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最近在学习android中如何使用C/C++编程。下载了好多非常好的资料,现在与大家分享。其中包括:Cygwin的下载与环境搭建。NDK,JNI,MK的使用。这份资料还是很全面的。-Recently in learning how to use the android C/C++ programming. Download a lot of very good information to share with you now. These include: Cygwin download and environmental structures. NDK, JNI, MK use. This information is very comprehensive.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.77mb Publisher : 王者

NDK+android的安装,配置过程。。以及简单的实例-NDK,install,preference steps,and some simple examples
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44kb Publisher : 吴京

win7下,android开发环境搭建全流程,JDK,SDK,NDK,CYGWIN-under win7, the android development environment to build the whole process, JDK, the SDK, NDK is the CYGWIN
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.69mb Publisher : leo

ndk R7之前的版本,必须要安装Cygwin才能使用NDK。从R7开始则不需要,这是不使用Cygwin的ndk开发环境搭建指南-The ndk R7 must install Cygwin to use the NDK. You do not need starting from R7, do not use Cygwin ndk development environment to build Guide
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 316kb Publisher : zhao

android开发中有关jni的环境设置-jni android development environment settings
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : 刘波

TESSERACT可能是最準確的開源OCR引擎。結合Leptonica圖像處理庫,它可以讀取多種圖像格式,並轉換為文本在超過60種語言。這是前3發動機的1995年UNLV精度的測試之一。在1995年和2006年之間,有一點就可以完成的工作,但自那時以來,它已經被廣泛的谷歌改善。它是根據Apache許可證2.0。 支持的平台 在Linux,Windows TESSERACT工程(含VC + +速成或Cygwin)和Mac OSX。詳細信息和安裝說明,請參閱自述文件。它也可以被編譯為其他平台,包括Android和iPhone,但這些都不是作為很好的測試平台。為其他項目使用TESSERACT,在各種平台上的擴展頁面。 如果你有興趣在支持其他平台或語言,請與雷·史密斯或開發商取得聯繫。 -TESSERACT is probably the most accurate open source OCR engine. Combined Leptonica image processing library, which can be read by a variety of image formats, and convert it to text in more than 60 languages. This is the first 3 engine 1995 UNLV Accuracy test one. In 1995 and 2006, there is little you can complete the work, but since then, it has been widely Google improvements. It is based on the Apache License 2.0. Supported Platforms on Linux, Windows TESSERACT works (including VC++ crash or Cygwin) and Mac OSX. For more information and installation instructions, see the readme file. It can also be compiled for other platforms, including Android and iPhone, but these are not as good test platform. For other projects using TESSERACT, on various platforms extension page. If you are interested in supporting other platforms or languages, please contact with Leishimisi or developers.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.71mb Publisher : ken

学习android jni很好的文档,内容很全很详细-Learning android jni good documentation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.76mb Publisher : 李欢

DL : 0
Cygwin下获取Android源代码 -Cygwin Android
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 齐天

1、 环境搭建: 3 1.1、 安装Eclipse 3 1.2、 下载JDK 3 1.3、 下载Android SDK 5 1.4、 给Eclipse 安装ADT插件 8 1.5、 运行Eclipse设置Android ADT插件 10 1.6、 NDK安装 12 1.7、 安装Cygwin 13 1.8、 创建虚拟机 15 1.9、 编译并运行控件安卓例子-1, environmental structures: 3 1.1, install Eclipse 3 1.2, download JDK 3 1.3, download the Android SDK 5 1.4 ADT plugin for Eclipse installation 8 1.5 runs Android ADT Eclipse plugin settings 10 1.6, NDK installation 12 1.7, install Cygwin 13 1.8, to create a virtual machine 15 1.9, compile and run the example controls Andrews
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.05mb Publisher : mxdraw

适用于 Android 语音识别,使用 PocketSphinx 的必要组件之一,全部组件包括: 1、Android NDK 2、Cygwin 3、sphinxbase-0.7 4、cmuclmtk-0.7-win32 5、pocketsphinx-0.7 6、PocketSphinxAndroidDemo 具体使用参照博客文章: of the necessary components for Android voice recognition, use PocketSphinx, and all the components, including: 1, Android NDK 2, Cygwin 3, sphinxbase-0.7 4, cmuclmtk-0.7-win32 5, pocketsphinx-0.7 6, PocketSphinxAndroidDemo specific use reference blog articles :
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 18.65mb Publisher : 孙旭峰
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