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[Database system旅游管理系统源代码

Description: 一个小型的旅行社管理系统-a small travel agency management system
Platform: | Size: 1390592 | Author: 含笑 | Hits:


Description: 这是用prolog写的几个程序:程序1是一个旅行社关系系统,程序2是一个家族关系系统,程序3是一个成绩管理系统-This is prolog written several programs : a procedure is a travel agency relations systems, procedures 2 is a family relationship systems, procedures 3 is a performance management system
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 小月 | Hits:


Description: 根据职业中介管理的实际需要,吸取了众多同类软件的优点,有着极强的实用性。包括求职管理、招聘管理,介绍管理,具有存储、查询、打印、导入、导出、备份、计算统计等功能。 -under the Occupational intermediary management of the actual needs of the many lessons of the merits of similar software, with a strong practical. Include career management, recruitment management, on management, with storage, query, print, importing and exporting, backup statistics are calculated, and other functions.
Platform: | Size: 656384 | Author: 竹子 | Hits:


Description: 一个旅行社管理的小程序,包括个人信息记录,人员提醒,线路输入等-A small travel agency management procedures, including personal information records, staff reminders, line input, etc.
Platform: | Size: 3318784 | Author: 鄢正 | Hits:

[Web Serverly

Description: 网域旅行社网站管理系统整站源码正式版 网域旅行社网站管理系统整站源码正式版-Travel Agency website domain management system source code official version of the entire station
Platform: | Size: 6713344 | Author: hello | Hits:

[Windows Developgas

Description: Gas Agency Management System
Platform: | Size: 918528 | Author: Daljeet | Hits:


Description: 一个很好的旅行社网站代码,有jsp写的,建议想用jsp开发网站的同仁看下-A good travel agency website code, jsp written proposal to develop the site with colleagues see next jsp
Platform: | Size: 9818112 | Author: pengjianbin | Hits:

[WEB Codeeims_HouseSite_v2.0_free

Description: EIMS_HouseSite适合各房产中介公司,有房源,会员,新闻,留言,链接等功能,系统采用ASP开发,通用ACCESS和MSSQL数据库,基本上实现了系统的自定义功能,代码简洁高效,易于修改维护,可扩展性强2.0版本 更新说明 1、修正了后台导航链接; 2、完善了会员系统; 3、完善了房源发布系统; 4、完善了房源编辑页面; 5、添加了求购求租数据表与页面; 6、修正了样式表与JS代码。 2011-2-14 后台登录页面:Admin/Login.asp 默认登录用户:admin 默认登录密码:admin888 -EIMS_HouseSite for the real estate agency, there are availability, membership, news, messages, links and other functions, the system developed by ASP, ACCESS, and MSSQL database generic, basically the system to achieve custom functionality, the code simple and efficient, easy to modify maintenance, scalable version 2.0 Update 1, amended the background navigation links 2, complete the membership system 3, improved housing distribution system 4, improve the availability editorial page 5, add a data table Qiuzu Buy the page 6, amended the style sheet with the JS code. 2011-2-14 back the login page: Admin/Login.asp default login user: admin Default Password: admin888
Platform: | Size: 1591296 | Author: 田旭 | Hits:


Description: 国内最大的PI实时数据库代理商中电飞华的技术白皮书-The largest PI agency real-time database technology FibrLINK White Paper
Platform: | Size: 6476800 | Author: li | Hits:

[Other systemsHouse-agency-system

Description: C#实现的房屋中介系统,具体说明在文件夹里的说明文档中-C# to achieve the housing agency system in the folder specified in the description of the document
Platform: | Size: 2525184 | Author: dickykang | Hits:


Description: this software write for one Taxi Agency for report cost of Agency
Platform: | Size: 6596608 | Author: MirNa | Hits:

[WEB MailEMail_-agency-

Description: 邮件代理服务平台,管理个人的多个邮件帐号-smtp,pops,eMail agency service
Platform: | Size: 1024000 | Author: 宾妮 | Hits:


Description: gas agency management system document
Platform: | Size: 1431552 | Author: raji | Hits:


Description: \Automobile Agency software for Automobile Agency-\Automobile Agency software for Automobile Agency
Platform: | Size: 459776 | Author: yogesh | Hits:


Description: maid agency system that can use by maid agency company to add new maid, modify and delete
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Lee Zhen Chyi | Hits:

[Software EngineeringTravel-Agency-Management-System

Description: 基于java的旅行社管理系统,课程设计基于b/s模式下的,功能做的不是很多。但是自己尝试的-Travel Agency Management System
Platform: | Size: 894976 | Author: 李韶杰 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringTravel-agency-management-system

Description: VB旅行社信息管理系统.旅游管理系统由团员信息表、线路信息表、团队信息表、游客团队信息表、密码信息表五个信息表组成,主要来实现旅游团队、团队团员及旅游路线相关信息的输入、查询和维护,以及旅游团队和团员信息的报表及输出、旅游路线排行榜的发布和密码的更改等各项功能。-Travel agency management system
Platform: | Size: 4161536 | Author: Hello | Hits:

[Windows Developezeego

Description: ASP.net project for travel agency
Platform: | Size: 262144 | Author: abdu@ | Hits:

[OtherTravel agency services

Description: Travel agency services
Platform: | Size: 1328128 | Author: habib1418 | Hits:

[CSharpTravel agency

Description: Travel Agency in c# and sqlserver
Platform: | Size: 3108864 | Author: habib1418 | Hits:
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