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国际大学生程序设计竞赛例题解(二)广东省大学生程序设计竞赛试题 本书收录了第1届至第3届广东省大学生程序设计竞赛(2003—2005年ACM/ICPC广东省赛)和第28届ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛(ACM/ICPC)亚洲预赛广州赛区(2003年)的全部试题、完整的测试数据和答案。为了方便读者学习,本书对每个题目作了详尽的题目分析并详细地讲解其算法实现的原理,同时提供了完善的标准程序及其程序分析供读者参考。书中还提供了竞赛时评判用的基本测试数据,以方便读者测试自行完成上述题目的结果。随书还附有光盘,存放竞赛时评判用全部的测试数据,以便于有更高、更严格要求的同学能利用规模更大的测试数据进行训练和学习。. 本书所提供的题目都是原创题,题目构思新颖,所涉及到的算法知识面广,其涉及的算法知识基本上覆盖大学计算机类本科专业所学到的基本算法。本书可以作为高等院校有关专业的研究生和本科学生参加国际大学生程序设计竞赛的辅导教材,也可作为高等院校有关专业相关课程的教学参考书和例题集,并且适于作为中学青少年信息学奥林匹克竞赛省级及省级以上优秀选手备战信息学奥林匹克竞赛的培训教材及训练题集。-International Collegiate Programming Contest Examples solution (2) Guangdong Province Collegiate Programming Contest questions the book contains No. 1-to 3 - Guangdong Province Collegiate Programming Contest (2003-2005 ACM / ICPC Guangdong provincial competition) and the 28th ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM / ICPC) Asian preliminaries Guangzhou stadium (2003) all the questions, the test data integrity and answers. To facilitate learning readers, the book on every subject, made a detailed analysis of the topic and explain in detail its algorithm theory, It also provides a sound standard procedures and program analysis for the reference of our readers. The book also provides a judge at the competition with the basic test data to facilitate the reader to complete the tes
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 11.21mb Publisher : wu

包含了算法导论大部分习题的解答 供学习参考用-introduction of the algorithm contains most of the answers to the questions of reference for learning
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.07mb Publisher : 花名册

国际大学生程序设计竞赛例题解(二)广东省大学生程序设计竞赛试题 本书收录了第1届至第3届广东省大学生程序设计竞赛(2003—2005年ACM/ICPC广东省赛)和第28届ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛(ACM/ICPC)亚洲预赛广州赛区(2003年)的全部试题、完整的测试数据和答案。为了方便读者学习,本书对每个题目作了详尽的题目分析并详细地讲解其算法实现的原理,同时提供了完善的标准程序及其程序分析供读者参考。书中还提供了竞赛时评判用的基本测试数据,以方便读者测试自行完成上述题目的结果。随书还附有光盘,存放竞赛时评判用全部的测试数据,以便于有更高、更严格要求的同学能利用规模更大的测试数据进行训练和学习。. 本书所提供的题目都是原创题,题目构思新颖,所涉及到的算法知识面广,其涉及的算法知识基本上覆盖大学计算机类本科专业所学到的基本算法。本书可以作为高等院校有关专业的研究生和本科学生参加国际大学生程序设计竞赛的辅导教材,也可作为高等院校有关专业相关课程的教学参考书和例题集,并且适于作为中学青少年信息学奥林匹克竞赛省级及省级以上优秀选手备战信息学奥林匹克竞赛的培训教材及训练题集。-International Collegiate Programming Contest Examples solution (2) Guangdong Province Collegiate Programming Contest questions the book contains No. 1-to 3- Guangdong Province Collegiate Programming Contest (2003-2005 ACM/ICPC Guangdong provincial competition) and the 28th ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM/ICPC) Asian preliminaries Guangzhou stadium (2003) all the questions, the test data integrity and answers. To facilitate learning readers, the book on every subject, made a detailed analysis of the topic and explain in detail its algorithm theory, It also provides a sound standard procedures and program analysis for the reference of our readers. The book also provides a judge at the competition with the basic test data to facilitate the reader to complete the tes
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.21mb Publisher : wu

数据结构1800试题 根据章节分类 包括选择填空判断以及问答应用 数据结构与算法复习用-1800 test data structure including the selection of classification according to chapter, as well as fill in the blank questions and answers to determine application data structure and algorithm review by
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.31mb Publisher : 青萝

数据结构1800试题相对的答案 根据章节分类 包括选择填空判断以及问答应用 数据结构与算法复习用 -1800 data structure answers questions relative classification in accordance with sections including the selection and fill in the blank questions and answers to determine application data structure and algorithm review by
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 907kb Publisher : 青萝

算法导论的英文版,.chm格式,视觉效果比较好,便于使用;还有MIT的课件;以及部分习题和思考题的答案-The English version of Introduction to Algorithms,. Chm format, better visual effects, easy to use also MIT courseware as well as some exercises and reflection questions answers
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22.65mb Publisher : captain

(英文原版)数据结构与算法分析(C++版)单选试题与答案-(English original) Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis (C++ Version) radio questions and answers
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15kb Publisher : xiaozhu

5年NOI论文中关于算法思想的题目及解答-5-year paper on the algorithm NOI thinking questions and answers
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.46mb Publisher : pig

DL : 0
算法设计与分析基础第二版习题答案,里面还有考试用的试题及答案-Algorithm design and analysis of the basis of answers to the second edition of exercises, which are used in examination questions and answers
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.52mb Publisher : 于坤宵

博弈是信息学和数学试题中常会出现的一种类型,算法灵活多变是其最大特点,而其中有一类试题更是完全无法用常见的博弈树来进行解答。-Game information science and mathematics test there a type of the Central Standing Committee, the algorithm is the largest flexible features, which is a class of questions can not be entirely common answers to the game tree.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 天雨

word版本,算法与数据结构的试题及答案,电信系,比较基础。-word version of the algorithm and data structures of the questions and answers, telecommunications, Department of basis of comparison.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22kb Publisher : 许芳

DL : 0
麻省理工学院有关算法的试题及答案,大家可以挑战一下世界一流大学的难度!!加油-Massachusetts Institute of Technology questions and answers about the algorithm, we can challenge the difficulty of what world-class university!!加油! !
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 586kb Publisher : 吴雨

DL : 0
acm历年试题与解答,主要关注算法与数据结构,如果想参加acm比赛,应该有所帮助。-acm questions and answers over the years, the main concern about algorithm and data structures, if you want to participate in acm games should help.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.78mb Publisher : 蔡汉忠

数据结构及应用算法_综合训练题+参考答案,是学习数据结构的好资料,一套好的试题-Algorithm for data structure and application of comprehensive training title+ _ suggested answers, is to learn good information data structure, a set of good questions
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 190kb Publisher : 庄桐泉

DL : 0
本内容包含了两套算法设计与分析的题目包含答案,供学习和参考-Algorithm design and analysis of two sets contains the answers to questions
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : zoudx

DL : 0
算法方面的有关题目,概念解释,考试题型,课后题及答案-Algorithm on relevant topics, explanations of concepts exam Questions, questions and answers after-school
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 688kb Publisher : 猴子

26道小型算法题及答案 (全部是C语言实现)文档-26 small algorithm questions and answers
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25kb Publisher : 时明

《Algorithmic Puzzles--算法谜题》算法是计算机科学领域最重要的基石之一。算法谜题,就是能够直接或间接地采用算法来加以解决的谜题。求解算法谜题是培养和锻炼算法思维能力一种最有效和最有乐趣的途径。   《算法谜题》是一本经典算法谜题的合集。书中包括了一些古已有之的谜题,数学和计算机科学有一部分知识就发源于此。《算法谜题》中还有一些较新的谜题,其中有一部分谜题被用作知名IT企业的面试题。全书可分为4个部分,分别是概览、谜题、提示和答案。概览介绍了算法设计的通用策略和算法分析的技术,还附带有不少的实例。谜题部分将谜题按照简单、中等难度和较难三个层级分别列出。提示部分依次给出谜题提示,帮助读者找到正确的解题方向,同时仍然为读者留下了独立求解的空间。答案部分则给出了谜题的详细解答。-"Algorithmic Puzzles- arithmetic puzzles" algorithm is one of the most important cornerstones of computer science. Algorithm puzzle, is the ability to directly or indirectly employ algorithms to be addressed puzzles. Solving puzzles is to develop algorithms and thinking ability to exercise one of the most effective algorithms and most fun way. "Algorithmic puzzle" is a classic puzzle collection algorithm. The book includes some existed since ancient puzzles, math and computer science knowledge on the part originated. "Algorithmic puzzles," there are some newer puzzles, which have been used as part of the puzzle renowned IT companies face questions. The book is divided into four parts, namely an overview, puzzles, tips and answers. Overview describes the common strategies and algorithms algorithm design analysis technology, but also comes with a lot of examples. Section will be listed in the puzzle puzzles easy, medium and difficult three levels of difficulty, respectively. Tip parts
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.19mb Publisher : 黄培东
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