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日历时钟 按AN3,依次进入闹钟功能,闹钟时间,年,月,日和时,分,秒模式,直致退出设置状态 按AN4,调整是否起用闹钟和调节闹钟时,分,秒,年,月,日,时间的时,分,秒的数字 闹钟响时,按AN4即可停止闹钟的声响 正常状态,上排最前面显示一自定义字符,下排最前面闪动\"willar\" 设置状态,LCD上排最前面显示\"P\",下排最前面设置闹钟时显示\"alarm:\",其他显示\"time:\" 闹钟启用时,在LCD下排中间显示一小喇叭,闹钟禁用时,无此小喇叭 年代变化2000--2099,星期自动转换-calendar clock by C.acidovorans AN3, followed by entering an alarm clock, alarm clock, year, month, day and time, minutes, and seconds model zhizhi from TCD set by the state, whether the adjustment and regulation of the use of alarm clock, minute and second year, month, day, at the time, minutes, and seconds of digital alarm clock rings, can be stopped by MTT alarm sounded normal. on the front row shows a custom characters, flashing front row under "willar" settings, LCD on the front row shows that the "P", set up under the front row when the clock shows that the "alarm :" other shows that the "time :" alarm clock when it opens in the middle row LCD display under a loudspeaker, disable alarm clock, It is not small change loudspeaker during 2000 -- 20
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.42kb Publisher : 李林

DL : 0
日历时钟 按AN3,依次进入闹钟功能,闹钟时间,年,月,日和时,分,秒模式,直致退出设置状态 按AN4,调整是否起用闹钟和调节闹钟时,分,秒,年,月,日,时间的时,分,秒的数字 闹钟响时,按AN4即可停止闹钟的声响 正常状态,上排最前面显示一自定义字符,下排最前面闪动"willar" 设置状态,LCD上排最前面显示"P",下排最前面设置闹钟时显示"alarm:",其他显示"time:" 闹钟启用时,在LCD下排中间显示一小喇叭,闹钟禁用时,无此小喇叭 年代变化2000--2099,星期自动转换-calendar clock by C.acidovorans AN3, followed by entering an alarm clock, alarm clock, year, month, day and time, minutes, and seconds model zhizhi from TCD set by the state, whether the adjustment and regulation of the use of alarm clock, minute and second year, month, day, at the time, minutes, and seconds of digital alarm clock rings, can be stopped by MTT alarm sounded normal. on the front row shows a custom characters, flashing front row under "willar" settings, LCD on the front row shows that the "P", set up under the front row when the clock shows that the "alarm :" other shows that the "time :" alarm clock when it opens in the middle row LCD display under a loudspeaker, disable alarm clock, It is not small change loudspeaker during 2000-- 20
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 李林

时钟,包括闹钟,设置时间功能,,,汇编语言-clock, including an alarm clock, the time of the establishment function, and Assembly Language
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 黄云

本系统以AT89S52为核心,选用符合测量温度范围要求的DS18B20单总线数字温度传感器,DS1302串行时钟芯片,RT1602液晶显示器实现液晶显示当前日期、时间、星期和温度。当测量温度超过设定的温度上下限时,启动蜂鸣器和指示灯报警。温度显示稳定,温度值小数部分保留两位有效数字。-AT89S52 in the system as the core, consistent with the measured temperature range chosen required DS18B20 single-bus digital temperature sensor, DS1302 serial clock chip, RT1602 LCD liquid crystal display to achieve the current date, time, week and temperature. When measuring the temperature exceeds a set upper and lower temperature limit to start alarm buzzer and indicator light. Show the stability of the temperature, the temperature values of two decimal digits in the part of the reservation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 杨恒

12864液晶显示时钟 用单片机控制可是现实中调整和设置闹钟-12864 Single-chip liquid crystal display controlled by the clock but in reality the adjustment and set up alarm clock
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : chaishouzhi

a)实现时钟功能,可以在两个七段数码管上显示秒钟时间或者分钟时间,用一个开关控制两者的切换。 b)实现闹钟功能,时间到播放一段音乐,并在发光二极管上播放走马灯图案,在双色点阵发光二极管上滚动显示自己的学号。能控制滚动显示的速度以及音乐播放的速度,且用一个开关控制闹钟的开关。-a) achieve clock function, can be in two seven-segment digital tube display seconds or minutes, with a switch control to switch between the two. b) to achieve clock function, time to play some music, and play a revolving door in the light-emitting diode design, the two-color LED on the scrolling dot matrix display their student number. Can control the speed of scrolling display and music playback, and alarm clock with a switch control switch.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : lisi

DL : 0
用汇编语言编写的一个基于单片机实现的电子闹钟。里面有proteus的仿真和asm源程序-Written in assembly language implementation of a microcontroller-based electronic alarm clock. There proteus simulation and asm source
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22kb Publisher : 阙海源

使用WIN32 ASM编程,设计实现一个小闹钟。 程序功能: 1. 能显示系统当前时间,显示到秒级,并随时间刷新。 2. 采用数字电子表和模拟钟表两种方式显示。 3. 钟表每走一小时自动报时。 4. 按“Q”键退出程序。 -Use WIN32 ASM programming, design and implementation of a small alarm clock. Program features: 1. Can display the current time display to the second level, and refresh with time. 2. Using digital and analog clocks electronic form in two ways. 3. Every one hour watches automatic timekeeping. 4. Press the "Q" key to exit the program.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 53kb Publisher : 张鹏飞

Digital Clock with alarm using DS1307 For Keil/ A51 Macro Assembler Designed By: Ajay Bhargav E-mail: WWW: PS: Use only A51 Macro assembler for linking this file else you can directly use the hex file provided. And if in anycase you want to edit the code then you have to use an alternative to write the macros defined in the file. In my opinion you dont need to edit it.-Digital Clock with alarm using DS1307 For Keil/ A51 Macro Assembler Designed By: Ajay Bhargav E-mail: WWW: PS: Use only A51 Macro assembler for linking this file else you can directly use the hex file provided. And if in anycase you want to edit the code then you have to use an alternative to write the macros defined in the file. In my opinion you dont need to edit it.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : Bagusasari
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