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Description: Initial intent Algebraic Reconstruction Technique
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: fjmdtc | Hits:

[Windows Develop2P057

Description: an algorithm for algebraic reconstruction technique in medical imaging
Platform: | Size: 373760 | Author: Debapriya | Hits:

[Windows DevelopAcr8.tmp

Description: Parallel Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for computed tomography
Platform: | Size: 145408 | Author: Debapriya | Hits:


Description: 编写了一种代数重建算法的投影系数计算程序,可用于物体的三维恢复计算。-The projection coefficient of the algebraic reconstruction technique was developed.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 熊俊 | Hits:


Description: 代数重构算法,非常经典,典型的求解不适定问题的方法。。ART Algebraic reconstruction technique (Kaczmarz s method)-ART Algebraic reconstruction technique (Kaczmarz s method)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 程方 | Hits:


Description: algebraic reconstruction technique
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: bharathi | Hits:


Description: algebraic reconstruction technique using guide
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: bharathi | Hits:


Description: this file contains the user manual for Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (ART) matlab toolbox
Platform: | Size: 116736 | Author: omer | Hits:


Description: 计算机断层层析成像中的代数迭代重建算法改进算法的源代码。-Computed tomography tomography algebraic reconstruction technique improved algorithm source code.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 如如 | Hits:

[Special EffectsART

Description: 数字图像处理代数重建算法实例,以及与罚项最小二乘方重建和限制最小二乘方重建算法对比-One example used algebraic reconstruction technique to reconstruct images, also comparing with penalized least square reconstruction and constraint least square reconstruction
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zhouxiong | Hits:


Description: Wavelet based Image Reconstruction Gradient Data Fast morphological reconstruction of large logical masks. Kernel PCA and Pre-Image Reconstruction Reconstruction of image projections by Algebraic Reconstruction Technique Image Reconstruction Demo (GUI) IMAGE COMPRESSION & RECONSTRUCTION OF IMAGES Image reconstruction -Wavelet based Image Reconstruction Gradient Data Fast morphological reconstruction of large logical masks. Kernel PCA and Pre-Image Reconstruction Reconstruction of image projections by Algebraic Reconstruction Technique Image Reconstruction Demo (GUI) IMAGE COMPRESSION & RECONSTRUCTION OF IMAGES Image reconstruction
Platform: | Size: 663552 | Author: amin | Hits:

[Graph programctRecontruction

Description: 该附件的函数可实现CT重建的功能,如简单的反投影,在空间域中使用卷积的滤波反投影,采用了二维傅立叶变换的滤波反投影,并利用中心切片定理滤波反投影。 CT技术诞生以来, 人们已经发展了众多的图像重建算法, 但各种算法均存在着各自的优缺点。解析重建(Analytic Reconstruction, AR)和迭代重建(Iterative Reconstruction, IR)是CT图像重建的两种基本方法。滤过反投影(Filtered Back Projection, FBP)是解析重建的主要算法, 代数重建算法(Algebraic Reconstruction Technique, ART)是迭代重建中常用的算法。虽然世界上第一台医用CT就采用ART, 但FBP很快就代替ART成为CT图像重建的“金标准”, 这是由于ART计算速度慢、所需存储空间大, 在计算机技术水平不是很高的年代, 它的应用和发展受到了限制。(CT reconstruction package Set of functions performing ct reconstruction tasks like a radon transformation, a simple backprojection, a filtered backprojection using a convolution in the spatial domain, a filtered backprojection using a 2D Fourier transformation, and a filtered back projection using the central slice theorem.)
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 佳佳娃娃 | Hits:


Description: ART相对于其他重建方法(如 filtered backprojection (FBP))的优势在于,在重建过程中加入先验知识相对容易。(Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (ART))
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 先生000 | Hits:

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