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Description: 1、 图片浏览器(Picture Viewer) 2 、文件浏览器(File Browser) 3 、通讯录(Contact) 4 、任务管理器(Task Manager) 5 、音乐播放器(Rock Player) 6 、天气预报(Android Weather Forecast) 7 、多媒体播放器(Android Media Player) 8、短信语音播报(Speak Message Service) 9、手机远程监控(Cam Monitor) 10、贪吃蛇游戏(Snake)
Platform: | Size: 3103789 | Author: wangyingjie2008@163.com | Hits:


Description: Android 框架原理,对学写Android很重要-Android framework of principles, to write a very important Android
Platform: | Size: 5948416 | Author: xiazhigang | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopFileBrowser

Description: android文件系统,可以浏览文件,创建文件与目录,删除文件与目录。-android file system, can browse files, create files and directories, delete files and directories.
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: wgh | Hits:


Description: Android下的一些非官方JAVA代码, 具有很好的参考价值,适合入门以及资深人员的需要. 直接用eclipse import就可以完美运行了.-The java programs running in google android dalvik jvm, for those who are junior or senior developer and working on mobile device software development.
Platform: | Size: 4003840 | Author: Edwin | Hits:

[Browser ClientBrowser.tar

Description: Android平台上Applicaiton层中WebBrowser(浏览器)的源代码,直接调用著名的webkit浏览器引擎。需要调到是苹果的Safari浏览器用的也是这个核。-Android platform on Applicaiton layer WebBrowser (browser) the source code, direct calls to the well-known WebKit browser engine. Are required to Apple' s Safari browser is also used in the nuclear.
Platform: | Size: 948224 | Author: 侯晓峰 | Hits:


Description: android平台,获取联系人资料——Provider.Contact的使用-android platform, access to contact information- Provider. Contact the use of
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: junhua | Hits:


Description: android os 记事本功能的练习例子,包括UI,SQlite的操作,分三个阶段完成功能,文件名结尾为_Solution的文件是解决方案,可以对应该文件练习,代码有注释-android os Notepad function of exercise examples, including the UI, SQlite operation, completion in three phases, the file name ends with _Solution file is the solution, can be paper exercises, code annotated
Platform: | Size: 76800 | Author: zane | Hits:

[Software EngineeringContact-src

Description: 一份Android通讯录的源码实例! -Android source code example of an address book! Android source code example of an address book!
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: Joe | Hits:


Description: android 通讯录,适合初学者学习代码-android address book, suitable for beginners to learn the code
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: bok | Hits:


Description: Android手机操作系统下,实现的联系人名录管理系统-Android mobile operating system, contact list management system to achieve
Platform: | Size: 268288 | Author: 小马 | Hits:


Description: 基于android的通讯录简单源代码,供android爱好者参考。-Address book based on the android source code
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 丁浩 | Hits:


Description: Contacts of android using eclipse
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: Han Kazuki | Hits:


Description: android的联系人功能,可在eclipse和linux下编译通过。-android contact functions, and in eclipse under linux compile.
Platform: | Size: 466944 | Author: james | Hits:


Description: 手机上通讯录的功能,用Android编程实现,用到了数据库的知识。-Mobile phone address book function, with Android programming, uses a database of knowledge.
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: lixiang | Hits:


Description: android IMSI前5位对应移动运营商名称的列表-android IMSI corresponding to the top 5 mobile operators in the list of names
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: jianhua | Hits:


Description: android 个人通讯录 包含新增 删除 查询 修改-android personal address book contains new delete query modification
Platform: | Size: 204800 | Author: 老林 | Hits:


Description: 获取ANDROID手机中的联系人列表,android 2.2 以上-Get ANDROID phone contact list
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: demonk | Hits:


Description: 这是android联系人代码,有需要的朋友可以下下来看一下-android contact
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: kaka | Hits:


Description: 对于新的联系人,手机用户可以添加新联系人的头像,姓名,手机号码,办公室电话,家庭电话,职务职称,单位名称,地址,邮政编码,Email,其他联系方式,备注这些信息。 可以输入联系人名字或者手机来查找联系人的信息,方便用户快速找到联系人,查询结果显示在当前页。 通过长点击来删除要删除的联系人。 可以根据需要修改联系人的所有信息。 -android contact
Platform: | Size: 4339712 | Author: 凯聪 | Hits:


Description: Android联系人的效果模仿,联系人ListView实现(The Android contact effect mimics the contacts ListView implementation)
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: llsi | Hits:
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