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[Develop ToolsStruts_1_2_3_4_5_6sdfeoqx

Description: 本书由浅入深、循序渐进地介绍了如何使用Apache著名开源软件Struts来构建Web应用,同时介绍了一些构建Web应用时常用到的开源软件的使 用方法,如Hibernate、Lucene等。全书分为5篇,共22章,内容涵盖了Java Web应用概述、Struts入门、配置文件、Struts控制器、模型、 Struts国际化、Struts标记库、多模块开发与Struts扩展、使用Tiles组织页面、使用Validator包进行验证、Struts的异常处理、Struts与 Log4j、Struts与Ant、Struts与JUnit、Struts与Hibernate、Struts与Lucene以及DigitStore网站分析。本书最大的特点在于为读者准备了非 富的Web应用程序示例以供学习和扩展,力求使读者在学习理论的同时能够进一步通过现有的程序示例加深理解,牢固掌握知识。本书适合Java 程序员和从事计算机软件开发的其他编程人员及项目开发人员,同时也可以作为新手学习Struts的最佳教材-book elementary, gradual introduction of the well-known how to use Apache Struts open source software to build Web applications, also introduced a number of building Web applications often use the open source software use, such as Hibernate. Lucene other. The entire book is divided into five, a total of 22 chapters, covers the Java Web Applications, Struts Portal, configuration files, Struts controller, model, Struts International, marking the Struts, Multi-module development and expansion of Struts, Tiles organizations use pages, Validator use packet validation and Struts exception handling, Struts and Log4j, Struts and Ant, and JUnit Struts, Struts and Hibernate. Struts and Lucene and DigitStore site analysis. The book features is the biggest preparation for the readers of the non-rich W
Platform: | Size: 26399548 | Author: ant008 | Hits:


Description: 本书由浅入深、循序渐进地介绍了如何使用Apache著名开源软件Struts来构建Web应用,同时介绍了一些构建Web应用时常用到的开源软件的使 用方法,如Hibernate、Lucene等。全书分为5篇,共22章,内容涵盖了Java Web应用概述、Struts入门、配置文件、Struts控制器、模型、 Struts国际化、Struts标记库、多模块开发与Struts扩展、使用Tiles组织页面、使用Validator包进行验证、Struts的异常处理、Struts与 Log4j、Struts与Ant、Struts与JUnit、Struts与Hibernate、Struts与Lucene以及DigitStore网站分析。本书最大的特点在于为读者准备了非 富的Web应用程序示例以供学习和扩展,力求使读者在学习理论的同时能够进一步通过现有的程序示例加深理解,牢固掌握知识。本书适合Java 程序员和从事计算机软件开发的其他编程人员及项目开发人员,同时也可以作为新手学习Struts的最佳教材-book elementary, gradual introduction of the well-known how to use Apache Struts open source software to build Web applications, also introduced a number of building Web applications often use the open source software use, such as Hibernate. Lucene other. The entire book is divided into five, a total of 22 chapters, covers the Java Web Applications, Struts Portal, configuration files, Struts controller, model, Struts International, marking the Struts, Multi-module development and expansion of Struts, Tiles organizations use pages, Validator use packet validation and Struts exception handling, Struts and Log4j, Struts and Ant, and JUnit Struts, Struts and Hibernate. Struts and Lucene and DigitStore site analysis. The book features is the biggest preparation for the readers of the non-rich W
Platform: | Size: 26399744 | Author: ant008 | Hits:


Description: ant进阶:使用ant来开发java的web项目,直接发布为war包,可以在web容器下直接运行-ant Advanced: Using ant to develop a web project java, direct release package for the war, you can directly run the web container
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: ccbobo | Hits:

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