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A program to find frequent itemsets with the relim algorithm (recursive elimination), which is inspired by the FP-growth algorithm, but does its work without prefix trees or any other complicated data structures. The main strength of this algorithm is not its speed (although it is not slow, but even outperforms apriori and eclat on some data sets!), but the simplicity of its structure. Basically all the work is done in one recursive function of about 60-70 lines of code. The current version can only find free item sets. An extension to closed and maximal item sets is possible and may be available in the future.-A program to find frequent itemsets with th e relim algorithm (recursive elimination). which is inspired by the FP-growth algorithm, but does its work without prefix trees or any oth er complicated data structures. The main stren gth of this algorithm is not its speed (although it is not slow, but even outperforms apriori and eclat on some d was observed sets!) , but the simplicity of its structure. Basically all the work is done in one of recursive function about 60-70 lines of code. The current version c an only find free item sets. An extension to clos ed and maximal item sets is possible and may be av ailable in the future.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 30.23kb Publisher : clark

A program to find frequent itemsets with the relim algorithm (recursive elimination), which is inspired by the FP-growth algorithm, but does its work without prefix trees or any other complicated data structures. The main strength of this algorithm is not its speed (although it is not slow, but even outperforms apriori and eclat on some data sets!), but the simplicity of its structure. Basically all the work is done in one recursive function of about 60-70 lines of code. The current version can only find free item sets. An extension to closed and maximal item sets is possible and may be available in the future.-A program to find frequent itemsets with th e relim algorithm (recursive elimination). which is inspired by the FP-growth algorithm, but does its work without prefix trees or any oth er complicated data structures. The main stren gth of this algorithm is not its speed (although it is not slow, but even outperforms apriori and eclat on some d was observed sets!) , but the simplicity of its structure. Basically all the work is done in one of recursive function about 60-70 lines of code. The current version c an only find free item sets. An extension to clos ed and maximal item sets is possible and may be av ailable in the future.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 33.41kb Publisher : clark

这是一个数据挖掘中的关联规则挖掘的经典算法:Apriori算法的程序-This is the code of Apriori-the classical algorithm used in Association Rules of Data Mining
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 678kb Publisher : 金水湾

A program to find frequent itemsets with the relim algorithm (recursive elimination), which is inspired by the FP-growth algorithm, but does its work without prefix trees or any other complicated data structures. The main strength of this algorithm is not its speed (although it is not slow, but even outperforms apriori and eclat on some data sets!), but the simplicity of its structure. Basically all the work is done in one recursive function of about 60-70 lines of code. The current version can only find free item sets. An extension to closed and maximal item sets is possible and may be available in the future.-A program to find frequent itemsets with th e relim algorithm (recursive elimination). which is inspired by the FP-growth algorithm, but does its work without prefix trees or any oth er complicated data structures. The main stren gth of this algorithm is not its speed (although it is not slow, but even outperforms apriori and eclat on some d was observed sets!) , but the simplicity of its structure. Basically all the work is done in one of recursive function about 60-70 lines of code. The current version c an only find free item sets. An extension to clos ed and maximal item sets is possible and may be av ailable in the future.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 30kb Publisher : clark

A program to find frequent itemsets with the relim algorithm (recursive elimination), which is inspired by the FP-growth algorithm, but does its work without prefix trees or any other complicated data structures. The main strength of this algorithm is not its speed (although it is not slow, but even outperforms apriori and eclat on some data sets!), but the simplicity of its structure. Basically all the work is done in one recursive function of about 60-70 lines of code. The current version can only find free item sets. An extension to closed and maximal item sets is possible and may be available in the future.-A program to find frequent itemsets with th e relim algorithm (recursive elimination). which is inspired by the FP-growth algorithm, but does its work without prefix trees or any oth er complicated data structures. The main stren gth of this algorithm is not its speed (although it is not slow, but even outperforms apriori and eclat on some d was observed sets!) , but the simplicity of its structure. Basically all the work is done in one of recursive function about 60-70 lines of code. The current version c an only find free item sets. An extension to clos ed and maximal item sets is possible and may be av ailable in the future.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 33kb Publisher : clark

利用VisualC_实现AutoCAD等高线自动连接,基于VisualC_的雷达PPI显示仿真研究,基于C_向量运算的Apriori算法程序设计与实现,基于VisualC_的汽车制动性模拟计算,C_程序设计教学中的技能培养,自考_C_程序设计_课程教学探析。-Connecting Contour Lines Automatically Using Visual C++;A Research on Radar PPI Display Simulation Based On Visual C++;Based on C_ vector operation Apriori algorithm and program design and implementation;How to Improve Students’ Programming Skill in Teaching Demonstrating with C++ Selection Statements;An Explorative Analysis on the Course Teaching of C++ Programming。
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.41mb Publisher : 刘海龙

DL : 0
C++程序Apriori算法运用在数据挖掘中-C++ program Apriori algorithm used in data mining
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 342kb Publisher : leeyue
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