applies the transformation to the loaded image. - Save Image: Save the transformed image. - Quit: Exit the program. The transformation parameters are specified by the user by editing the values of the rotation, scale (x and y), and shear (x and y). The translation is not icluded because it can be easily (normalized or) removed from the image by subtracting the shape cetroid. The affine matrix and the affinr transformation are computed using Matlab Image Processing Toolbox functions: maketform and imtransform. So this program is only demonstrates and facilitates the computation and the applying of these functions to a 2-D image.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 43.29kb Publisher : chouchoumao

The transformation parameters are specified by the user by editing the values of the rotation, scale (x and y), and shear (x and y). The translation is not icluded because it can be easily (normalized or) removed from the image by subtracting the shape cetroid. The affine matrix and the affinr transformation are computed using Matlab Image Processing Toolbox functions: maketform and imtransform. So this program is only demonstrates and facilitates the computation and the applying of these functions to a 2-D image. -The transformation parameters are specified by the user by editing the values of the rotation, scale (x and y), and shear (x and y). The translation is not icluded because it can be easily (normalized or) removed from the image by subtracting the shape cetroid. The affine matrix and the affinr transformation are computed using Matlab Image Processing Toolbox functions: maketform and imtransform. So this program is only demonstrates and facilitates the computation and the applying of these functions to a 2-D image.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : gz

基于三维空间三角网格的二维投影图像变换,包括3D仿射变换,基础矩阵求解及欧式空间的重构,对基于图像的三维重构有研究的朋友可以看下-triangular grid transform two-dimensional projection images, including 3D affine transformation, based Matrix Solution and European space reconstruction, based on the three-dimensional image reconstruction studies have friends in a glance
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 197kb Publisher : 郭震宇

robustly fits an affine fundamental matrix to a set of putatively matched image points-robustly fits an affine fundamental matri x to a set of putatively matched image points
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : suyu

AffineTransformation computes and applies the geometric affine transformation to a 2-D image. The program main functions are: - Load Image: Load the image to be transformed. - Transform Image: Computes the transformation matrix from the transformation parameters specified by the user, then it applies the transformation to the loaded image. - Save Image: Save the transformed image. - Quit: Exit the program. The transformation parameters are specified by the user by editing the values of the rotation, scale (x and y), and shear (x and y). The translation is not icluded because it can be easily (normalized or) removed from the image by subtracting the shape cetroid. The affine matrix and the affinr transformation are computed using Matlab Image Processing Toolbox functions: maketform and imtransform. So this program is only demonstrates and facilitates the computation and the applying of these functions to a 2-D image.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 43kb Publisher : chouchoumao

DL : 0
- MATLAB: Matrix Laboratory (a) Operation modes - MATLAB may be executed in terpreter, compiler, or background mode 􀁹 Interpreter mode * Type commands (statements) in the command window # A statement with semicolon at end: do not display result # A statement without semicolon: display result # Statements with commas: connect statements and display results # A statement of a single variable: just display the value # Percentage ( ): comments # Each line is a single statement or connected statements-- MATLAB: Matrix Laboratory (a) Operation modes - MATLAB may be executed in interpreter, compiler, or background mode 􀁹 Interpreter mode * Type commands (statements) in the command window # A statement with semicolon at end: do not display result # A statement without semicolon: display result # Statements with commas: connect statements and display results # A statement of a single variable: just display the value # Percentage ( ): comments # Each line is a single statement or connected statements
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 425kb Publisher : Erol

实验两张图片的拼接,对于图片中的匹配对,用ransac方法消除错配,并估计出仿射矩阵。然后将一张图进行仿射变换,再实现拼接-Experiment two pictures of the stitching, matching pairs for the picture, with ransac way to eliminate mismatches, and to estimate the affine matrix. Then an affine transformation diagram, and then realize splicing
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16.93mb Publisher : 肖旺裕

DL : 0
利用MATLAB画出一个立方体,并通过一种简单仿射变换矩阵得到变换的立方体-Use of MATLAB draw a cube, and through a simple affine transformation matrix get transformation of the cube
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 练柱先

计算图像的仿射变换matlab函数,输入原图像和变换矩阵,输出变换完的矩阵。-Calculate the image affine transformation matlab function, enter the original image and the transformation matrix the output After transformation matrix.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : HengkaiGuo

仿射不变Harris, Laplacian, det(Hessian) and Ridge 特征点检测 参考文献:An affine invariant interest point detector , K.Mikolajczyk and C.Schmid, ECCV 02, pp.I:128-142.-Matlab code for detecting Affine spatial interest points. Includes Harris, Laplacian, det(Hessian) and Ridge interest point operators in combination with spatial scale selection based on the extrema of scale-normalized Laplacian and affine adaptation basen on second-moment matrix. Scale and shape adaptation are optional and disjoint. Zip archive: Ref: An affine invariant interest point detector , K.Mikolajczyk and C.Schmid, ECCV 02, pp.I:128-142. What is in the package: 1) ineterst point detection of different kinds (Harris, Laplace, det(H), Ridge) 2) scale, shape and position adaptation procedure 3) demo examples and a script for batch-mode computation and saving of the results what is not in the package: - no rotation estimation - no region descriptor computation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 880kb Publisher : 灵台斜月

DL : 0
这个片段从fsl上生成保存仿射矩阵,涉及NifTI素世界映射的源图像和目标图像。关于matlab 生成生物医学方面的图像-Functions to convert a saved affine matrix FSL flirt to a mm-coordinates matrixrelating to the NIfTI voxel-world mappings of the source and target image。
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 王博翰

使用的版本:64位的MATLAB R2015b,代码可以直接运行仿真。 (1)提取五个特征量中的Hu矩和仿射不变矩; (2)picture用来存放训练样本和测试样本; (3)save用来保存代码运行过程中提取的特征量,matlab1存放仿射不变矩特征量, matlab2存放Hu矩特征量,Hu_BBA存放样本的Hu矩的基本信度赋值和识别类型, FS_BBA存放样本的仿射不变矩的基本信度赋值和识别类型,目标识别矩阵、信息融 果和判决结果在指令窗输出(1,2,3表示类型,0表示拒判)。 (4)使用mewpnn函数建立PNN网络,除了散布常数外,其余参数为默认值; (5)PCR6可用于处理两个及三个以上的信息源,当处理两个信息源时与PCR5规则一致。 -Use versions: 64-bit MATLAB R2015b, code can be directly run the simulation. (1) extracts five feature amounts of Hu Moment and affine invariant moment (2) picture is used to store the training samples and testing samples (3) save to save the code runs in the process of extracting feature quantity, matlab1 store affine invariant moment features, matlab2 storage Hu moment features, Hu_BBA stored samples Hu moments basic belief assignment and identify the type, FS_BBA samples stored affine moment invariants basic belief assignment and identify the type of target recognition matrix, fruit and financial information verdict in the command window output (1,2,3 indicates the type, 0 indicates False Rejection). (4) use mewpnn function creates PNN network, in addition to spread constant, the other parameters to their default values (5) PCR6 can be used to handle two and three or more sources of information when dealing with two sources of information is consistent with PCR5 rules.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.87mb Publisher : 唐乐爽

目前MATLAB里边对于多点计算仿射矩阵普遍采用RANSAC法,但是比较麻烦计算量也相对较大,通过最小二乘法来进行仿射矩阵的估计能够大大提高该效率,所以奉上自己在实验室写的仿射矩阵估计函数,来弥补matlab函数库在这方面的不足。(The MATLAB inside for calculating affine matrix commonly used RANSAC method, but more trouble calculation is relatively large, estimated by the least squares method to the affine matrix can greatly improve the efficiency, so give yourself in laboratory to write the estimated affine matrix function, to compensate for the lack of MATLAB Library in this area.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : AVATAR123
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