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[Program docAndroid公司内部培训资料

Description: 介绍:据说是某500强公司的培训教程 第一章 Android开发环境 第二章 Android基础知识 第四章 Android虚拟机 第六章 Android进程间通信7 第七章 Android Camera架构 第八章 Android GWES 第九章 Android安全机制 第十一章 Android内核驱动——Alarm 第十三章 Android内核驱动——电源管理
Platform: | Size: 6379523 | Author: ldf198312 | Hits:


Description: android学习资料,入门第一课。我的学习心得,大家一起来学呀-android study data, entry-the first lesson. My study experience, everyone will work together to study it
Platform: | Size: 1211392 | Author: wangyong | Hits:

[Video CaptureCamera

Description: Android 1.5的内置的Camera组件的源码,可以用于学习Camera硬件的操控方式。-Camera built-in Android 1.5 source code components can be used to learn from Camera hardware control mode.
Platform: | Size: 1751040 | Author: Li Li | Hits:


Description: android下的camera程序 android下的camera程序-android under the camera program under the camera program android
Platform: | Size: 5926912 | Author: 刘辉 | Hits:


Description: Android Camera应用程序源代码,用于实现android系统下图像捕获功能-android camera source code
Platform: | Size: 175104 | Author: zhaozhe | Hits:


Description: HTC android Camera源码.注明:通过逆向工程得到的,原文件没有作过保护,源码完全可读.-HTC android Camera Source. Indicate: obtained through reverse engineering, the original files are not made to protect, source completely readable.
Platform: | Size: 281600 | Author: 依然 | Hits:


Description: android上照相程序的源代码,基本实现手机的照相功能-android source code on the camera, basic camera phone capabilities to achieve
Platform: | Size: 561152 | Author: tank | Hits:


Description: Android下的Camera程序,调用camera照相并显示-Take picture with Android camera and display it.
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: JerryZ | Hits:


Description: 项目需要,自制一android拍照源码,带自动对焦功能,已通过测试。-Needs of the project, made an android photo source, with automatic focus function, has been tested.
Platform: | Size: 2424832 | Author: 马军 | Hits:


Description: Android Camera activity
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Kishore | Hits:


Description: 实现Android摄像头视频的捕捉以及H.264压缩传输-Achieve Android camera video capture and H.264 compression and transmission
Platform: | Size: 1345536 | Author: Jason | Hits:


Description: 本文详细介绍了Android摄像头的开发方法,应用范例-This paper describes the development methods of Android camera , application examples
Platform: | Size: 2026496 | Author: Jason | Hits:


Description: android camera的框架分析,android下面比较框架基本上都是客户端服务器的架构,客户端提供接口给上层使用,服务器端实现具体的方法,包括与底层的接口。-android camera' s frame analysis, android following comparative framework basically client-server architecture, the client provides an interface to the upper use server-side implementation of specific methods, including the underlying interface.
Platform: | Size: 131072 | Author: caibaihui | Hits:


Description: android 4.0 camera src/com/android/camera 源码-android 4.0 camera src/com/android/camera source code
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: zhukunhua | Hits:


Description: android安卓相机源代码,功能比较完整,用于学习-android camera code.
Platform: | Size: 1593344 | Author: o1o2o3o4o5 | Hits:


Description: 一个android照相机软件源码,功能是打开后开始照相,触摸屏幕从而保存照片。-An example of android camera,see the source and learn from it!
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: 孙庚泽 | Hits:


Description: android的camera开发部分 android的camera开发部分。-Android camera development section. Android camera development section.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: beinhumble | Hits:


Description: Android Camera源码及资料,学习好资料-Android Camera source code
Platform: | Size: 1219584 | Author: mxl | Hits:

[Software EngineeringAndroid-Camera-HAL2012.1.30---

Description: Android Camera HAL2012.1.30 - .zip-Android Camera HAL2012.1.30-. Zip
Platform: | Size: 211968 | Author: taiwane | Hits:


Description: android的相机(android——camera)代码,这是一个完成的工程,用Eclipse导入即可编译使用。-android camera (android- camera) code, which is a completed project with Eclipse import can be compiled to use.
Platform: | Size: 263168 | Author: 梁杰凯 | Hits:
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